Mlp elements of harmony

The Elements of Harmony are wonderful little rocks that do sparkly and zappy things!

The Elements of Harmony were six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. The narration during the prologue of Friendship is Magic, part 1 describes the Elements of Harmony as "the most powerful magic known to ponydom". However, doing so had the potential to release the Everfree Forest and destroy Equestria. Each artifact represents an element of friendship and only activates if the wielder possesses the corresponding trait and if all six are used in conjunction. However, the effects of their use were generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment. The Elements of Harmony are first mentioned in the first episode's prologue.

Mlp elements of harmony

The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. They have been wielded on rare occasions, particularly during events marked by danger and anarchy as a last resort to restore and enforce the balance of peace and order. However, the effects of their use are generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment. They are the Order counterpart of the Elements of Chaos and were made to replace the Elements of Virtue after they disappeared after the battle against the Pony of Shadows. Before starting being used by the Main Six, the Elements of Harmony taked the form of gems, with the Element of Magic taking the form of a star. The element of honesty is as a gold necklace with an orange apple-shaped citrine that looks like the apples in Applejack's cutie mark. The element of kindness is as a gold necklace with a pink butterfly-shaped opal that looks like the butterflies in Fluttershy's cutie mark. The element of laughter is a gold necklace with a blue balloon-shaped topaz that looks like the balloons in Pinkie's cutie mark. The element of generosity is as a gold necklace with a purple diamond-shaped amethyst that looks like the diamonds in Rarity's cutie mark. The element of loyalty is as a gold necklace with a red ruby shaped similarly to the thunderbolt in Rainbow Dash's cutie mark.

Retrieved on December The eldest, Princess Celestia, used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn, while Princess Luna brought out the moon at night.


The Elements of Harmony were six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. The narration during the prologue of Friendship is Magic, part 1 describes the Elements of Harmony as "the most powerful magic known to ponydom". However, doing so had the potential to release the Everfree Forest and destroy Equestria. Each artifact represents an element of friendship and only activates if the wielder possesses the corresponding trait and if all six are used in conjunction. However, the effects of their use were generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment. The Elements of Harmony are first mentioned in the first episode's prologue. The narrator tells that once upon a time, the sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna co-ruled the land of Equestria. The eldest, Princess Celestia, used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn, while Princess Luna brought out the moon at night. But over time, Princess Luna grew resentful of their subjects who played in the day but slept throughout the night. One day, she refused to lower the moon and her bitterness transformed her into Nightmare Moon.

Mlp elements of harmony

It is the second half of a two-part episode. In this episode, Twilight Sparkle and her new friends travel to the Castle of the Two Sisters to retrieve the Elements of Harmony in the hope of stopping Nightmare Moon from taking over Equestria. The Laughter Song and its scene reappears in Cakes for the Memories.

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She casts a memory spell on her friends, restoring their former personalities. Reluctantly, Princess Celestia used the magic of the Elements of Harmony to defeat her sister and banish her permanently in the moon. For the episode sharing this name, see Friendship is Magic, part 2. Princess Cadance mentions that Twilight's princess crown is actually her Element of Harmony, even though it looks different. Wait, what's this? However, the effects of their use are generally temporary and non-lethal, usually a form of banishment or imprisonment. I think that the elements accurately represented each character throughout the show, however I think that Starlight or Sunset Shimmer should've gotten an element. Twilight Sparkle does as she is told and inadvertently befriends five ponies, but is still confused about the Princess's insistence on friendship. The elements come alive and zap Twilight to a "dream world", where she encounters Princess Celestia. Element of Magic 2nd form. In School Raze - Part 2 , the Elements are mentioned by Cozy Glow and S08E01 Unnamed Earth Mare 1 , the latter of whom points out when the Young Six are "glowing like the Elements"—in an October 13, Twitter conversation, Jim Miller , Nicole Dubuc , and Josh Haber were asked, "how significant are the colors the young six glowed when the tree of harmony saved them at the end of part 2? In the prologue, the gems are red loyalty , orange honesty , green generosity , blue laughter , pink kindness , and purple magic. The Elements, wielded by the friends, create a rainbow-colored blast of magic that vanquishes Nightmare Moon and returns her to her original form of Princess Luna. Discord schemes to make Fluttershy remove her Element and never use it against him, which she does willingly as a sign of trust and friendship, ultimately swaying him. Twilight Sparkle , Princess Celestia's pupil, discovers that Nightmare Moon is set to return "on the longest day of the thousandth year", which is in two days' time.

Nightmare Moon : What? Twilight Sparkle : Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of

However, during the final confrontation with the three villains, she realizes that the Elements were merely emblems of the Magic of Friendship, which is unaffected by their loss. Discord schemes to make Fluttershy remove her Element and never use it against him, which she does willingly as a sign of trust and friendship, ultimately swaying him. For the articles concerning the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, see Characters Main characters. Their power revolves around dedication to the wielders' homeland of Cunabula rather than each other. When the friends encounter an angry manticore , they decide to fight it, but Fluttershy calmly approaches it. The element of laughter is a gold necklace with a blue balloon-shaped gem that looks like the balloons in Pinkie's cutie mark. In the first part of season nine's two-part premiere, the Mane Six use the Elements of Harmony to defeat King Sombra when he resurfaces and reconquers the Crystal Empire. They are the Order counterpart of the Elements of Chaos and were made to replace the Elements of Virtue after they disappeared after the battle against the Pony of Shadows. Popular pages. The friends enter a dense forest of trees with scary faces, but Pinkie Pie laughs and makes funny faces at the trees, causing the faces on the trees to vanish in pink smoke with sparkles. Current Wiki.

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