How to counter yorick
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players.
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How to counter yorick
Yorick is a melee bruiser, viable only toplane. His strengths are linked to the low pick rate of the champion. In the other hand, most yorick players complain about how the champion struggles in the top ladder. In fact, his winrate is inversely proportional to elo. So yorick gets weaker the higher you get in divisions. Yorick can have up to four Mist Walkers in his service at once. A grave is occasionally created when enemy minions or neutral monsters die near Yorick, and all enemy champions that die near him leave a grave. Yorick ghouls can proc black cleaver passive for each auto attack, tho it procs conqueror passive only once each 5secs. If Last Rites kills a target, it creates a grave. If there are at least three graves nearby and Last Rites is on cooldown, Yorick can instead cast Awakening to raise Mist Walkers from the graves. Yorick summons a destructible wall of corpses that encircles a target area for a few seconds. Yorick hurls a globule of Mist that deals magic damage, applies a slow, and marks a target.
Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment. If your E is down, auto the cage until it breaks, though you should be saving vault to counter his cage engage in laning phase.
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Noxian Guillotine does more damage the more attacks you can land prior to it. Use Noxian Might to deal maximum damage. Darius benefits greatly from enhanced survivability. The longer you can prolong a fight, the more powerful he becomes. Decimate is a powerful harassment ability. Strike an enemy from maximum range for the greatest effect. You can attack Dark Procession to break the wall down.
How to counter yorick
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Yorick Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Yorick. Worst Picks Against Yorick. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages.
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The Maiden is really really strong in 1v1 or even 1v2 situation so try to get hit by his skill shot under your turret so that The Maiden aggros onto you and actually dies under turret or try to kill her when Yorick's going for a recall. It will put Yorick behind so much he can not free farm. We win post 6. He and his wife most importantly outscales you if you didnt get a massive lead pre lvl 6. His maiden and ghouls makes him so powerful. Spam Ice Blast on Yorick. Phrxshn's Guide To Malphite[ You just kinda go even and outscale in most cases. In fact, his winrate is inversely proportional to elo. Assim ficando seu tempo proteger pra voce cobrar em outro lado do mapa. Try to bully him as much as you can before he hits level 6.
Yorick is a melee bruiser, viable only toplane. His strengths are linked to the low pick rate of the champion.
A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Dont fight with him when his Ulti is up! The problem with this lane is that good yoricks will also position themselves to not get hit with Q unless you waste dash, you get walled, you get e'd. Once he's 6 you can't really E into him because his R does a lot of damage. Phrxshn's Guide To Sett[ Avoid all ins if he has the maiden His R as his damage is very high. Skill match up. If you kill Nasus and get few plates early game, make sure to not destroy the tower that early never before min If he misses, trade with him. The range is , so play kinda far back, or away from Yorick to prevent him from landing this. Yone Top After 6 it gets hard because of the big maiden. Another lane where you take the shield and farm what you can.
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On your place I would try to solve this problem itself.