corporate benefits aok

Corporate benefits aok

Want to work in Germany? Find out how easy it is to take out statutory medical insurance with AOK.

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Corporate benefits aok

AOK Niedersachsen is the tenth-largest health insurance company in Germany. In Germany, companies that provide statutory health insurance are subject to a high degree of state regulation. For this reason, it is crucial for AOK Niedersachsen to stay agile and continuously boost overall corporate performance. Supported by IBM Business Partner valantic the company implemented a comprehensive database and a flexible BI system that supports planning, reporting, analysis and forecasting. Real-time insight into management and controlling processes with state-of-the-art business analytics. It works with more than 40, professional healthcare partners such as doctors, dentists, hospitals and pharmacies. In , the company managed more than 2. In Germany, companies that provide statutory health insurance are subject to a high degree of state regulation, and over the years competition in the industry has become more intense as patients gain more comprehensive rights, barriers preventing people switching to new health insurers are lowered, and the market becomes more transparent. For this reason, it is crucial for AOK Niedersachsen to stay agile and continuously boost overall corporate performance in order to offer excellent health insurance services and provide optimized healthcare for its 2. German health insurer AOK Niedersachsen was looking for a solution that can provide dashboards, standard reports and analysis tools to improve business decisions and corporate management. Supported by IBM Business Partner valantic the company implemented a comprehensive database and a flexible BI system that significantly improves policyholder services by supporting planning, reporting, analysis and forecasting. The solution supports decision-making on issues that have a significant economic impact on the business by providing reliable data on business processes.

When you choose a medical insurance provider, you should not base your decision solely on the amount of the monthly contribution. Beer Tasting.

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Mitarbeiter:innenbindung kann so einfach sein. Begeistert eure Kolleg:innen mit mehr als 7. Jede einzelne Benefitaktion ist individuell verhandelt und zeitlich begrenzt. Das regionale Kultur- und Freizeitangebot liegt uns seit jeher am Herzen. Dann legen wir mit der Einrichtung eurer individuellen Vorteilsplattform los. Jetzt seid ihr an der Reihe. Spread the word! Freut euch auf das positive Feedback eurer Kolleg:innen! So einfach kann Employer Branding sein.

Corporate benefits aok

Offer something for everyone with personal spending accounts to match any program design. Use self-serve employee enrolment to eliminate the stress and tedious tasks of benefits admin. Discover a wide range of cost-saving employee benefits.

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In Germany, you do not have to take out separate medical insurance for your children if you're insured with AOK, because they are automatically covered via the free insurance for family members and will receive the same level of protection. In Germany, you are entitled to time off work to care for sick children. Form is being initialised. When you choose a medical insurance provider, you should not base your decision solely on the amount of the monthly contribution. OH HEY! Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. What you need to know about the social insurance system in Germany. Game Show Quiz Learn more. Share this guide. Policy coverage standards can differ greatly across countries.


Reach out if you nee help, are interested in partnership, or just have a general enquiry. Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system. You should also take a look at what special services are available and how easy it will be for you to claim them. Employer contribution: 7. It works with more than 40, professional healthcare partners such as doctors, dentists, hospitals and pharmacies. Stay connected Subscribe. Just fill out our contact form. To keep receiving your salary, however, you must of course report sick with your employer and obtain a sick note from your doctor. For DB plans there is no employee contribution. Insurance Industry. In Germany, you do not have to take out separate medical insurance for your children if you're insured with AOK, because they are automatically covered via the free insurance for family members and will receive the same level of protection. To qualify for this, you must not be spending more than 20 hours per week working on a self-employed basis. Employed persons will continue to receive their pay during the first six weeks of them being unfit for work.

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