Indian head shake gif

In Thanjavur city, in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, street markets are flooded with a drillfast type of bobblehead toy. The brightly painted clay bommai, indian head shake gif, usually the figure of a classical dancer or an old couple as a set, comes in two parts: the full body and the head that sits loosely on a small hinge extending up from the neck.

Open menu. By Ryan General. Indians wobbling their heads rapidly from side to side during a conversation may be perplexing to people who are not familiar with Indian culture; fortunately, understanding how the gesture works is not that complicated. It further confuses foreigners, as the side to side shaking we often attribute to convey the negative is instead portraying affirmation. With over 20 official languages and several hundred more dialects in India, nonverbal communication such as hand gestures and head wobbles allow for easier communication between people from different states. And while heads are wobbled differently from one region to another, what they portray are essentially the same. Paying close attention is key to understanding this non-verbal communication, since almost every part of the entire face is involved in the gesture.

Indian head shake gif

Besides the heterogeneous nature of being an "Indian", the wobble is just agreement. The person who's wobbling their head is agreeing to what is being said. It's mostly a "Go ahead and say what you want, I'll do what I want to do after you're done". I didn't grow up in India, so I can see it for what it is, but I am Indian, so the subtleties are visible to me. Take all of this with a huge grain of salt. That's roughly how I'd interpreted it from interacting with colleagues, an acknowledgement. Yeah, it's definitely not an agreement. Acknowledgement is the most apt description. Yes, it's an agreement, or like "sure yeah". As some from Yorkshire I like 'aye' it's an anachronistic affirmative yes, old people still use 'nay' as well. Language is a wonderful thing. Doesn't sound like "agreement" to me!

Notice how the gesture is more than just shaking side to side, as the head is also tilted in arcs, while the chin moves like a pendulum.


A video decoding Indian headshakes has gone viral, attracting over a million hits in a week. What does its popularity tell us about the way Indians see themselves? The film presents an array of headshakes and shows how subtle variations in velocity, vigour and amplitude of wobble denote different meanings, including: "yes", "no", "maybe", "what's up? Mathew admits that his headshakes have been somewhat exaggerated for comic effect, but maintains that it's a true picture of a national trait. The response on social media has been broadly positive.

Indian head shake gif

The peculiar Indian head shake, wobble, or bobble is the source of much confusion and wonderment among foreigners, especially the first time one is confronted with it. It looks like a cross between a nod and shake, but does it mean "yes"? Or, does it mean "no"? Or, even "maybe"? The confusion is increased when the gesture is silent. However, once you discover the meaning of the head wobble and its many uses, what's really surprising is how infectious this gesture becomes. Anyone who's spent a considerable amount of time in India is likely to have caught themselves unconsciously wobbling their head. Even Indians who don't normally wobble their heads very much will automatically do so in response to another head wobble. A lot of the time, they don't even realize they're doing it! So, what's the mysterious head wobble all about?

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Sounds like your "Correct Overgeneralization" :. Cyph0n on July 24, root parent prev next [—] India is more diverse than you or I can imagine, so it really makes no sense to compare it with the likes of the US or Germany. However, there is more to the Indian head wobble than just a cultural quirk passed through the generations. But in IT hubs Hyd, Bng etc it does seems to a general behavior. The person who's wobbling their head is agreeing to what is being said. This is the closest imitation of the unique Indian gesture that often leaves visitors to the country flummoxed. In my own experience, the faster the shake, the more enthusiastic the agreement — especially when used with raised eyebrows for added emphasis. There are hundreds of British or Chinese, Japanese etc accents. Follow Us. It means 'I am willing to talk to you and even agree with you if you play nice, but at the same time I am looking at you, inspecting you and trying to understand where this is going'.

The head bobble , head wobble , or Indian head shake refers to a common gesture found in South Asian cultures, most notably in India.

But in IT hubs Hyd, Bng etc it does seems to a general behavior. I think its mostly done by people from west and south India. The node code is very confusing when working with cross cultural teams. Subscribe Me. If you have to be that specific, perhaps the employee picked it up elsewhere? You prefer decribing the motion instead of showing it? So, despite all those explanatory videos, it is not as if Indians come with a ready key to cracking the nod code. LordAtlas on July 24, parent prev next [—]. Share this Article. When you encounter the wobble, respond with a wobble of your own; you may just end up making a friend for life. Very bad article Does it mean a clear yes? By Location. As this helpful video from This Is Barry thoroughly explains, a head wobble can also be used to convey sarcasm or indicate that someone is just enjoying some beats. Do people writing about India in the west even know that there is an entire part of the country where people look more "East Asian" than "Indian"?

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