Hecarim counter

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Hecarim counter

Hecarim Wild Rift counter stats: All the Hecarim info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more! Hecarim is a strong jungler. He has good ganking skills, can quickly clear the jungle. In solo, he is invincible to any opponent, his skill set makes him very useful in team fights. However, Hecarim also has weaknesses that we can take advantage of to counter him. After 57 encounters, I have a way to counter Hecarim Wild Rift shared in this article. Hecarim is Weak Against. Hecarim is Strong Against. You should not solo Hecarim in the early game because he is very strong. Besides, you can counter gank Hecarim effectively. If Hecarim uses Ignite, he will play extremely aggressively early on. You need to retreat to play safely because Hecarim is very strong in the early game.

Perma ban him. Get deaths dance if he gets ahead. His trick is that he will outfarm you early.

Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage. If Hecarim damages at least one enemy, he increases the damage and lowers the cooldown of subsequent Rampages. Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains Health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer. Hecarim gains increasing Move Speed and can move through units for a short duration.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Hecarim Jungler. Summoner Spells.

Hecarim counter

The Shadow of War can be one of the fastest champions in the game and is a menace as an early-game ganking machine or a late-game go-button for a teamfight. With certain builds, Hecarim can also have a decent amount of sustain and tankiness that allows him to soak up a good amount of damage, making him a great choice for any players who love to dive into the fray while causing a ton of carnage in the process with his ultimate ability, Onslaught of Shadows. Even though Hecarim is a frightening sight to see, there are still a few different champions that can stop the charging steed in his tracks. From stalwart tanks to mobile damage dealers, here are the best Hecarim counters in League. The Eternal Hunters are a great counter to Hecarim since they deal a great amount of damage, have a 50 percent slow on their Mounting Dread ability, and even have a dash that can escape over walls. They can outduel Hecarim by kiting away while auto attacking the horse to death, and if all else fails, the Wolf and Lamb can drop their ultimate to become invulnerable. Speedy and tanky, Udyr has the agility to keep up with Hecarim to chase him down around the map, while also bringing a good variety of damage and sustainability.

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Singed Top. Be careful when deuling his as you don't want to give him any free kills. Helicopter Q lets him stack Conqueror super fast and his lane pressure is very high. Udyr the meta destroyer by necromancer Diamond Udyr Player. You can disable his E with your Q, you are more tanky than he is and your potential of ganking is a bit higher than his, because you have more CC. Kassadin the Void Walker. The average opponent winrate against Eliseis Hecarims main burst is with his e, if you are able to dodge that with R, you should win any fight with hecarim. If he doesn't have E or hasn't charged it up much just by moving about , you can probably take him on. If hes not running at you, you should be able to kill him rather easily. He can't outduel you early, but that's where the benefits to him locking in end.

Hecarim jungle has a The best Hecarim players have a Analyzing 3, games played by the top Hecarim players worldwide over the last 7 days.

Dark Aura Rank 1 Kayn. Renata Glasc Support. Once he has ult he is the one in charge, go zhonyas into demonic, stay with your teammates, since he runs you down in 1v1 and be careful with his steals. Try not to get hit by E and focus him in team fights if you can. Hecarim wins against Volibear Just a broken champion overall, ban him. Amumu the Sad Mummy. This is because the new items are very strong on him and he becomes super tanky from them paired up with his conqueror healing and W healing. Xin Zhao the Seneschal of Demacia. Typically speaking whoever dies first in this matchup will lose. Hecarim is Strong Against. Twitch jg

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