war thunder plane

War thunder plane

Aviation: In Arcade mode, the game draws two teams of players up to 32 people with planes of different nations with similar battle ratings.

Research Prizes! RP contribute towards unlocking modifications for the planes you were flying covered in a separate guide , and researching new aircraft. The Russian tech tree; not to be confused with the Russian techno tree. Aircraft are divided into five ranks or eras, broadly chronologically but with some adjustments to account for performance in a game context, for example the German Do J series heavy fighters in Rank II are derived from the Do E bomber in Rank III. Some aircraft, such as the I, SB and Su-2, have a little tab in the top left corner of their icon; these are stacks of planes, if you click one then a window should pop up with two or more variants of that plane. The precise figures may not be completely accurate, and will vary depending on upgrades, but it should give a rough idea of the performance and armament. To get a first-hand impression you can also take any plane eligible for research for a test flight, either right-click or use the second little icon over the plane.

War thunder plane

For quick identification, aircraft names in e. Within the main groups are several sub-classifications, and as per their historical counterparts many aircraft can fulfil multiple roles. Fighters, as the name suggests, are designed to fight other aircraft. Heavy Fighters are like Fighters, but heavier. The job of a bomber is to drop bombs; the clue is in the name, really. Medium and Heavy Bombers such as the Heinkel He , Lancaster and B Flying Fortress are designed to drop bombs in level flight from medium-to-high altitude using the bombsight. There is a bombing tutorial, but if you skipped it the general technique for level bombing is to get a bit of altitude, line up a ground target, switch to the bombsight F7 :. And when the target is in the sight, hit the space bar. In Arcade mode, as well as the bombsight you have a nice, big crosshair on the ground that shows where your bombs will land, if you prefer you can use that for aiming in the third person third aeroplane? The crosshair should be solid in level flight, as you climb and dive it opens up, representing bomb dispersion, you really want the crosshair completely solid for optimal accuracy. Medium and Heavy Bombers are big, slow, lumbering targets. High altitude bombing works best against static targets such as strategic targets on Ground Strike maps, unless you can calculate how far a tank will move in the time it takes the bomb to fall and lead the target appropriately. Some bombers such as the Ju 87 Stuka, SBD Dauntless and D3A Val are designed to deliver their bombs from a steep dive, unsurprisingly classified as Dive Bombers this naming scheme is really quite straightforward once you get the hang of it. And as the dive gets steeper, the crosshairs close up until they are solid for pin-point precision:.

For Realistic a different setup is in use known as Tactical Battles with fixed line-ups and a team count of 7v7, war thunder plane. In this mode, you can spawn as a naval vessel up to 3 times, and all reserve vessels can be respawned for free up to 3 times without the use of backups.

Army Air Forces. Unfortunately for the fiscal year , no government funds were available for new fighter aircraft, however when observed that attack aircraft funds were available, North American reconfigured the Mustang into a dive bomber, outfitting it with heavier wings, bomb racks and dive brakes. Introduced in Update 1. Outfitted with the Allison V inline water-cooled engine, the plane suffer in high altitude flying, however for lower altitude dive-bombing, this engine performed quite well. Maintaining speed in a dive ensures enough energy is available to zoom climb back up to altitude or to get away from any enemy fighters which may have attempted to intercept you. Depending on the map, if there are a significant amount of ground targets anti-aircraft batteries, trucks, light tanks With six

Jordan Forward. Published: Aug 26, The skies are full of virtual Red Barons who are seemingly impossible to keep up with and even harder to escape. Prefer your combat on the ground? Check out the best tank games on PC.

War thunder plane

Callum Bains. Published: Oct 17, Taking to the skies in War Thunder planes can be an intimidating prospect. Some players are drawn to fast fighters that dart across the skies, featherlight in their aerobatic performance but concrete in their firepower. Others will be besotted with the singular explosive potential of bombers, wreaking havoc on the ground forces that lie vulnerable below. Some may be struck by the sheer novelty of helicopters and their support functions in an aerial raid. Take note, though, that success in a dogfight is not so much about the plane, but the player. A good pilot in a bad plane is sure to defeat a bad pilot in even the most over-powered aircraft.

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II Rank. The A is outfitted with six For Realistic a different setup is in use known as Tactical Battles with fixed line-ups and a team count of 7v7. A game mode involving battles on a global map. Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps. Ground Forces: In Arcade ground battles, tank handling is simplified tanks move faster, and turn faster than they would do in reality , spotted enemy vehicles are displayed on the minimap and have visible nametags above them. For those pilots who don't have the patience for bombing runs and just want to tear up the playing field with machine guns, the DGP-1 gun pods will be the suspended weapon of choice. The '' event features in both Air and Ground Force battles and is currently exclusive to Arcade mode. I think this plane would fit perfectly at Namespaces Category Discussion.

The Piaggio P.

You can call up a list of rooms by pressing the button of the same name near the bottom of the screen. Navigation menu Store Support Personal tools Log in. In this mode, unlike Arcade, teams often feature aircraft from specific nations, making gameplay more accurately reflect historical encounters such as the Battle of Stalingrad, fought between the USSR and Germany, or the Battle of Midway, fought between the Japanese Empire and the US. I think it would be cool to see this plane in the game so here is my Petition. There is also an "Aim assistant" - a crosshair indicating where a shot would land if fired at the current elevation, together with an indication of how likely the shell will be able to penetrate the target. Lining up a target in the bombsight. For dropping bombs they tend to be most accurate in a dive, keep an eye on the crosshairs in the bombing reticle. The side who were able to drop the nuclear bomb will instantly win the round. The results are in…. Within the main groups are several sub-classifications, and as per their historical counterparts many aircraft can fulfil multiple roles. For those which will use the gun pods for ground-attack, having the convergence a bit farther out, say — m will allow for manoeuvring around the terrain and position for success rather than having to be right on top of the target before you can get a clean shot. Views Read View source View history. Vessels of BR 5. Community created sorties. Some bombers such as the Ju 87 Stuka, SBD Dauntless and D3A Val are designed to deliver their bombs from a steep dive, unsurprisingly classified as Dive Bombers this naming scheme is really quite straightforward once you get the hang of it.

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