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Daddytm boy
A Daddy in gay culture is a slang term meaning a man sexually involved in a relationship with a younger male. In an internet meme context, Know Your Meme defines the term as a "slang term of affection used to address a male authority figure or idol in a sexualized manner. New York claimed in that the specific archetype evolved from leather subculture , which began in the s. The "leather daddy" archetype, which has sadomasochistic associations, was proliferated in such media as the Drummer magazine launched in ; to gay pornographic films Working Man Trilogy ; and BDSM novels by Larry Townsend. According to the Historical Dictionary of American Slang , the earliest use of "daddy" in a non-paternal context was in , in reference to what sex workers called their procurers or older male customers. Throughout the s, the term was used in blues music and African-American Vernacular English to mean one's boyfriend, especially an older man or a sugar daddy. New York claimed in that the gay term evolved from leather subculture , which began in the s. In the s, the "leather daddy" archetype which has sadomasochistic associations was proliferated in such media as the Drummer magazine launched in ; to gay pornographic films Working Man Trilogy ; and BDSM novels by Larry Townsend.
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