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John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device.



It is highly important that liquid be not introduced into the tank in an amount exceeding this pre-determined maximum liquid level of ninety per sliptube. When the tank is being charged with fuel there sliptube a frequent, if not almost continuous reading of the gage.


John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device. The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken. Another gage which gave trouble and frequently leaked is the old-fashioned slipetube gage; and as heretofore constructed it discharged too much fluid from the tank while it was being read; and there was no way to prevent occasional or continued leaks around the slip-tube itself, even though packing was used. This gage did 'not answer the need for safety, so ever ,present in the handling and gaging of liquefied petroleum gases.


March 20, H. In one aspect, it relates to apparatus for gauging liquefied petroleum gas in transport truck tanks. When filling tanks of transport trucks with liquefied petroleum gas LP-Gas current practice for gauging such tanks is to use a roto-gauge for determination of deliveries to the truck tank. Roto-gauges are often damaged through vibration and shock resulting from travel over roads and highways and thus become inaccurate. It has been found that in many cases serious errors have occurred in gauging liquid volumes loaded into transport trucks. These errors in some instances involve loading of too large a volume of liquid, and in other instances too small a volume of product into the tank. Obviously, it is desired to be able to load the exact volume of product desired into the tank. An object of this invention is to provide a gauging apparatus for accurately gauging liquid under pressure in the tank. Another object is to provide a gauge for accurately gauging liquid under high pressure in transport truck tanks.

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Screw valve I8 is rotated and unscrewed until hole 22 is exposed and allowed to communicate with the channel 23 in tube I. A further Objectis to provide means for automatically measuring and indicating the outage space desired to be left unfilled with liquid. The extreme lower end of the head is provided with a ring extension thereof having a smooth finished lower face rI'his extension is adapted to provide a valve seat, the use and operation oi which will presently be described. Above the shoulders on the head is an upper extension of the body threaded both inside and outside. The extreme lower end of the head is provided with a ring extension thereof having a smooth finished lower face rI'his extension is adapted to provide a valve seat, the use and operation oi which will presently be described. III is a sectionalized elevation of al1 of the parts of the gage, severally and in order, except only that the tube itself is not shown in this iigure. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device. When the tube is the least bit-loose in its housing this fuel undertakes to escape around the-outside of the tube, either as a gas or as liquid. The side walls of the well are not threaded; and the lower extremity f packing nut 3 is 'finished in a concave form, the better to engage and compress the packing against the side wall of tube I. II is a sectionalized elevation of the entire gage assembly. This nut extends part way down into a packing well or space 9, lled with packing Iii. An important object is to furnish Aa secondary and positive seal against fluid passing around the slip-tube and through the fittings which carry it, while the gage isbeing read. Of course the length of slip-tube I and the length oi' outage tube 2li can be made and measured to accommodate the requirements of the particular fuel with which this gage is to be used. Perma-Cast is committed to providing customers with reliable quality components designed to meet the exacting standards of swimming pool owners throughout the world.

Pipe size is an industry designation, not the actual size. View information about how to measure threaded and unthreaded pipe and pipe fittings.

USA1 en. The drawings and the speciflcationset forth a preferred form of this invention; but modifications in structure and arrangement and relation of the parts of this gage may be made without departing from the spirit of this invention and still effect its objects. III is a sectionalized elevation of al1 of the parts of the gage, severally and in order, except only that the tube itself is not shown in this iigure. Homer, Shreveport, La. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. It is provided to. Through this orifice there will come just suii'icient fluid to allow accurate reading of the gage. The space thus left is usually ten per cent of the maximum capacity of the tank. This head is provided with hexagonal shoulders 3, spaced intermediate its ends; and the lower end of the head below the shoulders is provided with threads 4 for screwing it into suitable opening in the tank. USA1 en. This cost effective support started a design trend that revolutionized the rooftop support industry. If the customer desires less than the full charge of a tank of fuel, the predetermined level to which the liquid is to be supplied may ;be ascertained by consulting a previously prepared chart which reveals the contents of the tank, inch by inch, and for fractional parts of an inch. In order to effect reading of the gage it is necessary to remove cap I 2, and slightly rotate tube head I7 to disengage dogs IS from underneath rim I 5; and this will allow the tube to slip upward through gage head 2 which carries it.

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