Cocker spaniel labrador cross

Post by bellypig » Sat Jul 20, pm. Post by Judy » Sat Jul 20, pm. Post by spannerman » Sat Jul 20, pm.

The Cocker Spaniel Lab mix is a designer dog that has been around for a lot longer than that term has been popular. They are almost the antithesis to the modern trend for hybridization, combined historically by gamekeepers wanting an all purpose hunting and retrieving companion for long days out in the fields. And these friendly, medium sized mixes did the job. Cockers and Labradors have been bred with cooperative natures. They are designed to be focussed on their handlers and quick to pick up new skills. Both breeds are relatively easy to train with positive reinforcement methods. They are food motivated and attentive.

Cocker spaniel labrador cross

Hepper is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Height: 18—20 inches Weight: 20—47 pounds Lifespan: 14—17 years Colors: Tan, white, black, red, brown Suitable for: Families, those looking for a watchdog, those seeking a companion Temperament: Affectionate, intelligent, playful. If you want a lovable and fun pet for your family, the Spanador is a wonderful choice. The combination of these two friendly breeds has created a new breed that is an energetic but well-behaved animal. There are some great things that you may not know about the Spanador, and a few you should be aware of before picking out your puppy. In this guide, we will give you all the information you need to decide if this dog is a good fit for your family. This is a higher price as far as puppies are concerned, but the Spanador is becoming increasingly popular, and these prices will probably continue to rise. Spanadors love everything and anything about water.

Lab Cocker Spaniel mix. He looks more like a lab to me due to the shortness or the hair and the flappy ears. BUT today I have been pigeon shooting over rape and that stuff is thick as underneath.

The Cocker Spaniel Lab mix is a small to medium-sized dog breed weighing 20 to 50 pounds. You can also call them the Spanador, their temperament is a loving, gentle, caring, playful, eager, and easily teachable dog breed. Laid-back and sociable, Spanadors are great family dogs that are non-aggressive to strangers and other household pets. They will alert you to strangers approaching the house, but their parent breeds are not specifically bred for guarding you or the house. This mixed breed is bred to run and fetch fallen waterfowl for hunters. However, Spanadors are also great family companions.

The Cocker Spaniel Lab mix is a designer dog that has been around for a lot longer than that term has been popular. They are almost the antithesis to the modern trend for hybridization, combined historically by gamekeepers wanting an all purpose hunting and retrieving companion for long days out in the fields. And these friendly, medium sized mixes did the job. Cockers and Labradors have been bred with cooperative natures. They are designed to be focussed on their handlers and quick to pick up new skills. Both breeds are relatively easy to train with positive reinforcement methods. They are food motivated and attentive. They also both have the instinct to chase and hunt, as well as pick up and retrieve.

Cocker spaniel labrador cross

The first generation Cocker Spaniel Lab mixed breed is also affectionately referred to as the Spanador, Cockador, or Cockerdor. In this article, we first discuss some general concerns about first generation cross breeds before diving into some of the specifics about Cocker Spaniel Labs. There is a lot of controversy surrounding designer dogs, with strong supporters both for and against them. The health and welfare of your puppy are going to be your foremost concern, whether your dog is a pure breed, designer dog, or mutt. However, research has successfully demonstrated that inbreeding how you get purebreds results in a smaller genetic pool. When you shrink the gene pool, you increase the likelihood of passing on genetic traits that may cause health problems. And since some purebreds are not as common or popular as others, they will have a smaller gene pool and may be more likely to have health problems. However, when comparing an individual purebred puppy to a mixed breed puppy, either dog could end up being the healthier one. So what are some common traits of the first generation Cocker Spaniel Labrador mix and what should you know? The Cocker Spaniel and the Labrador are energetic, highly active dogs that tend to be friendly and relatively easy to train.

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Post by spannerman » Sat Jul 20, pm. They enjoy spending time in the water with the ones they love, so if you can find a way to get your Spanador to the beach, the pool, or the lake—go for it! The Cocker Spaniel Lab mix is a small to medium-sized dog breed weighing 20 to 50 pounds. Although to different extents. This is a dog that picks up on human behaviors and feelings. We have several dog name article just for you. Grooming is essential for the Spanador because they can have massive knots embedded close to the skin if not brushed regularly. I got Billie a year ago from the SPCA shelter, when I first got her was wanting to be with women and avoided men, so it was a challenge training her because she was afraid of me. You should, however, always keep your Spanador on a leash. We have a black lspanador we adopted he is 17 years old.. BUT today I have been pigeon shooting over rape and that stuff is thick as underneath.. She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program Pippa's online training courses were launched in and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website. If you can help them burn off some of this steam early in the day, by the time evening comes around, they will be ready to snuggle and enjoy your company. Ask a vet Have a question?

Anyways, the reason for breeders making designer hybrids is not the subject of discussion in this article.

Can you literally — throw me a bone!!!! The Spanador is an easy dog to train. Starting at this age and exposing them to other animals for socialization will make your life easier as they age. By Nicole Jan 17, - 9 min read. Now that you have very likely fallen in love with this breed of dog, it is time to figure out what it will take to have one in your home. The Spanador will get along with other pets as long as it is properly socialized. You will also need to take your dog on walks so that they get the correct amount of exercise every day. King Charles Spaniel mostly loves sleeping, whether that is on the bed or the couch. Spanadors do not need frequent baths. Australian Labradoodle.

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