shakira wikipedia

Shakira wikipedia

Shakira is a Colombian singer and songwriter. She began her career in with Sony Music and has been one of the most popular Latin act in shakira wikipedia world since the mid- s.

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll Barranquilla , Kolonbia , ko otsailaren 2a , pop-rock kantaegile, disko-ekoizle, dantzari, modelo, instrumentista, enpresaburu, aktore eta filantropoa da. Gaztelaniaz eta ingelesez abesten du. Sony Music diskoetxeak eta Billboard aldizkariak hainbatetan alditan aipatu dute Pop Latinoaren Erregina ezizenarekin. Nazioarteko arrakasta ean iritsi zen Laundry Service bere albumarekin, 13 milioi album baino gehiago saldu baitzituen; soinu arabiar eta latinoen uztarketa eta nahasketa ospetsu egin zituen, eta merkatu anglosaxoiaren gailurrean jarri zuen, crossover artista lider gisa. Hainbat Guinness World Record ere baditu eta Hollywood-eko ospearen pasealekuan izar bat ere badu. Bilboard aldizkariak bere karrera Latinoamerikako musikaren panoraman finkatuenetako bat bezala deskribatu zuen, bi aldiz , hautatu zuen hamarkadako emakumezko artista latino onena, eta bere hiru single kokatu zituen Billboard-en historiako hogei garrantzitsuenen artean: «Chantaje» «La tortura» eta «Suerte»; 6.

Shakira wikipedia

Tiene 8 medio hermanos mayores del matrimonio anterior de su padre. Antes de darse cuenta, ya estaba bailando sobre una mesa, y los clientes del restaurante aplaudieron con entusiasmo. Su desenchufado o unplugged fue el primero en transmitirse en los Estados Unidos siendo interpretado por una artista latina y en castellano. El video estaba dividido en dos secciones y terminaba al final del concierto con la leyenda "Muerdan el pescuezo del odio. Maten a la muerte". Las ventas llegaron a los 4 millones de unidades. Shakira considera este proyecto como su "tesis de grado". El segundo sencillo fue «No», una balada que no tuvo tanta presencia internacional como su predecesora. Estoy ansiosa Shakira y Carlinhos Brown en el show de clausura de la Copa por regresar al estudio. Brasil durante el mes de marzo.

Retrieved November 8, Shakira has received one nominations.

The album is mainly sung in Spanish, with three songs in English. After her self-titled tenth studio album , Shakira had her second child, suffered from writer's block and was uncertain about the future of her career. However, her collaboration on " La Bicicleta " with Carlos Vives , encouraged Shakira to continue to work on music. Music critics commended the album's coherency, and its fun yet mature nature. Other critics, however, felt El Dorado lacked creativity and relied too heavily on previously released collaborations.

For the Record …. And it may not be too long before fans of pop and rock across the United States and other English-speaking markets around the world are singing her praises. Early in , the Miami-based recording artist was putting the finishing touches on a new album that will contain English translations of some of her biggest hits, and she is widely seen as the next potential crossover star. While still quite young, she showed a love for music and a talent her parents considered quite remarkable for a child so young. She entered a number of local and national talent and beauty contests , and by the time she was ten years old, she had won several. Unfortunately the modeling job never materialized, but perhaps it was for the best. Instead she signed her first recording contract with Sony Music Colombia and shortly thereafter released her first album. Although the album never achieved great success, it did bring the young songstress to the attention of her country and led eventually to her selection to represent Colombia at the annual Festival OTI, scheduled to be held that year in Spain.

Shakira wikipedia

She entered the English-language market with her fifth album, Laundry Service , which sold over 13 million copies worldwide. Buoyed by the international success of her singles " Whenever, Wherever " and " Underneath Your Clothes ", the album propelled her reputation as a leading crossover artist. Broadcast Music, Inc.

Cracking the interview

On her music, Shakira has said that, "my music, I think, is a fusion of many different elements. Retrieved 22 February Retrieved 16 February Twitter in Basque. In December , it was announced that Shakira would be an executive producer for Dancing with Myself , an NBC dance competition series. Her Campus. The Times of India. Discography songs recorded videography concerts. The Belfast Telegraph. Shakira has ventured into many other businesses and industries. Retrieved 14 April Retrieved 9 April Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar.

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Best Video. Later, in , she collaborated with the World Bank and the Barefoot Foundation to establish an initiative that distributes educational and developmental programs for children across Latin America. Then, click "Show" and the certification will load automatically. The Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards is an annual awards show, that honors the year's biggest television, movie, and music acts, as voted by the people. Archived from the original on 24 April November 23, Archived from the original on 15 July The Washington Post. Best Rock Song. Archived from the original on June 4, Archived from the original on 15 October Archived from the original on 20 December Album horrek aurrekoak baino harrera hobea izan zuen arren, Shakirarentzat ere porrota izan zen salmentei dagokienez, eta horregatik erabaki zuen musikan geldialdi bat egitea ikasketak amaitzeko.

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