serena williams booty pictures

Serena williams booty pictures

The champion tennis pro, fashion designer, and owner of one of the best bottoms on the planet, turns 33 on Friday, Sept.

March 25th, in Famous , Serena Williams. Celebrity booty: Mr. March 19th, in Serena Williams , Famous. Nice shots of Serena Williams showing off her big booty by wearing tight green pants! November 22nd, in Famous , Serena Williams. As you probably know, Serena Williams recently got married and here are some candids of her head off on honeymoon in a private jet!! Nice video of Serena Williams dancing for some company called Berlei!

Serena williams booty pictures

By Sarah Jones For Dailymail. Serena Williams sure knows how to court attention. The year-old tennis pro flaunted her shapely derriere in a tiny bikini while on holiday in Nassau, Bahamas. The vacation was a family affair; she was joined by her fellow sports star sister Venus and their mother, Oracene. Scroll down for video. Skimpy swimwear! Serena Williams showcased her bikini body while on vacation in Nassau, Bahamas on Tuesday. She wore a halter-style plunging floral bikini top with a second layer for added support and style over. Her string bottoms were a lovely shade of tangerine and hugged the star athlete's shapely derriere. Fine form!

Female 'dine and dasher' shamelessly gloats about being her local restaurants' 'most wanted' after enjoying Behind the scenes shots of Serena Williams wearing leggings while filming a commercial in Florida!


Serena Williams just proved she's got some of the fiercest curves on Instagram. The tennis superstar, mom of one, and businesswoman took to the platform earlier today with the world's most sophisticated look. Posing in a simple dressing room and in front of a clothing rack, the year-old flaunted her muscle machine of a body in a sleek and skintight pair of olive-green pants paired with a fitted white shirt. The triple update also saw the star rocking dagger stiletto heels as she took the opportunity to plug her Serena clothing line. Open Loss. A curvy rear might be in vogue right now thanks to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj, but the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star and Queen rapper aren't a patch on Serena when it comes to muscle. The comments section to Serena's post is officially on fire — literally.

Serena williams booty pictures

Serena Williams ' butt in all its glory!! Just a few weeks after taking an L in the grand slam final at the U. Open, Serena is chillaxing on a beach somewhere It's good stuff. Serena is years-old and continuing to impress in all facets of her life. She's still a beast on the court.

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Ghislaine Maxwell 'was tortured in prison - now she's ready for a comeback': Jeffrey Epstein's socialite In , Jenner took home gold at the Montreal Games in the decathlon, which consists of 10 separate track and field events, including high jump, pole vault and hurdles. Serena Williams showcased her bikini body while on vacation in Nassau, Bahamas on Tuesday. She would scare some dicks with those thighs. Serena and the Formula One driver have been the subject of rumours after they were spotted holding hands at the Mexican Grand Prix at the weekend. November 22nd, in Famous , Serena Williams. The year-old sports superstar looked stunning in the skimpy swimwear. On top of all that, she has a super-toned derriere. View all. Theresa May will not stand at the next General Election as former Prime Minister announces the 'difficult

The champion tennis pro, fashion designer, and owner of one of the best bottoms on the planet, turns 33 on Friday, Sept. On top of all that, she has a super-toned derriere.

View all. She would scare some dicks with those thighs. NHS app to start tracking your steps: Plan to boost nation's health and get benefits Britain back to work Serena Williams sure knows how to court attention. Quarry-based community of artists and craftspeople win David and Goliath battle with council England's STI hotspots exposed: As startling data warns of surging rates across Europe, fascinating Here's why August 11th, in Famous , Serena Williams. Six great ideas for adults-only couples' holidays with Jet2holidays, from beach bliss to chic city escapes Ad Feature Kylie Jenner laments her 'face and looks NEVER being accepted' amid surgery speculation - but insists 'nothing critics say could now hurt her' What to see and do this weekend: From Cillian Murphy and Oppenheimer leading the pack at the Oscars to a terrific Michael Sheen on stage in Nye, Amanda Holden, 53, squirms as her daughters Lexi, 18, and Hollie, 12, reveal the presenter's worst habits Is your skin suffering from blemishes? Williams walked the red carpet for an Oscars afterparty in March , wearing a curve-hugging lace gown by Michael Costello. September 4th, in Famous , Serena Williams. June 17th, in Famous , Serena Williams. A dainty heart-shaped diamond necklace and belly button ring added a bit of sparkle to Serena's fun in the sun gear. Sexy sister! Skimpy swimwear!

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