Sebulba star wars

Whether roaming the streets of Mos Espa or piloting his massive orange Podracer, sebulba star wars, Sebulba was aggressive and arrogant. He was not above cheating to win a race, and would even resort to illegal weapons in an attempt to defeat sebulba star wars opponents. Sebulba was Mos Espa's reigning Podrace champion until he entered the Boonta Eve Classic, where he was defeated by young Anakin Skywalker, much to the Dug's frustration. The reigning champion of the Outer Rim podracing circuit, Sebulba was a Dug from Malastare with a long list of podracing victories and a short temper.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare. A vicious podracer pilot who flew a massive orange podracer with a split-x configuration, Sebulba would often bump and smash his way through the competition. A skilled pilot in his own right, he nonetheless opted to install various illegal weapons on his podracer, such as a flamethrower built into the left engine , to ensure his victories on the track. The crowd favorite of a course known as the Boonta Eve Classic , located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine , Sebulba maintained a strong rivalry with one of podracing's few human participants, a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. A short while after the Invasion of Naboo , Sebulba and Skywalker competed in a Boonta race together.

Sebulba star wars

Sebulba was a male Dug hailing from the Mid Rim planet Malastare. He was a former slave who had bought his freedom with his incredible skills at piloting a high-speed Podracer , and the well-known archrival of a young Human Podracer named Anakin Skywalker. Before long, Sebulba became the star racer of the Galactic Podracing Circuit , based not only on his formidable racing skills but also his penchant for violence. Many fellow Podracers were killed or injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but Sebulba was far too popular to be blamed or penalized. Sebulba was a Dug from the city of Pixelito [4] on the planet Malastare. Like most Dugs, Sebulba was belligerent and aggressive, and constantly felt the need to prove his superiority. Despite their camel-like facial structures, Dugs were arboreal, and could use all four of their limbs equally. Sebulba preferred supporting his weight with his arms and performing fine tasks with his legs. While in the seat of a Podracer , however, he used all four limbs, his arms to steer and his legs to manipulate the finer instruments in the pod. Sebulba spent his earnings on a decadent lifestyle enjoyed by very few Dugs. His most prized possessions included a pair of Twi'lek sisters, named Ann and Tann Gella , who were skilled masseuses. Sebulba often used his fame for cheap dalliances with Dug females. Sebulba also had his hands in several slaving rings for Gardulla the Elder. When decked out for a race, Sebulba always looked his finest.

Other Dugs appearing in the film include Rednax. Choking on the smoke, Sebulba realized his chance to take the lead again and moved on ahead. A skilled pilot, he was regarded as the reigning Boonta champion, even though he was not the course's sebulba star wars victor prior to the Boonta.

Despite his diminutive size, Sebulba left a prodigious impression on those who crossed his path. Known primarily as a quarrelsome podracer around Mos Espa, the Dug had a rich life before and after his fateful encounter with Anakin Skywalker. Sebulba is first introduced in the race that caused Anakin to crash in Watto's podracer only mentioned in the film. His volatile encounter with Anakin and the party of outlanders, including Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks, made him an intimidating secondary villain to shadowy figures like Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. He became a fan favorite, and his background was greatly expanded upon in comics, video games, and animated series.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare. A vicious podracer pilot who flew a massive orange podracer with a split-x configuration, Sebulba would often bump and smash his way through the competition. A skilled pilot in his own right, he nonetheless opted to install various illegal weapons on his podracer, such as a flamethrower built into the left engine , to ensure his victories on the track. The crowd favorite of a course known as the Boonta Eve Classic , located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine , Sebulba maintained a strong rivalry with one of podracing's few human participants, a young boy named Anakin Skywalker.

Sebulba star wars

The Scottish actor has a prolific profile, with over acting credits. Most of those roles are voiceover parts in cartoons and video games, including other Star Wars properties. Star Wars only factors into a small fraction of MacLeod's filmography. But for many, Sebulba from "The Phantom Menace" will always remain a high mark for the actor. Lewis MacLeod looks much friendlier than the menacing Sebulba. Even his ordinary voice may not seem like it could produce the Dug's gravelly tone. But that's the skill inherent in being a voice actor.

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The Destroyer's commanding officer then ordered everyone to surrender, but one of the contestants, "Rizzo Landian," revealed himself as the Alliance hero Lando Calrissian , piloting the famed Millennium Falcon. Sebulba was Mos Espa's reigning Podrace champion until he entered the Boonta Eve Classic, where he was defeated by young Anakin Skywalker, much to the Dug's frustration. Sebulba was a Dug from the city of Pixelito [4] on the planet Malastare. Unfortunately, nothing was known about whether the Jedi or the Dugg actually ended up competing, as the contest was lost to the annals of galactic history but hinted at in Star Wars: The Clones Wars. Sebulba also had his hands in several slaving rings for Gardulla the Elder. The game play is radically different, with the inclusion of a new and improved combat system where the player is given a single pod to pilot for the duration of the race. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. Sebulba also appears in the sequel Racer Revenge. Cancel Save. A skilled pilot, he was regarded as the reigning Boonta champion, even though he was not the course's sole victor prior to the Boonta. The ridge on the top of his head was red. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. When he came to Tatooine, Sebulba took the settlement of Mos Espa by storm, eventually becoming the reigning podracing champion there. Sebulba quickly threatened the Human before departing back to his seat at the bar.

Sebulba was a male Dug hailing from the Mid Rim planet Malastare. He was a former slave who had bought his freedom with his incredible skills at piloting a high-speed Podracer , and the well-known archrival of a young Human Podracer named Anakin Skywalker.

Explore Wikis Community Central. A Dug from the planet of Malastare , [1] Sebulba came from a Malastare locale known as Pixelito , [3] being born some time before the Invasion of Naboo. George Lucas's popular American Graffiti was all about drag racing hot rods, and his love for the activity heavily influenced the pod-racing scene in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. However, during the last lap, Skywalker caught up with him. Before the race could begin, the Dug decided to taunt Skywalker a final time. The next day, the Boonta participants began to assemble at the Mos Espa Grand Arena , with most of the vehicles being parked inside a large hangar. The Destroyer's commanding officer then ordered everyone to surrender, but one of the contestants, "Rizzo Landian," revealed himself as the Alliance hero Lando Calrissian , piloting the famed Millennium Falcon. Sebulba is first introduced in the race that caused Anakin to crash in Watto's podracer only mentioned in the film. Skip Navigation More More Search. His right engine was devastated when it hit the ground and exploded. Sebulba was an arrogant and aggressive individual. Jinn provided a counter-bet, stating that if Skywalker wins the race, Watto could keep all of the race earnings as severance pay to make up for the lost bet money, in exchange for Skywalker's freedom. He would even try and sabotage other pods when racers were not looking.

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