scp broken god

Scp broken god

The smith answers only to God, for his hands repair His body. Description: The Church of the Broken God is an anomalous religious organization which worships mechanization and believes flesh and life to be inherently evil or "broken", scp broken god.

And so it was that the Old Ones could no longer abide the horrors begat by Meknah-Re, He That Breaks Men's Souls Upon the Forge, and together they tore him limb from limb and cast his ichorous appendages far and wide, that they might never find each other again. His heart was discarded in the dunes of Shar-Harad to be devoured by the drifting sands. His tongue was cut out and weighted before it was thrown into the impossible depths of Lake Schwartherz. His entrails were left to freeze upon the plateau of Leng. His brain was burned and its ashes scattered amidst the scorched remains of Sarnath.

Scp broken god

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. They are an ancient and mysterious deity who is the central figure in the religion of "Mekhanism", worshipped mainly by the Church of the Broken God. The Church seeks to rebuild them after they had been fragmented sometime in the past, which depending on continuity may cause a catastrophe on Earth or led to humanity's salvation. They are one of the many anomalies given the designation of SCP that is part of the "Ouroboros Cycle". Mekhane is often depicted as a giant winged humanoid robot holding a scepter although the Xia Dynasty also described them as a serpent-like figure. A document found in SCP that came from an alternate universe described Mekhane as possessing a jaw the size of the Holdbrine Marsh, multiple arms and fingers "larger than comprehension", and eyes burning with blue fire. After becoming infected with SCP, Adrian Rolfe dreamed of Mekhane, describing them as a monster taller than the mountains, whose head reached the clouds, but any other detail were obscured due to the surrounding thick mist. However, the Maxwellist believe that Mekhane exists as a form of living thought, scattered throughout the internet and the human collective consciousness, having no true physical appearance. In SCP their appearance is further elaborated, they appeared as a female humanoid standing 2. Their first two arms and wings were made of brass and copper, while their last pair of arms and wings were made of aluminum.

Yaldabaoth soon grew wrathful that humanity was leaving the instincts that he gave them. She closed her eyes and bowed her head.

Special Containment Procedures: Information on the relevancy of SCP to the related anomalous objects are to be omitted from the respective objects' documentation. While connections with the Church of the Broken God can remain available, the origins of the items are to be omitted or obfuscated. The inactive component of SCP is to remain in its current location, and any shipping or diving is forbidden in that area. Civilian discovery of SCP is to be suppressed, and amnestics are to be utilized in order to maintain classification. Persons affiliated with the Church of the Broken God who make active attempts to seek out the inactive component of SCP are to be taken into Foundation custody and questioned.

The Church of the Broken God is an anomalous religious organization that worships machinery, believing flesh to be evil. They are the bitter enemy of the Sarkics , who worship flesh and blood. The Church of the Broken God adherents vary wildly, with three primary factions existing within the greater Church. The Xia used extremely advanced technology created by Fuxi adherents, including artificial intelligence and reality warping devices. It is unknown if this group was related to the Fuxi adherents, though they still worshiped the same god under a different name: Mekhane , the Broken God. This empire was a prime manufacturer of metallurgic goods, due to metal's holy nature within the Mekhanite religion. They held strong relationships with Assyria , Egypt , and Canaan , due to their aggressive commercial policies, evangelism, and navy, which made them one of the strongest states in the world despite their unpopularity. The Mekhanites introduced the concept of rebuilding the Broken God into the group's theology, initially calling Mekhane "Wan" before settling on the Greek word for machine.

Scp broken god

A meteorology center has been established near SCP to effectively predict lightning strikes in the area, as well as other phenomena that contribute to the formation of anomalies on SCP Individuals attempting to breach the perimeter of SCP are to be detained and interrogated. In the event that a member of Foundation personnel is struck by lightning on SCP and survives, they are to be immediately detained and taken to SiteAlpha in Sicily for indefinite containment. A partnership with the Horizon Initiative has allowed the Foundation near-unlimited access to scripture related to the Church of the Broken God, which is being reviewed. If events occur that correspond to Chapters in the Book of Disassembly, immediate action is to be taken, and the Lake Baikal region is to undergo immediate Penzance treatment. The sand of SCP is composed of non-anomalous silicates and calcium compounds, as well as several cationic metallic particles, which hold their charge despite being grounded; these particles partially act as a catalyst for the anomaly related to SCP SCP also houses a small silicate cliff at the northernmost end, the interior of which is affected by the anomaly. Natural processes that take place in SCP, including the decay of sea life that washes up on it, erosion of the shoreline, lightning strikes made more frequent due to the aforementioned cation content , and other weather conditions, result in the creation of structures and devices that are seemingly artificial in nature, collectively designated SCPA. A robotic probe was launched and guided into SCPA1's cavern, where it was discovered that a large structural shift had taken place. Several of the buildings appeared to be in the process of being consumed by a substance resembling pahoehoe lava.

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While artificial limbs or reinforced skeletons have been observed, Maxwellist implants focus primarily on communication, data storage, networking capabilities, and sensory enhancement. SCP A facility on Venus created by the alien inhabitants. SCP is a massive combat hammer previously wielded by Bumaro. SCP : A gigantic war machine resembling an elephant. The member also believed that Mekhane purposely fragmented themself since if they were to be reassembled SCP would also be incorporated, causing the Broken God to inadvertently destroy the entire universe for it to be reborn into a new iteration as part of a cosmic cycle. The Broken God. At first the ancient Mekhanites had a friendly relationship with the Daevites due to their common enemy the Sarkites. After breaching containment it became attracted the music produced by SCP which was reclaimed by members of the Church, and so it killed those members and feed on 's music. SCP, and the resulting "Apotheosis" event that took place as a result of its assembly, was the cause of significant environmental changes in western Mexico, and required one of the most widespread use of amnestics to date. Randall: You heard Avery tell you that they had a stockpile of artifacts, right? Following the fall of their empire, their religion of Mekhanism was influenced by other beliefs, especially from the Pythagorean cults. Thousands of years later, they still haven't fully recovered. SCP An automaton made out of clay and metal. An eye sees all things except itself. His manhood was cut from his flesh and mounted erect before the ruin of Lost Antigo, a warning to any that might dare to approach that damned place.

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Williams: But not Ezekiel? Click here to edit contents of this page. Villains Wiki Explore. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Create account or Sign in. Tales Hub Series. Fantasy Sci-fi. However, as the SCP Foundation fought back which resulted in chaos erupting, Bumaro and the Church decided to defect the Coalition seeing the cause as not worth it. This instance gained immortality through augmentation identical to that of the Cogwork Orthodox Church. It will be worth it. When subjects look at these patterns they will recognize them as their native language despite not being the case. These included:. SCP An anomalous effect wherein a certain amount of electronic timekeeping devices being brought together results in phenomenon involving the gradual build-up of EVE radiation and the appearance of mechanical monsters.

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