que es un stand jojo

Que es un stand jojo

Stands are defined as personifications of "life energy" whose abilities are given visual form. According to Joseph Joestarthe name "Stand" comes from the fact the vast majority of Stands usually manifest themselves standing next to the user: ready to act on their command, que es un stand jojo. To an extent, a Stand embodies the individual's psyche, usually as the representation of their user's "fighting spirit".

One of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 's most unique and recognizable aspects is the Stand, a manifestation of the user's soul that fights and "stands" alongside them. While Stands were only introduced in part 3, Stardust Crusaders , they quickly became the norm, and all subsequent parts have focused heavily on Stands, Stand Users, and their origins. Stands can be quite complex, however, so it's good to have a clear idea of just what a Stand entails. Right from the start, Stands can manifest in a variety of different ways. Jotaro's Stand, Star Platinum, begins to manifest on its own, causing Jotaro to think he's being haunted by some sort of demon.

Que es un stand jojo

Stands are defined as personifications of "life energy" although it's later changed to "spiritual energy" whose abilities are given visual form. According to Joseph Joestar , the name "Stand" comes from the fact they usually manifest standing next to the User: ready to act. The only power that's truly impossible for a Stand is bringing the dead back to life. A Stand can also represent the manifestation of an individual's innate "fighting spirit" and embodies, to an extent, the individual's psyche. However, Stands may also derive through the exploration of possibilities and expression of the mind, in which case, only a large amount of mental strength is required. Beyond that definition, Stands present themselves in a large variety of forms and with different behaviors, if they are sentient at all. They follow a loose set of rules, with no definite standard by which one can fully classify them. As an embodiment of someone's psyche, Stands are therefore as varied as human minds can be. Due to their diversity, Stands are not made equal. Some can be incredibly powerful due to their User's outstanding grit, others can be highly situational because of a defining quirk of character, or even detrimental to their User if they do not have the necessary fighting spirit. When Stands were first introduced in Stardust Crusaders , they were named after the cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot W , and sometimes a color the color of the Stands body , and then Ancient Egyptian deities W , with their designs often featuring motifs of those cards or mythological figures.

Death Thirteen Silhouetted version. G Silhouetted version.

Debido a su diversidad, no hay Stands iguales. Se explica que el virus puede infectar a las personas y en su mayor parte las mata, pero a los pocos que sobreviven se les concede una habilidad Stand. Ese individuo se conoce como el Usuario de Stand. Sin embargo, hay ocasiones en las que un Stand no puede ser controlado por el usuario. Una de las reglas importantes sobre los Stands es que alguien solo puede tener un Stand a la vez. Aunque los Stands pueden tomar diferentes formas o dividirse en varias entidades, nadie puede invocar varios Stands a la vez.

Fueron presentados en la tercera parte del manga, 'Stardust Crusaders', y sirvieron para introducir un nuevo tipo de combate que no siempre se limitaba a currarse de leches. Pertenece a Cioccolata , un antiguo cirujano reconvertido en miembro de la Passione. Afecta a todo lo que entre dentro del rango del virus y es capaz de derretir a un adulto en unos treinta segundos, ya que el virus se propaga con mucha rapidez y pudre todo a su paso. Este es el caso de Okuyasu Nijimura , uno de los protagonistas de 'Diamond is Unbreakable'. The Hand puede destruir todo al alcance de su mano, incluyendo aire, espacio, o incluso la realidad. Es capaz de cortar los objetos a su paso de manera limpia y afilada, o incluso eliminando el objeto por completo sin dejar rastro. Crazy Diamond es, claramente, el absoluto protagonista de 'Diamond is Unbreakable'. A pesar de todo su poder, Crazy Diamond no puede revivir organismos muertos, curar enfermedades, o recuperar objetos que hayan sido eliminados por The Hand. Weather Report , como bien sugiere su nombre, le da a su usuario el poder de controlar el tiempo.

Que es un stand jojo

Esperaba que fueras un digno oponente, pero lamento tener que decir que nuestro combate debe ser pospuesto por ahora. Si las respondes con sinceridad, podremos identificar adecuadamente la naturaleza y la fuerza de tu Stand. Su Stand, Silver Chariot, parece estar inspirado en las artes marciales francesas, ya que va vestido con una fuerte armadura de acero y no tiene rival en el manejo de la espada. Jotaro, en la tercera parte, por ejemplo, dice que se llaman Stands porque los Stands humanoides suelen aparecer junto a su usuario, "standing", listos para actuar. Estas influencias probablemente contribuyeron a la naturaleza de los Stand humanoides que se manifiestan junto a sus usuarios, y a su vez a su nombre.

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As an embodiment of someone's psyche, Stands are therefore as varied as human minds can be. This is exactly what is touched upon in the third Stand theorem, in that autopilot types are typically an extension of an "effect" that results in a Stand triggering. They follow a loose set of rules, with no definite standard by which one can fully classify them. However, as the user acclimates and develops their technique, the Stand can eventually become fully theirs to keep, like in the case of Johnny Joestar 's evolving Tusk. Stands are defined as personifications of "life energy" although it's later changed to "spiritual energy" whose abilities are given visual form. Echoes ACT3. Heaven's Door Wrong version. Death Thirteen Silhouetted version. Star Platinum Incorrect TV version. Avdol's Magician Red, for example, takes on the appearance of a bird-headed man, while Polnareff's Silver Chariot could easily be mistaken for a man in armor. If a user demands it, the Stand will perform any task within its capacities, which includes attacking someone, defending the user, or any miscellaneous order. When fighting furiously against DIO 's The World , Jotaro Kujo 's Star Platinum slowly learned how to act within the frozen time set by the former Stand and eventually grasped the ability for itself, a phenomenon strongly suggested by the close-range power Type both Stands inherently share. Wheel of Fortune. The Book Memory of Jet.

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It decreases in rank as the user masters their Stand. Since a Stand is the form of its User's psych, they share an intimate psychic bond. He himself has somehow managed to link his soul to a parrot by giving it a piece of his ear, and is thus able to control the power of the parrot Karaiya says that they "share the same Stand" as well as enhancing it so that it can now also project the memories recorded by the parrot onto others. G Silhouetted version. Although they display a variety of personalities, most still obey their users to the letter. Red Hot Chili Pepper. Purple Haze. This includes basic organisms such as animals and plants, but also more unorthodox concepts such as fog. In rey infinito , the Stands introduced are named after novel titles. Furthermore, this can be construed more specifically as "effective firing range", as a Stand will only gradually lose effectiveness the further it deviates from its firing range, rather than just relinquish immediately. If a User demands it, the Stand will perform any task within its capacities, which includes attacking someone, defending the User, or any miscellaneous order. This is exactly what is touched upon in the third Stand theorem, in that autopilot types are typically an extension of an "effect" that results in a Stand triggering. Vento Aureo Stands.

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