pregnant belly expansion story

Pregnant belly expansion story

Akari's Fifth Pregnancy 7. Birth Fantasy by reddundeadd, literature B. You drive around a lot when you're bored.

Impreg-Nation Visit the 'Nation. Contribute to This Folder. Impreg-Nation gallery. Gallery Folders. Mixed Fetishes. Latest Gallery Contributors.

Pregnant belly expansion story

Alien-Pregnancy gallery. Latest Gallery Contributors. MuchBirth 57 Deviations Featured: Broodmother. Longshanks88 16 Deviations Featured: Lab Epidemic 1. RudiciusCaesar 15 Deviations Featured: Cocooned. Stories and Literature. Professor Nicole Flemming cleared her throat. There were an even dozen of us this year. Several, like myself, had recently become graduate students of Eukatonic University. She stood at the head of the table, cutting a striking figure. The older grad students in her department seemed in on the secret, but to everyone else she was just the brilliant big boobed boss lady, loved and feared in equal measure. The older students cheered, but I found myself questioning my safety. My senior students have heard this, as have a couple others despite my pleas for discretion. Is this the story of how she got her awesome rack? I leaned forward, intent on not missing a single detail.

But, even looking away, she could not ignore the light. It figured that she still looked beautiful while she was full term pregnant, but Julie was surprised that she was not treating this like it was anything but standard and normal.

TheBellyArchivist Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation TheBellyArchivist. Home Gallery Favourites Posts About. Contains: Massive weight gain, sexual themes Clair stopped as she heard someone walking up behind her. She turned to see not one but two young men walking up behind her, smiling. They looked like carbon copies of each other, every feature identical. They stopped as she turned and took a slight bow, their movements perfectly in sync.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Game of Wishes by Zuelle Ally meets Ada, a fairy godmother that grants her three wishes, but Ally being shy of five inches takes advantage of it and Ada finds herself stuck with her. Anna thinks she's found the perfect dress. Little does she know it's been cursed by a woman who was obsessed with having children but never could. Now, Anna must unwill

Pregnant belly expansion story

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. The retired superhero Daddimus meets his match in two young women who get the ultimate revenge against him for him underestimating them: he'll carry their children, putting him permanently out of any superhero antics and letting them reign unchallenged as villains.

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That made Shelby even more anxious, watching her crush feel up her enormous cleavage. He had a series of massive tankers built on his castle grounds, and with his vast knowledge of mystical arts, created a magical portal transport system. If you can look past their intimidating appearance and forgive their thuggish behavior, they can be surprisingly sweet and charming. With a breathy voice, what she asked me terrified me to no end. Shelby walked through her neighborhood on the way home. His body has other ideas as it gladly takes to the fertility forced upon it. She might have yelped in pain a bit too loud from the contractions, as she heard a few knocks on the door. Emilia let out more heavy, hot panting breaths as he felt up her chest. Being the middle child wasn't easy, she knew that well enough. That always gave Ven more of an excuse to tease and flirt with Minnie, but she seemed to be in a better mood these past few months than usual, so that was a nice change of pace, but she would have preferred being able to waddle around without the demon that made this all possible right by her side.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

Rem went to take their clothes and food as Ram led the party forward. Contains: Depictions of pregnancy and sexual themes. She dug in with her hands, scooping heaping portions into her mouth. Do you need help, madam? It's just one huge baby. It's a rare moment when one of those fuckers aren't having their way with me. However, it broke my second rule. She rarely came in first in the multi mile runs she had to take part in when she was doing track and field, but when she entered her regional triathlons, she was the winner time and time again, even beating the men in the same category. Jared the wolf walked out of the clinic holding a plastic bag, he was nervous as he left the place. That made Emilia shudder at the thought. One morning, Henry receives the ability to alter the entirety of reality in any way he pleases.

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