olivia fire emblem

Olivia fire emblem

Artwork of Olivia from Awakening. Olivia fire emblem is a dancer in the employ of Khan Basilio of Ferox. Olivia is the only character of the dancer class appearing in Awakening. She joins the Shepherds automatically upon the beginning of Chapter

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Olivia fire emblem

Olivia is a playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening. Olivia is a dancer who travels across the continent in a theater troupe. In the past during one of Olivia's performances, a noble man was smitten by her and plotted to kidnap and marry her. However, Basilio stepped in and prevented this and Olivia has been grateful to him ever since. Olivia first appears after Chrom and company successfully defeat Mustafa and leads them back to Ferox. Before the battle Olivia encountered Mustafa. Even though he found out that she was there to help Chrom and his army, he decided to let her go. After Mustafa falls, Olivia arrives on the scene to escort the Shepherds to the carriages back to Ferox. At Ferox, after Chrom finds his new resolve to fight Gangrel , Olivia volunteers to aid his cause by dancing for them. Basilio notes that her dances invigorate the spirits of troops, causing them to work twice as hard.

A dancer who brings a smile to people's faces. Heiedono 11 years ago 5 TyrantKnight posted Feh Channel.

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One of the best parts of the fire emblem games is the many different characters in the game. Getting to know the characters is one of the best ways to better understand the world. The world of Awakening is one of the most interesting, and one of the best ways to get to know a bit more about it is through its cast. And Olivia is just one of the best characters in the cast. Olivia is, in my opinion, one of the best characters in Fire Emblem Awakening. She is my second favorite character. Olivia is the representation of character evolution in the game. It is the best way to evaluate how a character changes throughout the story. Therefore, in this article, I want to share a little more about how Olivia becomes a great character in such a short time.

Olivia fire emblem

Olivia mostly desires to crush her opponents with her Armorslayer. This means her best boon boosts her otherwise middling attack stat. Her second best option. If you are going for Arena score, -HP is her best bane however. DEF: Same as above. Olivia primarily tanks physical damage, so reducing this is not recommended. Her flagship set sees her equipped with abilities designed to KO common red and green armor seen within the Arena. Armorsmasher makes up for her poor base 28 attack, and with an attack boon and Fury she reaches a respectable She does not need the extra power from Glimmer to KO Armor due to a combination of Quick Riposte and Swordbreaker guaranteeing her to hit twice in combat. Her status as a Dancer means she has lower stats than most other units, making Fury a cheap and effective option to level the playing field.

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And I'm not so skilled at that, if we're being honest Part of it would be for utility purposes -- you have to remember that there's a full half a game at least before you can even get Galeforce on most people where Olivia is incredibly useful. A bold, hearty man who is known for his irreverent words and behavior. I would pick up swordfaire from Swordmaster before changing her back. Myrmidon Pegasus Knight. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone—he loved his wife, Olivia, above all else. Thanks to universally higher growth rates in all her reclass options, going through any reclass option is helpful for her long-term viability, but she gains the most from the aforementioned Myrmidon skills, Lethality from Assassin , or potentially Astra and Swordfaire from Swordmaster , which can activate in addition to Vantage to keep her alive in a dangerous situation. But why not just use her Galeforce for her to take out another enemy on her own? A bold, hearty man who is known for his irreverent words and behavior. Basilio notes that her dances invigorate the spirits of troops, causing them to work twice as hard. West-Khan of Regna Ferox , a country led by its preference for battle over politics. That aside, she can summon more of her strength than usual, for the sake of others, often being judgmental and pushy in the process.

A shy, introverted caravan dancer who goes above and beyond to help others.

Though introverted and extremely shy, her dance skills are those of a genius. She specializes in a sword style befitting the grace of a dancer. Probably vulgar though : " PB FC She has Distant Defense , reducing the damage from an enemy who attacks her from a distance, however this minimally benefits her, as her overall physical bulk still leaves her vulnerable to bow units though the Res boost can save her from certain mages. Olivia owes her a debt of gratitude. She is the sister of Chrom and Lissa. Officially romanized as Olivie. Her 63 physical and 62 magical bulk scores also provide modest survivability in situations, but unlikely to stand the test of time in lieu of many modern units. It would be nice to make people smile in these dark times. More Topics from this Board. Repent, ye sinners, and weep. People say that she has the power to invigorate anyone who watches her dance!

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