null sector

Null sector

Null Sector is a militant omnic liberation group that utilizes violent methods to achieve omnic rights.

The update will also feature sweeping changes to its core features and new training modes. In anticipation of this event, the Overwatch 2 team has added Null Sector ships hovering above all its PvP maps. There are still some things left in the air, such as how the precise gameplay and story beats of the event, but that hasn't stopped the hype train. Indeed, the Null Sector ships seem to be retracing the way the original Overwatch game used to tease developments, which makes it all the more exciting. This franchise is no stranger to teasing new content through in-game clues. Fans enjoyed the thrill of uncovering information about the hero, and the Overwatch 2 team could replicate this feeling for its Invasion event. As its name suggests, the series is a documentary about Omnica Corp.

Null sector

Is Null Sector a terrorist organization of individual omnic consciousnesses that get installed into battle ready omnic bodies? Individual as in they joined up with their own free will? Is Null Sector a hive mind comprised of individual consciousnesses acting in the same way through means of an influential collective? Is Null Sector just a bunch of simple robots and not Omnics programmed to abide by a single command given out by a few leaders in charge? We know that they are an extremist group and the omnic from the end of Storm Rising is involved some way. Possibly they both join at their own will and being created at the same time. Well the Null Sector combatants seem to be treated as disposable and non-sentient by the narrative, but that could just be the awkward writing, as omnic lives in-general are ironically not treated with the same respect and reverence as humans by Blizzard. I think the bulk of them have one-track programming and the leaders have greater sentience. Null Sector Question Story Discussion. Trando November 4, , pm 1. Is Null Sector a result of a virus infecting Omnics to act against their own free will? How does Null Sector work exactly? Starlord November 4, , pm 2.

Null Sector Search.

Null Sector is a militant omnic liberation group that utilizes violent methods to achieve omnic rights. Its forces are almost entirely comprised of robotic drones manufactured in an omnium under the direction of Ramattra , one of its original founders and currently its sole leader. They were decried as terrorists by the Shambali Order following the King's Row Uprising , going underground until the events of Overwatch 2 in which they emerge as one of the game's main antagonistic groups. Their implied goal is to create an omnic nation. After the Omnic Crisis , human abuses of omnics were endemic.

Their implied goal was to create an omnic nation. Null Sector attacking King's Row. In spite of how much they contributed to society, omnics were treated harshly in the United Kingdom, being denied basic rights and citizenship. Omnics were also treated as though they were criminals or under military occupation, such as being forced through special checkpoints to be scanned, or being marched through streets with armed soldiers close by. Null Sector was formed as a response to this harsh treatment, their goal presumably being to achieve equality between omnics and humans - by force. Null Sector was supported by local omnic population unhappy with their treatment, and would not hesitate to attack fellow omnics if they were defending the humans. As time progressed, their control over London increased. Seven years before the present day, Null Sector launched a surprise attack on King's Row in London, taking the city.

Null sector

The brutal leader of Null Sector will stop at nothing to see his vision for the world realized. Fire a sphere of energy that creates a slowing vortex on the ground, damaging enemies within and pulling them downward. Enter Nemesis Form and create a deadly swarm that lashes out at nearby enemies, persisting longer when damaging enemies. Ramattra was never designed to co-exist with humanity. The Ravager omnic series was created early in the Omnic Crisis, part of a commander class of omnics whose role was to guide units into combat and adapt various strategic protocols to battlefield condition changes in real time. After the Crisis, Ramattra heard rumors of a mysterious omnic named Aurora—the first of their kind.

64 guards

However, the tide was turned with the arrival of additional Overwatch members, who were able to fend off Null Sector and destroy the Titan. They fought through many troops, and were ultimately successful in their mission. Now, Null Sector is regarded as one of the world's most notorious terrorist organizations. Ramattra initially focused on building loyalty in his followers, but true radicalization and militarization would not be far behind. Despite the disagreements and protests from his allies, Ramattra reassured them that unlike omnics, these robots were usable and expendable despite their outdated state and then proceeded with the plan to begin the Uprising in London. Pure Evil Terms. How many more omnics should perish to fuel mankind's dreams? Null Sector attacking King's Row. Sign In Register. We're on final approach to Paris.

The enigma, John Cena has broken into community livestreams, asking all of us to answer the call and prepare to fight the invasion in Overwatch 2. With the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Toronto, and Gothenburg under siege, it will be up to you to save the world. Dive into Invasion Story Missions featuring many of your favorite Overwatch 2 heroes and all-new challenging enemies.

Millions were affected by the war. Not long after Paris, Null Sector attacked Busan , deploying thousands of omnics via drop pods. Despite having full sentience, these Omnics were treated as slaves across the world, forced to do dangerous manual labor while being denied any form of rights. At some point, Null Sector attacked Tokyo , where they attacked via drop pods. They were previously built and stored in an omnium located in the Giza Plateau created by Anubis. Page theme default light dark. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! We have studied the ways of peace and harmony. Weather is mostly cloudy, with a hundred percent chance of Null Sector invasion. Comics Heroes Maps Roles Skins. Null Sector employed a variety of different kinds of outdated modelled omnics in their assault on King's Row. Cairo possibly. Two days after the Uprising, Ramattra was infuriated that omnic citizens and Mondatta were condemning Null Sector as a terrorist group via news reports.

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