

Install the Connect App on laptops to protect it at home, login.linewize, at school, login.linewize when out and about. Double click on login.linewize Installer you've just downloaded and follow the prompts to install the software. Please check out our knowledge base article for further information. Download for Windows.

Support students to stay on task and moderate their own behaviour. Monitor class and individual engagement via a simple teacher dashboard. Modify internet access for the class on the fly at a student level whilst maintaining control and visibility. Teacher managed classroom internet policies, ensure flexibility to access online lesson related content. Browsing from New Zealand? Head to your local site www.


We're not just a vendor, we're a long term, strategic partner to our customers. Best-in-class filtering is the first step in an ecosystem that empowers not only IT administration but teachers, student safeguarding staff, families and students themselves. Our solutions can be combined over time to create a robust digital wellbeing environment capable of addressing today's challenges. Learn more. Our solutions are organized around three fundamental health and safety pillars. Our approach helps districts identify gaps in their student safety initiatives and provides a strategic roadmap they can implement over time. Find out more. Linewize School Manager - best-in-class filter and reporting platform that supports student wellbeing and digital citizenship. Classwize - keeps teachers teaching and students safe and learning in the modern, digital classroom. Linewize Monitor - real-time, human moderated threat detection. Alerts designated staff to students whose digital behaviors indicate they may be at risk. Linewize Pulse - a 60 second, weekly student checkin solution.

Login.linewize Coursespart of Classwizelogin.linewize, guide students towards understanding, login.linewize, resilience and good ethical digital citizenship. Apple warning We can assure you that software downloaded from Family Zone directly is login.linewize to install, and if presented with a warning you can accept the warning and continue by: Clicking on the Apple logo in the top left corner. Jon Myers Director of Technology.


We're not just a vendor, we're a long term, strategic partner to our schools. We empower them to improve digital wellbeing by guiding and protecting their students; by empowering their communities; and by creating the visibility needed to overcome today's challenges. The world's leading digital wellbeing solution for programs. It enables IT leaders to unite stakeholders, including teachers and parents behind a shared goal of keeping children digitally safe and protected, at school, at home and everywhere in between. Alerts staff to bullying, device misuse and other digital risks. Eliminates false positives and saves staff time. Big data shows wellbeing levels across the student body and supports better decision making on every level.


Gives teachers real-time visibility and control over students' online activities in class. Teachers can block or unblock sites easily before or during the class without relying on IT colleagues. Spot inappropriate or off-task internet use as it happens and redirect attention as needed. Prevent access to distracting, non-relevant websites and apps during the class. Teacher-managed classroom internet policies mean the right websites and apps are available, as needed. No unwanted restrictions or delays. Effectively guide students on the internet during class. Focus students on lesson-related content only by pre-selecting the specific apps and sites you want students to see during the class. Support self-moderation by identifying and rewarding those students doing the right thing online. Send a direct message to an individual student without embarrassing them in front of the class or disturbing anyone else.

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Clinton Prairie School Corporation. We can assure you that software downloaded from Family Zone directly is safe to install, and if presented with a warning you can accept the warning and continue by:. Let's connect. Threat detection Linewize Monitor - real-time, human moderated threat detection. Manage and monitor internet access in class Modify internet access for the class on the fly at a student level whilst maintaining control and visibility. Download for Windows. Focus the class on lesson related content Restrict class online access to specific apps and sites for lesson time. Support students to stay on task and moderate their own behaviour. Best-in-class filtering and more. Linewize Classwize Your super-power for managing classroom internet. Modify internet access for the class on the fly at a student level whilst maintaining control and visibility. Education Linewize Online Safety Hub - a dedicated resource of information and guidance to help schools and parents have more effective conversations with children about cyber safety.

We're not just a vendor, we're a long term, strategic partner to our customers. Best-in-class filtering is the first step in an ecosystem that empowers not only IT administration but teachers, student safeguarding staff, families and students themselves. Our solutions can be combined over time to create a robust digital wellbeing environment capable of addressing today's challenges.

Clinton Prairie School Corporation. Install the Connect App on laptops to protect it at home, at school, and when out and about. Subscribe to our newsletter. There will be a message, "Connect Installer was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer". Better outcomes with more engaged students Drive better learning outcomes with more engaged students. Windows Download for Windows Download for Windows. We remove the guesswork with our no-cost audits and trials. Linewize Pulse Free day Wellbeing Analysis. Threat detection Linewize Monitor - real-time, human moderated threat detection. Double click on the Installer you've just downloaded and follow the prompts to install the software. See who may be at risk.

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