John doe game

This is a free visual novel-style john doe game game that puts you in a creepy situation. Here, you will play a normal worker, who will have to interact with a creepy person named John Doe, that seems to be a stalker. It has the same premise and even includes the original four endings.

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John doe game

The game is quite short, with 7 endings which can all be achieved in about 15 minutes. You play You, a cashier at a gas station. On your way to work, you meet John Doe, a strange fellow with an unsettling aura and weird habits. At this point, it's up to you whether you decide to "romance" him or not The game can be downloaded here. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Ambiguous Gender : The protagonist has no specified gender. Amnesiac Hero : Invoked. The protagonist is in a temporal loop of getting introduced to John Doe over and over again. On each of these introductions, they do not remember who John Doe is. Blue-and-Orange Morality : John seems to have this. He comes off as creepy, pushy, and invasive, as he comments on your body odor, follows you around despite your insistence otherwise, and has No Sense of Personal Space.

Expressive Shirt : John doe game red pattern on John Doe's shirt varies between a smiley face, a spiral, a heart, and a few other shapes. Ending 2, "Doe Really Loved You": When you don't take a shower and accept all of John's requests, he breaks into your home and murders you while proclaiming his love. There are also some storylines where John loses interest in you, john doe game.


John Doe is a free game released under a name your own price model, giving players the opportunity to support the developer if they wish. It is a visual novel style game, where the player is presented with a story accompanied with visual artwork, and is required to make occasional choices that effect the direction of the story. Though John Doe is a visual novel like Yandere Simulator: Visual Novel , and Cinderalla Phenomenon , it contains elements of gore , as well as surreal and unsettling visuals. Visual novel games like John Doe are mostly passive experiences where the player is presented with a story and accompanying artwork. In the case of John Doe and as with most visual novel games , the player occasionally has to make a decision, with that decision contributing to which of the four potential endings they eventually get. While the game is not outright horror, it does contain many elements that you would find in a horror game, such as gore, surreal and unsettling visuals, strange characters, and unpleasant themes like stalking.

John doe game

The game is quite short, with 7 endings which can all be achieved in about 15 minutes. You play You, a cashier at a gas station. On your way to work, you meet John Doe, a strange fellow with an unsettling aura and weird habits. At this point, it's up to you whether you decide to "romance" him or not The game can be downloaded here. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Ambiguous Gender : The protagonist has no specified gender. Amnesiac Hero : Invoked. The protagonist is in a temporal loop of getting introduced to John Doe over and over again. On each of these introductions, they do not remember who John Doe is.

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He'll then ask whether or not they like to be scared. Meaningful Name : The name "John" is an incredibly generic English name for men, which contrasts heavily with the creepy Ambiguously Human weirdo who spends the game stalking you. Sign in to edit. More than the added endings, this improved version also boasts better visuals. If You responds "Yes," then he follows them back to their apartment without them noticing, only to show up and scare them yet again. Uncanny Valley : Fittingly, the game literally takes place in a location known as the Uncanny Valley. Interplay of Sex and Violence : John seems to conflate affection with violence, and shows his "love" for You with increasingly unhinged tactics. John's meeting with the protagonist outside will be more or less the same, the only difference being the response after You tells him what they think about being scared. During the conversation, you will have to answer Yes or No questions. When he hands it to you in person in ending 4, it's censored. When You goes to the bus stop, they'll find John appearing to look far more normal than his regular self. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel 5.


I did everything I thought you'd like Knowing that if they were to do so, then they'd have been met with the mess of blood and possible flesh that they'd met in past timelines before John revealed himself to have been in the home. Once sat down, John tells You that he wishes that they could do this all the time, and then asks them if they like him "like this". The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You : John gains the ability to alter your decision making heavily in Ending 4, making you agree to all of his creepy requests. TomatoS 4. Pure Evil Terms. Follow TV Tropes. If the player says "Yes", they'll then explain that they do love John, but not when he's pretending to be something he's not. This time remarking that they think he looks "cute but bland" when presented with whether or not they like John. Sign In Register. John's demeanour, at least for most endings, gives off an uneasy vibe, such as his undeniable want to go to the You's house, jumping out and scaring You, and sneaking into You's apartment unannounced.

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