Şimdiki zaman olumlu cümleler

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Hikmet İnce'ye aittir. You were looking your pen two days ago. I was getting on a plane yesterday morning. Our English teacher was reading a paragraph. Lucy was speaking English a little. You and I were having a big breakfast yesterday. Hasan was having a walk.

Şimdiki zaman olumlu cümleler


About project SlidePlayer Terms of Service. I need to get it checked out.


I am cooking a cake now. He is sleeping. O, uyuyor. I am writing my emails. You are listening music.

Şimdiki zaman olumlu cümleler

Made with by Graphene Themes. Toggle navigation Pratik Almanca. Ich sehe dort ein kleines Haus. Ich gehe noch nicht in die Schule 2. Ali kommt heute Abend zu uns. Lars und Jens lesen einen Roman. Wir fragen den Poizisten nach dem Weg 5.

Transformers 1 running time

He was reading book yesterday. Published by Nikki Wheelock Modified over 9 years ago. Your grandma wasn't standing near the door. Similar presentations. Cooper: Hello. He was reading book yesterday. Cancel Download. At this time last Saturday,. Were the children cycling to school yesterday? May I take a message? Unit 7 English II Out and about….


Please wait. They were buying their tickets. I was l ying on the bed. Thank you! The kitten is playing. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Were the English students learning Turkish last year? All rights reserved. Auth with social network: Registration Forgot your password? Log in. Similar presentations. May I speak to Andrew? To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. The cat is sleeping.

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