Humor memes de menstruación

Sometimes when you are on your period you just want to feel understood.

By Emily Ratay — Written on Apr 13, If you're anything like me, then you know that your period is always an ordeal. Cramps, headaches, unwanted acne, monster food cravings I get them ALL. And even though I try to control my emotions all while feeling like my uterus is getting beaten up, you can't really blame me and everyone else out there for being a little pouty when we're on our periods.

Humor memes de menstruación


If you are moody from the hormonal fluctuations you experience on your period, you are not alone. On showing them who's boss.


Esto puede causar estragos en tu ciclo mensual, desde el retraso hasta su falta total. Una dieta equilibrada y ejercicio regular es la base del bienestar general y eso incluye una mejor salud menstrual y reproductiva. Esto puede causar problemas a largo plazo, como infertilidad y osteoporosis. Estimada Natalia: La regla no siempre es regular, depende de cada persona, edad y cada organismo es diferente. Pero no te alarmes. Buenas hace 2 meses que no baja y me hago la prueba de embarazo y me da negativo me da dolores de ovarios pero no me baja. Hola como va?

Humor memes de menstruación

Tus emociones dependen en gran medida de la fase de tu periodo en la que te encuentres. Las hormonas afectan tanto a hombres como a mujeres, es algo que debemos normalizar. De hecho, seguro que eres capaz de identificarte con alguno de ellos cuanto te baja la regla. Es decir, los cambios de humor a lo largo de tu vida son habituales y se deben en gran parte a las alteraciones hormonales de tu ciclo. No te olvides de reducir la ingesta de alcohol y el exceso de sal en las comidas. Cuando practicas deporte liberas endorfinas, una especie de morfina natural que te hace sentir bien. Seguro que hay alguna actividad que te encanta y hace tiempo que no practicas.

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Anything you can do to pamper yourself, empower yourself and get yourself in a good mood while on your period - go for it - you deserve it. And even though I try to control my emotions all while feeling like my uterus is getting beaten up, you can't really blame me and everyone else out there for being a little pouty when we're on our periods. From the sweetest love quotes , inspirational sayings , and hilarious friendship truths , we've got you covered. At least if we should believe the following comic strip revealing how your uterus is going through grief every month:. Illustration by the mean magenta. You just got your period, and you are cramping and feeling less than excellent. On losing your cool. So, to prove that funny period memes can be funny and not at all offensive , read on for 15 of the best period memes EVER. Related article: Menstrual cup memes: illustrations of learnings and triumphs. Sometimes when you are on your period you just want to feel understood. Illustration by Bella Maris.


On looking forward to your period ending. Illustration by Danielle Pioli. Cramps, headaches, unwanted acne, monster food cravings I get them ALL. On making jokes about your period. Illustration by Rachel Halper. At least if we should believe the following comic strip revealing how your uterus is going through grief every month:. One tool that will help you out with exactly that is period memes that depict what you feel. On the plus side of periods. On having to deal with periods every month. Meme by period memez. Illustration by kardatoons.

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