how to breakdance

How to breakdance

Last Updated: October 21, References. This article was co-authored by Yolanda Thomas.

The following 3 videos will teach you how to breakdance step by step. We recommend that you watch these lessons in order as they are arranged from easiest to hardest. These moves come directly from our breakdancing courses which you should check out if you want to learn more. A word of caution, you must be careful when you attempt these moves. Be sure to study the movements very carefully and slowly and then ease into them. For other online dance classes click here.

How to breakdance

Last Updated: October 13, This article was co-authored by Yolanda Thomas. This article has been viewed , times. Created in the Bronx, NY in the s, breakdancing is an extremely fun dance that anyone can learn with enough practice. This article breaks down the basic moves that every breakdancer should know: the toprock, the 6-step, dropdowns, power moves, and freezes. It also covers some helpful beginner tips and tricks you can use to set yourself up for success. Check out the steps below to get started! To learn how to breakdance, start with simple standing movements, like bouncing on your tip toes and criss-crossing your legs. Then, incorporate hand motions by letting your arms swing along naturally with your body. Remember to practice on a linoleum or hardwood surface, or on a large piece of cardboard so that you can slide around easily. Additionally, protect your toes and heels by wearing high-quality athletic shoes. To learn more, including how to do breakdance moves like windmills and jackhammers, scroll down. Did this summary help you? Yes No. Skip to Content.

At first, you should only engage in strength training 2 to 3 times a week. Be careful when first learning these moves and listen to your how to breakdance true abilities.


Last Updated: March 5, This article was co-authored by Yolanda Thomas. This article has been viewed , times. Breakdancing is a challenging, athletic type of dance. Many of the moves experienced performers do require significant balance and muscle strength. Still, these performers started with basic moves that you can also learn without having much experience. Even as you become a stronger dancer, you can impress others by doing breakdance moves involving top rocks, footwork, and freezes. Skip to Content.

How to breakdance

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Cookies make wikiHow better. Trending Articles. Follow Us. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Basic squats, push ups, and crunches are great ways to build strength for breakdancing. This involves using your feet, legs, and hips to dance. Moving into baby freeze after top rocks can be a great transition between footwork and top rocks. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for as long as you want to top-rock. The key is to go with the rhythm of the music as you top rock, so each time you practice, the speed at which you top rock will depend on the beat of the song. Learn some simple top rocks to begin your routine.

City Dance Studios. Breakdancing is defined by twisty, tricky moves that not only look complicated but also dangerous.

This involves using your feet, legs, and hips to dance. You will also have to bring your left hand up and down to let your right leg through. Return to your home position with your arms on the ground supporting your legs in the air. Transition into the three step, baby freeze in between, and then do a coffee grinder. Yolanda Thomas Dance Instructor. Footwork involves moving with the lower half of your body. Then, look into building your strength and pursuing professional training. These days dancers choose Techno, Jazz, electronic, pop and an other types of music that suites their style. Keep your hands on the ground to keep movement steady, bringing your right hand up briefly to let your right leg through. Then, lean back on your right side and catch yourself with your right hand.

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