Gleb korablev full video

October 17, At around 9 am, Korablev pulled an assault rifle, said a few words then continue to blast his head off while livestreaming on VK. There is no gleb korablev full video cause that drove him to suicide. Some said he was heartbroken, and some other said that he was battling with an illness.

The Gleb Korablev Video, commonly known as the Gore video, is a tragic recording depicting the suicide of Russian VK user Gleb Korablev, who took his own life with a rifle during a live stream on October 17, The suicide video was quickly circulated in various Russian VK groups and on the Russian imageboard 2ch. The post was viewed over , times in just three days before YouTube deleted it. But that was too late. The video spread across various social media channels. It even went so far as to warn people not to watch the video. Other Russian Telegram channels also reported the incident that day.

Gleb korablev full video


Reply to Deeznuts. Reply to a guy. Reply to zytch.


October 17, At around 9 am, Korablev pulled an assault rifle, said a few words then continue to blast his head off while livestreaming on VK. There is no confirmed cause that drove him to suicide. Some said he was heartbroken, and some other said that he was battling with an illness. This video was said to be cursed and the only way to remove it is by posting the date you viewed it. My thoughts exactly.

Gleb korablev full video

Content Warning! The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

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