gerard pique nude

Gerard pique nude

News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Memphis Depay accidentally posts video of Gerard Pique naked gerard pique nude dressing room after Barcelona win.

The Dutchman uploaded a celebratory vid to Instagram after his side's dominant victory over Osasuna. Depay posed alongside veteran team-mate Dani Alves for the video, with the pair showing off their street clothes having showered and changed. What the forward didn't notice, however, was that a naked Pique was still getting changed in the background. The triumph marked Pique's th appearance for Barcelona. Ferran Torres got his side off to the perfect start on the day, converting a 14th minute penalty. The former Manchester City ace then added another seven minute later, before Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang made it within the half hour. Barca cruised to victory from this point, with substitute Riqui Puig adding a fourth with 15 minutes remaining.

Gerard pique nude


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The Dutchman uploaded a celebratory vid to Instagram after his side's dominant victory over Osasuna. Depay posed alongside veteran team-mate Dani Alves for the video, with the pair showing off their street clothes having showered and changed. What the forward didn't notice, however, was that a naked Pique was still getting changed in the background. The triumph marked Pique's th appearance for Barcelona. Ferran Torres got his side off to the perfect start on the day, converting a 14th minute penalty. The former Manchester City ace then added another seven minute later, before Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang made it within the half hour. Barca cruised to victory from this point, with substitute Riqui Puig adding a fourth with 15 minutes remaining. The win takes Xavi and Co up to third in the LaLiga table, five points behind second-placed Sevilla with a game in hand. They are still way back from leaders Real Madrid , however, with an unlikely 15 points to make up - albeit also possessing a game in hand over Carlo Ancelotti's side. UK Edition.

Gerard pique nude

Barcelona were celebrating a win over Osasuna, which saw them move up to third in the La Liga table, when Dutch international Depay caught his naked team-mate Pique in a video. We have more newsletters. Memphis Depay has accidentally posted a video that has shown his Barcelona team-mate Gerard Pique naked inside their team's dressing room. The duo both played a part as Barca defeated Osasuna on Sunday to move up to third in the La Liga table. Pique started the game at centre-back before being forced off injured after 62 minutes, while Depay came on as a substitute in place of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

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My Account. Ferran Torres got his side off to the perfect start on the day, converting a 14th minute penalty. Irish Sun. Valencia fire Horror inferno as housing block erupts into flames and smoke billows metres into the air. Lives At Risk Fire chiefs had to call backup from an hour away after crews axed in budget cuts. Depay posed alongside veteran team-mate Dani Alves for the video, with the pair showing off their street clothes having showered and changed. New Videos. Fired Apprentice candidate Dr Asif Munaf fired from show as anti semitic comments revealed. Scottish Sun. Sign in. Wi-fi wonders Explained — How to boost your wi-fi speeds and get the best internet performance.

This is a timely reminder that no matter where you are or what you are doing, if you are a famous person there is always someone with a camera watching you. At this moment, young Chicharito is hearing a Matthew McConaughey voicover in his head explaining how all things are connected. The space-time continuum, man.

The win takes Xavi and Co up to third in the LaLiga table, five points behind second-placed Sevilla with a game in hand. UK Edition. Shamed I was so ashamed by CBeebies sacking I nearly jumped in front of a train — then my baby kicked. Depay posed alongside veteran team-mate Dani Alves for the video, with the pair showing off their street clothes having showered and changed. The former Manchester City ace then added another seven minute later, before Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang made it within the half hour. Bargains Cash-savvy mum shares how you can get parenting essentials. Fired Apprentice candidate Dr Asif Munaf fired from show as anti semitic comments revealed. New Videos. Ex-Rangers star Martyn Waghorn confronts teenage schoolkid on street after cheeky jibe. What the forward didn't notice, however, was that a naked Pique was still getting changed in the background. Football Videos.

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