Funny man utd pictures

Welcome to the funniest Manchester United football jokes part of this website. Without any further introduction, here are some of the best FC Man United jokes. Man United Jokes. Which three league teams have swear words in their names?

This article is just a response to "the Liverpool jokes" article that was put up. Here are 10 of my favourite Manchester United jokes, especially for all my Mancunian comrades. A: They had pictures of Manchester United Players on them A: One in 3,, has a chance of becoming a human being. A: They're both of bugger-all use in Europe. He would swerve to hit them and there would be a loud "THUMP" and then he would swerve back on the road.

Funny man utd pictures

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Funny man utd pictures

Welcome to the funniest Manchester United football jokes part of this website. Without any further introduction, here are some of the best FC Man United jokes. Man United Jokes. Which three league teams have swear words in their names? Jokes About Manchester United One afternoon an elderly man turned up at the offices of a large Manchester company. I've come to ask if he can have the afternoon off so I can take him to the match. What's the similarity between Manchester United and a 3-pin plug? They're both useless in Europe. What's the difference between a hedgehog and the Man U team bus? The Man U bus has more pricks!


Manchester United Jokes Beckham, Keane and Ferguson are all trapped on the roof of a burning building. Peter, "I'm sorry, no Man Utd fans in heaven. He asked the Priest, "Where are you going, Father? When they climbed up, they found three large sacks and decided to climb into them for camouflage. Seven, one to change it, five to moan about it and Ferguson to say if the ref had done his job in the first place the light bulb would have never gone out! Your story will appear on a Web page exactly the way you enter it here. A: They're both of bugger-all use in Europe. A: A bus load of Man U fans going over a cliff. Joseph's church, about two miles down the road," replied the priest. Anything else? Do you have any questions or comments? A: Their personalities. Your Name. Then he kicked the one with the Manchester United fan in it, and there was no sound at all.

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Manchester Funny Jokes Q. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which one of them was the most loyal of all. A: A jet engine eventually stops whining! Just type! Peter returns. A: A bus load of Man U fans going over a cliff. Manchester United Jokes Q. After the old man put on the man u shirt, one of his friends asks him why he changes team right before he dies, he says 'better one of them dying then one of us'. Subscribe to Newsletter. What is it to be?

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