fluoride stare

Fluoride stare

The Fluoride Stare refers to the blank-faced, glazed-eye look that conspiracy theorists encounter when they start explaining their theories to sheeple. It's based on fluoride stare fluoridation conspiracy theories that date back to the s, however, the catchphrase wasn't coined until early on Facebook and Twitter within Flat Knuckles toy Theory circles, fluoride stare. Also, the phrase became associated with an image macro of a crowd of people staring blankly at the viewer.

The " Fluoride stare " is a popular term among conspiracy theorists for the look that normal people give them when they have said something bafflingly stupid. The argument is essentially that, rather than the conspiracy nut being wrong, absolutely everyone else has been poisoned because to them, fluoride has been proven to be a neurotoxin by a single study [2] that compared normal fluoride intake to higher-than-recommended fluoride intake and showed the world that, yes, consuming things higher than recommended levels is bad for you. How bad it is is the point of the study, not showing that properly fluoridated water can poison you. Conspiracy theorists miss that point. The people that point out the issues of citing that study are brain-damaged, and the mountains of PubMed systematic reviews that show artificial fluoridation's safety are just made by other brain-damaged people.

Fluoride stare


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The fluoride stare is a subtle, baffled facial expression you automatically show when someone is talking utter bullshit. You are trying to be polite by not telling them they should go to a therapist, however, while attempting to be expressionless, a bit of your anger and confusion shines through. The conspiracy theorist, of course , will either be completely oblivious to your reaction, or will just think you have been brainwashed. However, rather than understanding that people give them this look because their opinion is way over-the-top, they believe it is because of the fluoride in the water we drink. It is a fact that ingesting great amounts of it is dangerous, but obviously the conspiracy theorists have blown it out of proportion and believe that fluoride is used by the people in power to brainwash the community so that they stay in the dark. The term is increasingly popular in the conspiracy theory community, and started spreading as a tag on Twitter. DigitalCultures » Slang » Fluoride stare. This expression is particularly frequent when talking to a conspiracy theorist.

Fluoride stare

The Fluoride Stare refers to the blank-faced, glazed-eye look that conspiracy theorists encounter when they start explaining their theories to sheeple. It's based on water fluoridation conspiracy theories that date back to the s, however, the catchphrase wasn't coined until early on Facebook and Twitter within Flat Earth Theory circles. Also, the phrase became associated with an image macro of a crowd of people staring blankly at the viewer. Additionally, the image macro used in the meme was a painting by artist Alex Gross called Distractions , [2] originally made in shown below, right. On April 23rd, , Twitter [3] user SuperSpacedad reposted the Flat Earth Matters meme in a tweet that earned over 90 likes in five years and also identified it as a newly formed catchphrase.

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See the main article on this topic: Water fluoridation. We control what you think with Language. Hidden category: Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Sadako Ceiling TV Redraws. Reptilian Humanoid. Avril Lavigne Is Dead Conspiracy. Wayfair Human Trafficking Conspiracy Theory. Twitter Facebook Discord Reddit. Also, the phrase became associated with an image macro of a crowd of people staring blankly at the viewer. That's the problem when you start drinking your own industrial waste. The Illuminati.

Is a conspiracy theorist telling you a bunch of nonsense? The fluoride stare involves a blank-faced expression made when the person thinks that they are listening to utter rubbish spoken by a lunatic. Most people that use the stare do it to get the person to stop talking and move on to someone else.

We control what you think with Language. It's a neat little self-referential package where questioning of one's beliefs never needs to happen for those who tout themselves as often the most skeptical and questioning. See the main article on this topic: Water fluoridation. View All Images. On November 16th, , the Facebook [5] page Grow Food, Not Lawns posted a meme that referenced the Fluoride Stare but used the Awkward Party Reaction image macro, earning roughly 1, reactions and 2, shares in five years shown below, left. On January 27th, , TikToker [11] leekycartier posted a video that referenced the Fluoride Stare, earning roughly , plays and 18, likes in four months shown below, right. Jargon, buzzwords, slogans. View All Related Entries. Categories : Language Conspiracy theories Water fluoridation. How bad it is is the point of the study, not showing that properly fluoridated water can poison you. Sign up Now!

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