final fantasy memes

Final fantasy memes

Didn't you hear Yoshi-P? He said we're outta free trials! Being a tank-bustingly popular online game, it's no surprise that Final Fantasy XIV has racked up quite the veritable list of memes over its runtime, enough to have its own standalone page from the main franchise's index. When adding to this page, please write the meme, then add the final fantasy memes of the meme inside a labelnote titled "Explanation.

It was not the first time I played the game however. Back in the day we used to hang out and not even play games together. She would either play stuff and I would watch, or vice versa. It was pretty fun despite us not being to complete it due to a bad bug. Weird gameplay situations aside, I was blown away for more reasons than I could count. First of all the graphics were mind blowing.

Final fantasy memes

We checked! You know, that teeth-crunchingly popular series that everyone who actually plays video games has, at the absolute least, heard of? If it's that popular, with the release of each game, you know that it'll spawn memes. When adding to this page, please write the meme, then add the explanation of the meme inside a labelnote titled "Explanation. Final Fantasy XIV has its own page. Final Fantasy I "I, Garland, will knock you all down! It even made it into Dissidia the reboot, that is as an actual line of Garland's in-game and is also referenced with his Lv. It's notably associated with the above meme due to Fighter conversing with the guards who keep saying it. Final Fantasy II Rebel curs! Explanation In Fynn, one of the game's early towns, there are enemy Captains prowling the area. Talking to them prompts them to exclaim " Rebel curs! It's easily one of the most iconic parts of the already Nintendo Hard game's first act. It's a very popular meme in Japan, to the extent that it's the name of the Emperor's fan club. As with several FF memes, these became his death cries in Dissidia.

And lo and behold, a later game trailer revealed that you can indeed pet him.


The Final Fantasy series has been an absolute roller coaster for fans. One minute the franchise is going in bold and new directions and the next players are slogging through a meaningless game of social activities with very little fighting. Through it all the fan base has been churning out a massive collection of memes. This is an entertaining meme that makes fun of the character Noctis. Every other character in the circle is decked out in some form of armor or intricate uniform to provide them protection in battle or display their station, yet Noctis stands out for his simple outfit. Not a loose fitting jacket and no mask to cover his face. The entire job of a white mage is to be the healer of the party, the one who keeps others alive no matter how close they are to the brink of death or what ails them.

Final fantasy memes

The video game series, which consists of sixteen direct sequel and spin-off titles, has also inspired numerous motion pictures, anime films and novels. Final Fantasy , the original title, was released in Japan on December 18th, for the Nintendo Entertainment System NES , which featured a turn-based combat system, experience points, an overworld map and randomly encountered enemies. Final Fantasy II was released in Japan the following year, introducing multiple recurring concepts to the series, including the trademark chocobos. Final Fantasy III was released in Japan on April 27th, , which used a similar experience points and character class system as the original title. The game is credited for being the basis of the "Job System" that would be found in many RPGs to come. The game received critical acclaim and sold more than 3 million. The game currently has more than 5 million subscribers. A Remake of Final Fantasy VII was announced for the PlayStation 4 during E3 , with the game proper set to be divided into episodic portions to mimic the multi-disc nature of the original game, a change met with mixed reception online. In addition, Final Fantasy XV currently stands delayed until November 29th, to bolster quality testing so that the finished product matches expectations.

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It doesn't help that there's a bug in the audio playback where she gets cut-off at the word "summon". Expect to find even fans of Gav poking fun at his moment of terrible timing. She used to talk about how Auron and Al Pacino look alike. Good to see you Everyone loves the cubus! The Rule of the Roulette: The better quality of the Duty, the less chance you'll see it in the roulette. However, the bigger surprise was the final boss of the second tier, specifically the Savage exclusive second stage where Hephaistos turns into a horrible multi-eyed abomination that looks like it walked straight out of a Resident Evil installment. Explanation The infamous "fake laughter" scene from Final Fantasy X , intentional Stylistic Suck that still garnered a Narm reaction out of the audience. I got a good feeling! Allegedly, it was a not so subtle hint from the translation team that they wanted a pay raise. HP's for winners Explanation Jokingly said by tanks who are able to take a lot of hits that the other roles can't, especially when players of said roles fail mechanics that cause lots of damage. But grinding the same dungeon over and over becomes mind-numbingly boring, hence the meme. FUCK SOMNUS Explanation Episode Ardyn: Prologue also reveals the extent of Somnus's crimes: his extreme method of combating the Starscourge — even to those victims merely suspected of being infected, sending his men to hunt down and possibly kill his own brother, vilifying and betraying him on the day of his ascension, killing the Oracle — who was also Ardyn's betrothed — and showing zero remorse over it, brutally stabbing Ardyn in the back while Ardyn was grieving over his beloved's body, as well as subsequently erasing Ardyn's name from history and making himself out to be a benevolent king. Cue Transformers jokes. Combine this with the brutal AOE patterns, multiple enrage periods, and extremely tight DPS checks, and this phrase instead became used to mock elitists who dismissed Dragonsong's Reprise off-hand.

Final Fantasy is one of the most well-known Japanese role playing game franchises of all time, garnering international success and a die-hard following. Spanning across 15 main titles with multiple successful spin-off titles like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Type-0, Worlds of Final Fantasy , and more, the series has had tremendous success and is Square Enix's most well-known intellectual property.

They hardly seem worth treading such a fine line to be worth including. Explanation From Final Fantasy Tactics Advance , this more or less sums up a common interpretation of all the Character Development that Marche gets through the game, causing people to consider him a Designated Hero. You think you die and that's it?! Grapes Explanation spoiler The penultimate Tale from the Shadows has a conversation between a pre-Zodiark Elidibus and Emet Selch about how a certain island is being evacuated because of an imminent volcano eruption. Bald Tiny Wrestler Guy Explanation The way one of the characters' hands is positioned on the steering wheel of the car and the person in in the other seat are positioned, it looks as though there's a bald man. The Knockdown 2: Garland's Return Explanation Naturally , Garland's presence saw yet another resurgence for his immortal "I, Garland, will knock you all down! Based off his line where he says 'Ore wo' Japanese for 'I' which sounds like he was saying 'oreo'. The Sanctuary is meant to be a casual farming and building sim-type game, in the vein of Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing. Cartoon balloon pop Explanation with spoilers Valens meets his end at the end of the Sorrow of Werylt story by being crushed to death by the Diamond Weapon, who is controlled by Alfonse's consciousness. Final Fantasy X-2 I don't like your plan. Catboy genocide Explanation Many jokes were made at how many male Miqo'te players would Fantasia into male Vieras, causing a mass disappearance of catboys everywhere.

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