Fantasy aesthetics

The fantasy genre is rich with a myriad of sub-genres, fantasy aesthetics, and each has its own conventions and trends. With the different terms floating around out there it can be easy to confuse or overlook key sub-genres.

Urban Fantasy is an aesthetic that is a mixture of Fantasy , and Urbancore. It is a aesthetic of fantasy elements, characters, and concepts are placed in a real world urban setting. Urban fantasy may be set in an approximation of our world in which the fantastic exists secretly or in a world such as an alternative history in which it occurs openly or some combination of the above. Elements such as magic, paranormal beings, other worlds and so on, may exist here. Common themes include coexistence or conflict between humans and other beings, and the changes such characters and events bring to local life [1]. The term began to come into its present use in the late s and early s. This development is apparent in the increased use of the term in contemporary reviews.

Fantasy aesthetics

What I have chosen to be my project is a bottle tap piece of chainmail armor. I am going to use bottle tas and interlace them together to make a chainmail armor. I want to make this piece a fantasy aesthetic. Fantasy includes massive large-scale otherworldly environments, lands, and fashion. The idea is the art is extravagant and detail-oriented with the point of expanding the world and making worldbuilding more realistic. The world is usually divided into sections and regions, some being more elevated, mystical, and magical, some being medieval, steampunk, and army and kingdom-based, and some being evil, with monsters and trolls. This aspect of Fantasy usually has the most magic and mystical systems that go along with it. The other part of this aesthetic is the kingdom side. I find that this can fluctuate between mid-evil styles and fairy tale styles. Mid-evil is more rugged castles with bricks and thrown rooms with large dining halls, with the classic king and queen costumes and tropes. This can be found through the war and army clothing used for protection and war.

It often aims to unsettle, chill or horrify the reader as well as to entertain.


Fairycore , also known as Fairy Folk , is a fantasy themed aesthetic that centres predominantly around fairy alternatively spelled faerie and elf mythology. Visuals include nature, soft pastels, butterflies, magic, flowers, soft animals like bunnies, and the vibe of springtime. Any and all fey-like creatures from mythology around the world are included. It is most similar to Cottagecore , Pixiecore , and Goblincore. The term was coined by an unknown Tumblr user. The aesthetic is popular with fairykin , people who incorporate the concept of fairies into their personal identity.

Fantasy aesthetics

So many types of aesthetics are popular right now. But, did you know there are more aesthetics? In this post, I will give you the ultimate list of aesthetics, updated for They will be organized by category, and they will have collections of pictures, to give you an idea of the aesthetic. Academia aesthetics center around the themes and lifestyle of school, university, or academic settings including learning and studying. The attire, lifestyle, and overall themes for Academia are classy, well-organized, prestigious, and often preppy. Some academias depict Greco-Roman classical elements, but this is not required. Most internet aesthetics fall under this type of aesthetic. Subculture aesthetics focus primarily on the lifestyle-visuals elements of a subculture and make new derivatives of them. For example, take the punk aesthetic.

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Notify me of new posts by email. The rest of the world, which could have been our own, is not aware of the malevolent forces and or a secret society of demon worshippers the main characters encounters. Anyway, thanks for commenting, I will be keeping my eye open for mentions of mythological fiction now! Especially the further subgenres of dystopian fiction and dystopian fantasy. Thanks for the wonderful list. This definition differs to many others out there, however I have personally found it to be the most useful way to differentiate magical realism from low fantasy. Typical Elements: characters trying to escape the harsh realities of the world, cruel authority figures, mental asylums, quirky imaginative characters, important historical events. These stories often draw heavily on myths and legends from this period of history. This is a supra-genre, rather than a sub-genre. Like Liked by 1 person. Typical Elements: supernatural creatures, hidden magical spaces, real-world mythological influences, characters discovering the existence of supernatural forces.

High fantasy is an aesthetic that can define many facets of media culture — but typically used as an aesthetic in fictional narratives. This post will highlight the more visual portion of the high fantasy aesthetic.

Especially the further subgenres of dystopian fiction and dystopian fantasy. Many urban fantasies are also paranormal fantasies or paranormal romances. It is often associated with Latin-American literature because many of its founders and most prominent writers are Latin-American. Typically cities in the modern world are common, but they may also be in an alternate world or universe, or smaller town, and can have elements such as:. Like Liked by 2 people. But I do like Twain. Your email address will not be published. Pingback: The myriad sub-genres of fantasy fiction — Rebecca Alasdair. Good read. All those books deserve to be reclassified within their particular genre, with the tag YA added. Typical Elements: thieves, assassins, torturers, organised crime, filthy cities, torture, murder, rape, violence, corrupt rulers, anti-heroes. Magic Realism as a literary genre was born out of Latin America.

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