Duggar snark

By happy atheist April 13, in Quiver Full of Duggars.

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Duggar snark


I am getting so damn tired and run down from this.


But the average person who might have occasionally watched their popular TLC show, 19 Kids and Counting , might not have known until watching Shiny Happy People the extent of the scandals within the family and the larger IBLP organization. A community online, however, has been raising these issues for years. Their efforts take various forms across different social media platforms. Snark subreddits, which also exist for popular TikTokers , wives of major celebrities , YouTubers , and other public figures, are meant to foster a community of like-minded people who dislike a particular person or group of famous people or feel a responsibility to shed light on unsavory ways in which they are using their platforms. And in the case of the Duggars, most notably in the comments section of a channel called Fundie Fridays. The page, which has over , subscribers, was created by Jen Bryant, who talks about Christian Fundamentalism in her videos while doing her makeup. Because of her expertise in the online community, she appeared as a talking head in Shiny Happy People. Bryant creates informational videos on different topics related to famous fundamentalist Christian figures, highlighting what she considers to be hypocritical behaviors when compared to their professed values. When she uploaded her first video on the Duggars, it became her most popular video to date, with over two million views.

Duggar snark

It is rare that Anna responds with a snippy tone, but she did just that. The former reality star shared a photo from the Duggar ugly Christmas sweater party and when a follower commented about how she appeared to not be feeling well, it was game on. She takes every opportunity to put rude followers in their place. The photo Anna shared was a family one from the Duggar ugly sweater party. She posed alongside her husband and five older children while holding Maryella. Anna had welcomed her little girl roughly a week earlier but wanted to take part in the night of fun with the family. It was also the official debut of Maryella on Counting On as well.

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They all seem to be saving their first kiss Men are suppose to do everything else otherwise you risk a woman doing men's work and therefore her becoming a feminist and inviting the evil of the devil into your house. I'll leave it there. By older boys do you mean John David and Joseph? By meep in It's me, meep. He has to see his parents make out all day long, why such intense scrutiny? If I had waited until my wedding for the kiss, I still prefer it to be shared in a private moment. Sign In Sign Up. Important Information By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Pupdates - Some Good News. Heavy lifting is men's work. They're gonna have a hard time unloading him, and if they do, I have a feeling it's gonna be because some poor Gothardite girl couldn't manage to land anyone else. The boys don't have to do anything and can request sex at any time.

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. With those tools, he downloaded child pornography, some depicting the abuse of children younger than

Just watched the episode, and dear lord those boys are lazy. I agree that nobody should be really judging who can and can't conceive since it has no relation with parenting abilities. I thought it was nice of Chad to allow her to decorate it. I'm watching a repeat of The Middle, and they just totally snarked on the Duggars!!! Happy International Women's Day! If I could return to Luxembourg tomorrow and renounce my citizenship in this stinking shitpile of a country I would. BlackberryGirl Well, the rash is back with a vengeance. It's a mess. Therapy Outside the Box Hello, I'm brand new to this forum. Much more can be gleaned about me through my website: therapyoutsidethebox. Note 3 : Lemmy is based on the same technology as Mastodon. Anyhow, love to y'all! She needs to grow the fuck up, posthaste. They'd probably wet themselves every time a Duggar looked at them and do something like faint or cry or beg for an autograph.

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