downfall on netflix

Downfall on netflix

Examining the months since the tragedies, downfall on netflix, which caused global panic in March after two new aircrafts crashed within five months, killing people. Andy Pasztor : In addition to Congress trying to get to the bottom of this, the families of the victims really took this on as a personal issue. They felt that there needed to be some explanation of how two planes could have crashed within such a short period downfall on netflix time. Sign In Sign In.

The film sides with interviewees in criticizing the capitalization of Boeing, noting that the urge to beat major competitor Airbus led to the neglect of component failures within the MAX. Downfall premiered in a virtual screening at the Sundance Film Festival on January 21, , [2] before being released on Netflix on February 18 as a Netflix Original Documentary. The film received wide critical acclaim for its comprehensiveness, narrative structure, and emotions, mostly aimed towards Kennedy and editor Don Kleszy. It also renewed public attention on the MAX 8 case, causing further criticism of Boeing, who had initially declined to participate in filming and rebuked the film after its release. Its story examines the and Boeing MAX incidents , where two airliners crashed killing a combined people and how Boeing may have been more concerned with financial gain over the safety of their passengers. Kennedy said about the 21st-century history of Boeing :. Those three virtues were seen as the key to profit.

Downfall on netflix

In the damning new Netflix documentary Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, the errors and oversights that led to two crashes are examined. F or the vast majority of travelers, stepping foot on an airplane entails a tremendous act of near-blind faith. We control our own cars, trains operate on set tracks at ground level, but flying requires us to put total trust in the expertise of a complete stranger to operate a machine too complex for us to understand. In this case, it seems that all of those agencies failed us. After the first catastrophe, one might have expected Boeing to ground their Maxes until they could pinpoint the source of the malfunction. Americans certainly had nothing to worry about, they insisted, right up until the Ethiopian Airlines system failure further tarnished their reputation and got people asking whether the Max was really so rock-solid. Boeing was forced to halt the use of the jets , by which point they were already far past too late. It drew a lot of attention, including mine. I was surprised, given how similar the flight patterns were, and how the planes were both the exact same model. They took lives. But instead, it seemed like Boeing was focused on blaming the pilots for what happened.

The emotive scenes of the wife of the captain and the passengers grieving are heart-rending, but do they detract from a documentary film that seeks the truth without drama and emotion? Part of my interest in making this film was the hope that it could rise to something bigger, downfall on netflix. Log in to leave a comment.

It was also watched by many passengers, for obvious reasons. Would it bring any fresh knowledge or possibly unravel further what was already known? Would it be objective and embrace views from those who believe that while Boeing got a lot of things wrong, they were not the only party that contributed to the twin crashes of the MAX. In the event, it seemed to simply remind us of what we already knew, or thought we knew. I asked friends unconnected with aviation who all watched it avidly what new information they discovered. The emotive scenes of the wife of the captain and the passengers grieving are of course heart-rending, but do they detract from a documentary film that seeks the truth without drama and emotion?

Before the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster of , the vast majority of us had never heard of O-rings, the seemingly unimportant but utterly essential redundant seals in the solid rocket boosters. The failure of those O-rings in one of the boosters led to the tragic explosion and the deaths of all seven crew members. Before the shocking crashes of two Boeing Max jets within five months in and , almost no one outside the airline industry — and apparently even many within the business — had ever heard of the MCAS Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System , which was designed as a flight stabilizing program but turned out to be the disruptive, literally triggering factor that led to the crashes of Lion Air Flight in October of and Ethiopian Airlines Flight in March of , causing the deaths of a total of passengers and crew. This is not the type of material that should be turned into something splashy and spectacular; the reality of this story is more than startling — and in some cases, infuriating — enough to keep us in its grips. Other than the relatively brief big-picture history lesson, the documentary focuses on the two crashes — and the series of events, sometimes decades in the making — that led to the horrific and unconscionable deaths of hundreds. Both planes crashed because the flawed MCAS software kept automatically pushing down on the nose of the aircraft shortly after takeoff, in response to a nonexistent crisis — thus creating a fatal crisis. How could this happen? However, if you have to take pilots out of the skies for simulator training — well, that costs, big time. Even after Boeing knew about the software problem with the MCAS system, its leaders refused to ground the line and hoped and prayed the necessary software fix would be installed before another plane fell from the sky. The Hardest-Working Paper in America.

Downfall on netflix

Binge-watchers, get ready—right after the release of Inventing Anna, Netflix is dropping new true-crime content this week. Downfall: The Case Against Boeing dives deep into two plane crashes, uncovering why they happened and how Boeing reportedly attempted to cover them up. And, if you happen to be a Housewives fan, you might want to add this one to your queue more on that in a sec. At the center of the documentary are two crashes: Lion Air Flight in and Ethiopian Airlines Flight in Over lives were lost between both disasters, and the film's trailer highlights how many people knew the accidents weren't just a coincidence. Downfall 's director Rory Kennedy explained that his mission in creating the film was to find the connection between the two. It was just devastating. Then five months later, the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight It was difficult to process, to understand. It soon became clear that a larger story linked the two.

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I asked friends unconnected with aviation who all watched it avidly what new information they discovered. Kennedy said about the 21st-century history of Boeing :. In any event, this was not carried out, leaving the pilots as the last line of defence. Read Edit View history. Other issues? Privacy Policy We have placed cookies on your device to enhance your browsing experience. Boeing has already offered a significant settlement to surviving loved ones. We worked really hard to fully understand them, and then turn them into information that I hope is digestible to laypeople. Blistering indictment of Boeing's "profit at any cost" culture. Trailer If there were, as early reports in the documentary point out, some elements of poor training of pilots in general, not only in certain regions of the world but even in the US and other places, then we have simply bandaged over a very large wound that is just waiting for the band-aid to snap. The film received wide critical acclaim for its comprehensiveness, narrative structure, and emotions, mostly aimed towards Kennedy and editor Don Kleszy. Release date February 18, United States.

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Running time. Create account. We are collecting cookies for marketing purposes. F or the vast majority of travelers, stepping foot on an airplane entails a tremendous act of near-blind faith. Director Rory Kennedy. Release date February 18, United States. Privacy Policy We have placed cookies on your device to enhance your browsing experience. Even on the NG the previous model training had all but ceased in many places on the existing Runaway Stabiliser procedure, never mind the new yet to be invented one. The first Boeing plane crash occurred in If you are in the mood to witness firsthand how one of America's erstwhile most treasured companies falls from grace in its never-ending pursuit of "increasing shareholder value", I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion. But to be that last line of defense when everything else has failed, they must be on top of their game and well trained to perform those duties. I like JetBlue and Delta these days because they fly the A But to intervene at a critical stage of flight you have to be certain of four things. There were many decades when Boeing did extraordinary things by focusing on excellence and safety and ingenuity.

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