

Today the DFSA dfsa that they have had an exceptional growth year in Growth in licensing was witnessed in various segments of the financial services sector, dfsa.

This development allows ThinkMarkets to onboard clients in the United Arab Emirates and offer its trading platform, ThinkTrader, to a new client base. The UAE and wider MENA region is a high-growth market, and this new licence will now enable us to onboard new clients from this area in a regulated and secure way. At ThinkMarkets, we're always seeking ways to give our clients an exceptional trading experience with our proprietary platform ThinkTrader, thousands of trading instruments to choose from, and regulation, are fundamental parts to achieving this. Our new DFSA licence will help better serve our customer-base, while also helping extend ThinkMarkets' presence into new, strategic markets in the region. This regulatory milestone aligns with ThinkMarkets' broader global expansion strategy, as the company actively seeks to establish its presence in new markets worldwide. Find out more here:… pic.


Building on the long-standing relationship between the Dubai International Financial Centre DIFC and the HKMA, this new partnership aims to bolster cross-border collaboration to advance sustainable finance across the two regions and contribute to the net-zero transition. The flagship initiative of this partnership is the upcoming Joint Climate Finance Conference, set to take place in Hong Kong in autumn This event will explore common opportunities and challenges in accelerating the flow of transition financing in the Middle East and Asia. Discussions are expected to focus on the role of supervisors and central banks in facilitating sustainable capital flows, how best to leverage frameworks and existing and innovative green financing solutions ranging from debt to carbon markets , and the importance of robust international co-operation to effect climate action globally. It requires joint actions across regions and sectors to tackle. We are excited about this new project with the DFSA, which provides a platform for more regular knowledge sharing and collaboration between the Middle East and Asia on the important subject of sustainable finance. Together, both regulatory bodies forge ahead, championing a future marked by responsible financial practices and a global transition to a net-zero economy. The DFSA's regulatory mandate covers asset management, banking and credit services, securities, collective investment funds, custody and trust services, commodities futures trading, Islamic finance, insurance, crowdfunding platforms, money services, an international equities exchange and an international commodities derivatives exchange. Please refer to the DFSA's website for more information. The HKMA's main functions are: i maintaining currency stability within the framework of the Linked Exchange Rate System; ii promoting the stability and integrity of the financial system, including the banking system; iii helping to maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre, including the maintenance and development of Hong Kong's financial infrastructure; and iv managing the Exchange Fund. Skip to main content. View All View All.

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It operates only within the special economic zone and is tasked with providing a regulatory environment of international standards. The DFSA's regulatory mandate includes asset management, banking and credit services, securities, collective investment funds, custody and trust services, commodities futures trading , Islamic finance, insurance, an international equities exchange, and an international commodities derivatives exchange. The laws set out the objectives, powers and functions of the central bodies. They also contain important exemptions and prohibitions in the DIFC. The agency was established in as part of the establishment of the Dubai International Financial Centre. In , a trader at a company authorized by the Dubai Financial Services Authority was banned for six years from performing any functions in connection with the provision of financial services in the Dubai International Financial Centre after he mismarked his trading book.

Scams can rely on what you don't know. Learn more about protecting yourself online and from imposters. Know when W2s or Rs will be available via myPay. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year directed that as of January 1, , the Optional Annuity for Dependent Children is eliminated and the SBP annuity payment must revert to the surviving spouse if the spouse submits documentation and is eligible. If you are a surviving spouse who requested the Optional Child Annuity, we need your completed eligibility documents as soon as possible if you haven't provided them!


Dit aanvullende laboratoriumonderzoek kan een gerichte analyse betreffen analyse van specifieke geneesmiddelen of het kan een toxicologische screening zijn. Welke analyses worden ingezet en de snelheid waarmee dit gepaard dient te gaan cito of niet , is afhankelijk van enkele factoren:. Daarnaast kan toxicologische analyse van belang zijn in het kader van de volksgezondheid. Er kunnen gerichte analyses worden uitgevoerd gericht op specifieke genees middelen of er kan een screening worden uitgevoerd. Een goede hetero anamnese is van belang voor een juiste interpretatie en afhandeling van een intoxicatie. Het beleid betreffende toxicologische analyses en verdere diagnostiek en behandeling wordt afgestemd in overleg tussen behandelend arts en ziekenhuisapotheker. Intoxicaties kunnen onderverdeeld worden in twee groepen: intentioneel en accidenteel en hierbij zijn dan weer onderverdelingen mogelijk. Een accidentele vergiftiging is onbewust ontstaan door bijvoorbeeld stapeling van een geneesmiddel i. Daarnaast zijn er intoxicaties van experimentele aard zoals het gebruik van straatdrugs en grote hoeveelheden alcohol. De hetero-anamnese kan aanvullende informatie geven.

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Please refer to the DFSA's website for more information. This development allows ThinkMarkets to onboard clients in the United Arab Emirates and offer its trading platform, ThinkTrader, to a new client base. It requires joint actions across regions and sectors to tackle. Please note that the DIFC is a geographically delineated financial free zone with its own common-law based civil and commercial legal framework, and financial services regulatory regime separate and distinct from the rest of the UAE. Synopsis of the MoU and what it means for Dubai in relation to its ambitions as a regional hub for FinTech. This article highlights findings relevant persons should be mindful of. Growth in licensing was witnessed in various segments of the financial services sector. Article Talk. Whilst the DIFC has a separate civil and commercial legal framework, it has no jurisdiction over criminal matters. Tools Tools.

GOA Infra Opleidingen is weer begonnen met alle infra opleidingen op de diverse locaties. Dit doen we conform de geldende RIVM richtlijnen. Onze protocollen zijn hierop gebaseerd.

At ThinkMarkets, we're always seeking ways to give our clients an exceptional trading experience with our proprietary platform ThinkTrader, thousands of trading instruments to choose from, and regulation, are fundamental parts to achieving this. Last revision date : 19 December Tools Tools. July 21, Background to Consultation Paper No. Article Talk. Find out more here:… pic. In , a trader at a company authorized by the Dubai Financial Services Authority was banned for six years from performing any functions in connection with the provision of financial services in the Dubai International Financial Centre after he mismarked his trading book. Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August All stub articles. Together, both regulatory bodies forge ahead, championing a future marked by responsible financial practices and a global transition to a net-zero economy. For an optimal experience please rotate your device to portrait mode. Skip to main content. The agency was established in as part of the establishment of the Dubai International Financial Centre.

2 thoughts on “Dfsa

  1. Willingly I accept. The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.

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