bootylicious gif

Bootylicious gif

Kurt Cobain died, bootylicious gif. The OJ thing. The band Nickelback formed and rose to prominence. Hillary Clinton became such a household name that a bunch of millennial fuckboys decided to vote for Jill Stein in

By Amy Sciarretto — Written on Aug 20, Move over, Destiny's Child. Nicki Minaj is the reigning queen of bootyliciousness. The rap vixen, who is known for her curvaceous derriere, shakes what the good Lord gave her in her video for her new single "Anaconda. Actually, it's debatable whether or not Her Minajesty's junk in the trunk is real or the work of plastic surgeons. That's a rumor that has dogged but not felled the pink-loving rap goddess for years.

Bootylicious gif


She has put her body on full display, to be admired.


The song contains a prominent sample from Stevie Nicks ' song " Edge of Seventeen ". Although the term "bootylicious" had already been used by rapper Snoop Dogg in Dr. Dre 's song " Dre Day " , the popularity of "Bootylicious" caused the slang word to become widespread, being added to the Oxford English Dictionary in under the definition " of a woman sexually attractive". According to Knowles, she was inspired to write the song on a flight to either London [5] or Japan as she was listening to the guitar riff of Stevie Nicks ' song " Edge of Seventeen ", which reminded her of a "voluptuous woman". Unable to locate the song, he chose to sample "Edge of Seventeen" instead. A hip hop -styled remix the Rockwilder remix was produced by Rockwilder , Knowles, and Missy Elliott.

Bootylicious gif


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The band Nickelback formed and rose to prominence. The video is like some CIA action-movie homage. Minaj's slaps the rumps of other well-bootyed ladies. Also, Eminem discovered 50 Cent? Drizzy looks semi-uncomfy, doesn't he? For many of us, this music video may have acted as a sexual awakening of sorts. Linda Perry, of 4 Non Blondes fame, wrote this gem, whose vid was more inclusive 15 years ago than certain Disney movies that are trying to be on trend in twenty-seventeen. Loving that bling, too! Della Bites. This song is so tight! Share this: Pinterest Twitter Facebook.


Wet 'n' wild with N. Email Required Name Required Website. Her Minajesty lookin' all innocent, not that innocent. Subscribe Subscribed. Hearing this song floods me with happiness. Is it just me, or does this song actively suck? Yaaasss, bitches, the fake Russian lesbian song! That's it. Hillary Clinton became such a household name that a bunch of millennial fuckboys decided to vote for Jill Stein in Growing up in this era afforded a very specific and pop cultural experience, one that, as much as we may have loved it, was pretty much trash. Minaj is hotter than the sun. Staying in shape! Log in now.

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