Zoe counter

Zoe middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Zoe middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of games, zoe counter.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Zoe Builds.

Zoe counter

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Zoe Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Zoe wins lane against Name Gold diff Aurelion Sol Mid. Azir Mid.

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Even if these Zoe counter picks are not played in your lane, it's not a good idea to choose her into any of these matchups. They will most often destroy Zoe. Capitalize on Zoe's Weak Early Game: Zoe's early laning phase is lackluster and can be exploited due to her lack of mobility. Aggressively capitalizing on her weak early game can give you an upper hand in the match. Use this opportunity to attack as she will be weak against enemies with dash or blink abilities. Use Crowd Control: Zoe is extremely vulnerable once crowd-controlled and has no escape mechanism.

Zoe counter

Zoe middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Zoe middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of games. Zoe wins against Sylas After normalising both champions win rates Zoe wins against Sylas

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Ekko guia by Atemporal Ekko Player. Zoe wins against Sylas Malphite Shard of the Monolith. If she gets good pick ups it can become a hard match up. Her damage potential is insane though, so do NOT underestimate her. So beware of those bubbles. Sona can bait Zoe into going for these Shards, then use your R or your abilities to punish Zoe while she's vulnerable. Nevertheless, you yourself can also get punished easily if you are to attentive enough to dodge her Q-Ability and E-Ability. The average opponent winrate against Oriannais Ashe AD Carry. Don't let her harass you for free early. Make sure to not get caught by it and try to slow-push to wave to her. You can dodge her skill shots easily with W. Heimerdinger the Revered Inventor. Start Doran's ring and Health Potions against her and pick up some early boots as soon as possible.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved.

If you are against Zoe, start with Doran's Ring. Remember that she can also use your summoners spells and get some from minions. She can punish you very hard if you get hit by her E, so try to dodge that with the best of your abilities. Zoe wins against Ahri This matchup is like a race for who can oneshot the other faster. Zed the Master of Shadows. Try took look for roams since your roaming ability is far better than hers. Patch 8. You can also Setup Q dagger on minions and proc your electrocute, move to the side for her sleep after doing that. Make sure to position behind minions so she can't hit her E on you and so she cant land a long range Q on you. Also, her ulta has a CD of 10 seconds, and can be combined with other abilities.

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