ziua mamei

Ziua mamei

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Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood , maternal bonds , and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations, honoring family members, such as Father's Day , Siblings Day , and Grandparents' Day. While some countries have a multi-century history of a day to celebrate mothers, the modern American version of the holiday began in the United States in the early 20th century at the initiative of Anna Jarvis , who organized the first Mother's Day service of worship and celebration at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia , which serves as the International Mother's Day Shrine today. The American version of Mother's Day has been criticized for having become too commercialized. Ann Jarvis had been a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War , and created Mother's Day Work Clubs to address public health issues. She and another peace activist and suffragist Julia Ward Howe had been urging for the creation of a "Mother's Day For Peace" where mothers would ask that their husbands and sons were no longer killed in wars.

Ziua mamei


As a result, she organized boycotts of Mother's Day, and threatened to issue lawsuits against the companies involved.


Ziua Mamei este sarbatorita in toata lumea. Iata un lucru comun tuturor culturilor: acela de a celebra in fiecare an actul maternitatii, pentru a aduce un omagiu atat miracolului nasterii, cat si femeilor speciale care au facut posibila acesta minune. Cu toate acestea, Ziua Mamei nu se sarbatoreste peste tot la aceeasi data. In Regatul Unit, are loc inainte cu 3 saptamani de duminica Pastelui, iar in prima duminica din luna mai se celebreaza in Romania, Portugalia, Spania, Ungaria, Lituania, Angola. Variatiile nu se opresc aici, iar pe wikipedia vei gasi un tabel foarte stufos cu toate datele de celebrare pentru Ziua Mamei, in toata lumea. Mai este interesant de observat ca in unele state, Ziua Mamei este considerata o sarbatoare publica anuala Thailanda, Costa Rica, Georgia. La noi in tara, Ziua Mamei a inceput sa fie sarbatorita recent, in anul Legea privitoare la acesta sarbatoare precum si la Ziua Tatalui a fost propusa in Senatul Romaniei in iunie , ca urmare a initiativei TATA Alianta Antidiscriminare a Tuturor Taticilor si a unui grup de parlamentari. Legea a fost apoi aprobata, astfel ca in mai , Ziua Mamei a fost sarbatorita oficial pentru prima data in Romania.

Ziua mamei

Toma sau Duminica Tomii. Colaborator articole postate Publica din 13 Octombrie Pentru a adauga un comentariu este nevoie sa te autentifici. Cand vizitati orice site web, acesta ar putea stoca sau prelua informatii din browser, mai ales sub forma de cookie-uri. Aceste informatii ar putea fi despre dumneavoastra, despre preferintele sau despre dispozitivul dumneavoastra si sunt folosite mai ales pentru a face site-ul sa functioneze asa cum va asteptati. Informatiile nu va identifica direct de obicei, dar va pot oferi o experienta web mai personalizata.

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Retrieved 25 March A later date was chosen to allow everyone to go outside and pick flowers. The Indian Express. Meanings for ziua Mamei Add a meaning. The celebration was set as the same date that Henrietta Szold died 13 February The fact that the holiday was originally imported from the US was seen as evidence of an attempt at imposing capitalism and materialism in Mexican society. Student Resources in Context. Retrieved 19 July ISBN X. Veterans Day federal Thanksgiving federal. The nearby Mata Tirtha village is named after these ponds. In , the celebration was given a budget and integrated into the new Code de l'action Sociale et des familles.

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood , maternal bonds , and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations, honoring family members, such as Father's Day , Siblings Day , and Grandparents' Day.

Nicaragua [52]. Archived from the original on 20 July Phonetic spelling of ziua Mamei Add phonetic spelling. Speedy Publishing LLC. In , merchants declined to move the date. BBC Myanmar in Burmese. Mother's Day in Italy was celebrated for the first time on 24 December as the "Day of the mother and the child" Giornata della madre e del fanciullo. Azang-Njaah [ro]. Al Arabiya. Following the October Revolution later that year, the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Vladimir Lenin to make it an official holiday in the Soviet Union, and it was established, but was a working day until Retrieved 8 November Some children may give small gifts to their mothers. Jesus and Mary. He formed a non-governmental organization called Chinese Mothers' Festival Promotion Society , with the support of Confucian scholars and lecturers of ethics. Greenwood Publishing Group.

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