wrestling gay bear

Wrestling gay bear

A true gem of a wrestle in vertex video wrestling.

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Wrestling gay bear


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Just like the community grew and evolved, so too must the QWI. Day one — Day two — The two, along with fellow Sass Central member Gambit, are ready for A post shared by Sassy Bear Clarence clarencesassy. The most experienced member of the Sass Central faction, Sassy Bear Clarence thundered his way back onto the UK independent wrestling world in the latter half of In her third year as a pro wrestler, Mylo Matters reached her highest point yet.

Wrestling gay bear

The choice of colorimetry is also based on the brightness and naturalness of the spy cam season1. Almost all the films keep a mix of all wrestling styles in a particularly free way rather than purely competitive or purely pro. The majority of the scenarios are open and unscripted with no predefined winner.

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I would love to have seen Officer Bear enter the ring in his uniform and inflict some punishment on Herc while wearing it - then have it torn off during the fight. You have Javascript disabled. Create an account. Your cart is empty Continue shopping. Hi there! Clearly Herc is a fast favorite among vertex fans. I hope to see more Big officer bear wrestles in the future. Helena St. View Size Chart. Remember Me. Herc decides to start out with a gun show and by antagonizing his bigger opponent.

WrestleMania week is in the books and it was one of historic proportions for the presence of LGBTQ pro wrestlers. Nearly all of the dozens of events held between Wednesday and Sunday featured an LGBTQ combatant, delivering more outstanding performances than the mind or eyes could handle. Pup Collar Match: Billy Dixon vs.

Hi there! New muscleboi Herc in his micro speedos faces off against the Big Bear with his massive weight advantage. Weight Slim Avg Heavy. Expand or collapse section. Account Sign Up. Helena St. Herc has the sort of body that's just begging to be worked over. Learn More ». Back Print. Update Your Browsing Preferences. Cart Summary. Shop Designs. Add something awesome to it! Gay Wrestling Pillow What material is this item made of?

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