world of darkness merits

World of darkness merits

This page is still a work in progress, and some merits may be in the database and approved for use, but have not been asked for in the past and may require further rulings. There is no guarantee it will be approved. Which Merit do I world of darkness merits when there's more than one?

The purpose of Merits is typically to add a special or memorable quality to your character, helping explain what makes them a little different while adding a unique flavor to certain story events or reactions. Although most people see Flaws as merely a source of Freebies in chargen, their real purpose is to help you to explain various facets about your character, where you learned something important or acquired some new skill or outlook, yet had to suffer or take on some new burden to do so. Merit Rating Type Description Effect Acute Senses Physical One of your senses is exceptionally sharp, be it sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two. For 3 points , it applies to all your senses. Alcohol Tolerance 1 Physical You can drink folks under the table or otherwise party till everybody else drops. This Merit lets you make a Stamina roll difficulty 7 to shake off the effects of intoxication.

World of darkness merits

Flaws and Merits Merits and Flaws are optional traits that a storyteller may choose to include, or prohibit, in her chronical. Properly used, the Merits and Flaws help players create and indivdualize their character. Merits are special abilities or advantages that are rare or unique in the general Kindred population, while Flaws are liabilities or disadvantages that pose challenges to a character's nightly exsistance. These Traits can provide player characters with added depth and personality, but Storytellers should be careful to ensure that any Traits chosen will not adversely influence the course of the chronicle or give one character an unfair advantage over the rest. Merits and Flaws can be selected only during character creation and are purchased using freebie points. Each Merit has it's own point cost, while each Flaw has a point value which adds to the amount of freebie points a player can spend during the creation process. A character may take as many Merits as the player can afford, but no character may have more than seven points' worth of Flaws which would give a character a total of 22 freebie points to spend in other areas. Merits and Flaws are divided into four categories: physical, mental, social and supernatural. The physical category describes Merits or Flaws that deal with a character's physical makeup or abilities, while the mental category addresses intellectual abilities or patterns of behaviour. The social category comprises relationships and individual status in Kindred or mortal society, while the supernatural Merits and Flaws concern the paranormal abilities of vampires and the way they interact with the physical world.

Inner Strength 2 Mental When faced with adversity, you tend to prevail. If you are a Theurge, you spend one less experience point to acquire a new Theurge Gift although you must still abide by the restrictions of world of darkness merits Rank. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships.

All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your Clan. A character cannot take this Merit more than once, and Caitiff vampires cannot take this Merit. Merit One of your ancestor spirits is particularly close to you. You have —2 to your difficulty to contact this ancestor via your Ancestors Background. Flesh out your special ancestor with a name, personality characteristics, significant abilities or powers, details about her life, and her reputation among Garou. Merit Since their inception, Nergali Baali have subverted members of other Clans into their own ranks. Known as Apostates, initiates are first drained completely by a Baali nest-master, who then extracts the still-beating heart from a mortal victim, fills it with his own blood, and buries it in a pool of gore within a Well of Sacrifice.

Name and Dots: The name of a Merit is, obviously, what's written on a character sheet upon purchasing it. Additionally, after the name, there is a number or range of dots. If a character buys the first tier of this Merit, they might be able to "upgrade" it by spending the remaining number of points all at once. Such a Merit can be upgraded from one dot to a maximum of four, with each intermediate tier having a different effect. Prerequisites: The Attributes, Skills, other Merits, background events, or other conditions necessary to purchase this Merit. Unless otherwise noted, exceeding these requirements is fine. Reference: The page number s in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this Merit.

World of darkness merits

Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls. Add a bonus element to any clues uncovered with this Skill. Clues from extra successes never have more than one element each. Add your dots in Library to relevant extended rolls. With four dots, meditation rolls only need to accumulate one success.

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The Embrace left you with the scars of your death, eternal tracework reminders of your trip to the other side. At the end of the next week of work, she spends another Glamour with the option of spending up to five more and makes another roll, accumulating the successes until she has reached and the Curious Paw is complete. Piscine 1 Nosferatu Water is a far more comfortable environment for you, be it the sea or sewer effluent. The publicity can be good or bad. You have a mook. Academic Documents. Stigmata are usually good for one to three extra dice for Social skills when dealing with the Wyrm Tainted. While you are not given any special credit for performing this duty, you would lose a lot of respect if you were to stop. Document 3 pages. These excesses can include killing sprees, near fatal drug binges, wanton cruelty brutalizing homeless folks, children, animals, etc , prolonged depressions, psychotic episodes, mad orgies, and other deadly activities.

May be purchased separately for multiple types. While you remain in good standing, you may spend Willpower for bonus dice to resist gaining a derangement from the community's practices.

World of Darkness. Mages or Night-Folk who can see auras or souls might catch on, but most other folks remain clueless. Compulsion 1 Mental An almost reflexive mental tic drives you toward compulsive, often subconscious, behaviors. Book Ref: Shadow Players Guide, pg. Or Maybe you just suck at the whole paying-your-bills thing. As with a Driving Goal, this Flaw guides roleplaying choices, determines targets, and makes you seem rather obsessive whenever the object of aversion comes into play. Aging Mortal You are not as spry as you used to be; you must lower any one Physical Attribute score your choice by one point. This affinity enables you to ignore one die of wound penalties. You are able to estimate the passage of time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device. Finally, the constant itching and irritaiton increase by one the difficulties of all your rolls to avoid frenzy. Even so, such constant presence does have an effect on your overall health. Furthermore, he'll feel the need to do so immediately. Once per scene when you coordinate allies, you can spend Willpower as an instant action to confer the die bonus to a number of allies up to your Presence rating.

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