wordscapes level 639

Wordscapes level 639

Here we are now with the next step of the game Wordscapes. So, if you are trying to find the answers of Wordscapes level and get some bonus words then you are at the best place, wordscapes level 639. Well, the short answer is it is not!

Nevermind, because the developer, has sometimes made things harder. So, there is no matter with that, because you could follow this topic to know how to achieve it correctly without additionnal efforts from you. I believe it will help you finding these combined words. Here are the answers that I found to pass Wordscapes Level for the three versions of the game and what you should do is just reading then writing them on your device to finish it. Few moments later, you will maybe have to check this topic : Wordscapes Level

Wordscapes level 639

ONE - A numerical value equal to 1; the first number in the set of natural numbers especially in number theory ; the cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. Ordinal: first. ORE - Rock that contains utilitarian materials; primarily a rock containing metals or gems which at the time of the rock's evaluation and proposal for extraction are able to be separated from its neighboring minerals and processed at a cost that does not exceed those materials' present-day economic values. Wordscapes Level Answers Wordscapes level answers Wordscapes level answers. This puzzle 50 extra words make it fun to play. Scroll down for Wordscapes definitions. Level Word Definitions - Wordscapes Answers. NOR - Used to introduce a further negative statement. SON - A male child, a boy or man in relation to his parents; one's male offspring. NOSE - To confront; be closely face to face or opposite to. SOON - Occurring within a short time, or quickly. SORE - Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive.

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ONE - A numerical value equal to 1; the first number in the set of natural numbers especially in number theory ; the cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. Ordinal: first. ORE - Rock that contains utilitarian materials; primarily a rock containing metals or gems which at the time of the rock's evaluation and proposal for extraction are able to be separated from its neighboring minerals and processed at a cost that does not exceed those materials' present-day economic values. Wordscapes Level Answers Wordscapes level answers Wordscapes level answers. This puzzle 50 extra words make it fun to play. Scroll down for Wordscapes definitions. Level Word Definitions - Wordscapes Answers.

Wordscapes level 639

Here we are now with the next step of the game Wordscapes. So, if you are trying to find the answers of Wordscapes level and get some bonus words then you are at the best place. Well, the short answer is it is not! Collecting bonus words also is important as it may be helpful in hard levels.

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So just try to find which ones are missing and then place them. Now, if you still have a kind of question in your mind, please feel free to give a comment. ORE - Rock that contains utilitarian materials; primarily a rock containing metals or gems which at the time of the rock's evaluation and proposal for extraction are able to be separated from its neighboring minerals and processed at a cost that does not exceed those materials' present-day economic values. NOR - Used to introduce a further negative statement. The same list may contain what other readers found so all are compiled in the same list. Next Continue. You are here because you did find the answers of Word Stacks Level , thus Said, you are now seeking to solve Word Stacks Level In fact, you…. Most Wanted. Finally, I gave an extra help with a screenshot took while playing. This puzzle 50 extra words make it fun to play. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Placement of the answers : 2.


It may offer you the right place of the answers and this is very helpful for big crosswords. Few moments later, you will maybe have to check this topic : Wordscapes Level So just try to find which ones are missing and then place them. Toggle Menu Close. ORE - Rock that contains utilitarian materials; primarily a rock containing metals or gems which at the time of the rock's evaluation and proposal for extraction are able to be separated from its neighboring minerals and processed at a cost that does not exceed those materials' present-day economic values. Now, if you still have a kind of question in your mind, please feel free to give a comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Finally, I gave an extra help with a screenshot took while playing. Your email address will not be published. I believe it will help you finding these combined words. Peaches at pm. ONE - A numerical value equal to 1; the first number in the set of natural numbers especially in number theory ; the cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. SORE - Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive. Facebook-f Instagram.

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