Why did voldemort want to kill harry

He had no problem killing people, particularly those who disagreed with him or got in his way. What specifically motivated Voldemort to murder Harry and his parents, though?

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The prophecy mentioned that the person who could vanquish Voldemort would be born in July to parents who had defied him three times and would have powers that Voldemort could not understand. Voldemort chose to mark Harry as his equal and tried to kill him as a baby because he believed Harry would be his ultimate downfall.

Why did voldemort want to kill harry

Rowling 's series of Harry Potter novels. The character first appeared in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , which was published in , and returned either in person or in flashbacks in each book and its film adaptation in the series except the third, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , in which he is only mentioned. Voldemort, an anagrammatic sobriquet for Tom Marvolo Riddle , is the archenemy of Harry Potter , who according to a prophecy has "the power to vanquish the Dark Lord ". He attempts to murder the boy, but instead kills his parents, Lily and James Potter , and leaves Harry with a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. Voldemort's obsession with blood purity signifies his aim to rid the wizarding world of Muggle non-magical heritage and to conquer both worlds, Muggle and wizarding, to achieve pure-blood dominance. Through his mother's family, he is the last descendant of the wizard Salazar Slytherin , [6] [7] one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is the leader of the Death Eaters , a group of evil wizards and witches dedicated to ridding the Wizarding World of Muggles and establishing Voldemort as its supreme ruler. In a interview, Rowling said Voldemort was invented as a nemesis for Harry Potter, and she intentionally did not flesh out Voldemort's backstory at first. And so then I kind of worked backwards from that position to find out how that could be, that he wouldn't know what he was. When he was one year old, the most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years attempted to kill him. He killed Harry's parents, and then he tried to kill Harry—he tried to curse him. Harry has to find out, before we find out. And—so—but for some mysterious reason the curse didn't work on Harry. So he's left with this lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead and the curse rebounded upon the evil wizard, who has been in hiding ever since. In the second book, Rowling establishes that Voldemort hates non- pure-blood wizards, despite being a half-blood himself.

Sensing that Dumbledore could win, why did voldemort want to kill harry, Voldemort disapparates, but not before the Minister for Magic sees him in person, making his return to life public knowledge in the next book. His return to power saw his Death Eaters on a quest to uncover the precise wording of the prophecy in an effort to find out how he might avoid falling prey to the Boy Who Lived a second time.

It's important to remember the ongoing controversial statements by the creator of the Harry Potter franchise. CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. You can find CBR's continuing coverage on Rowling here. As far as villains go, the Harry Potter franchise's Dark wizard Lord Voldemort ranks high on the list of most vile. Not only did he commit violent mass murder and promote prejudice and blood purity that extended beyond the Wizarding World, but Voldemort spent years targeting a little boy who threatened his quest for immortality.

He was aware that by eliminating Harry, the Potter family lineage would cease to exist, leaving no one to challenge his authority. Moreover, Voldemort harbored an insatiable desire to dominate the world and enforce a dictatorship where his followers would hold the most significant influence and authority during his regime. Voldemort, also known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, was a powerful dark wizard and the main antagonist in the Harry Potter series written by J. He was the leader of the Death Eaters, a group of dark wizards and witches who followed his ideology of pure-blood supremacy and sought to establish a new world order where pure-blood wizards and witches would reign supreme over all others. He gained a reputation for being one of the most dangerous and feared dark wizards of all time due to his immense magical abilities and his complete lack of remorse or compassion for his victims. Creating a Horcrux requires committing an act of murder, which is considered one of the darkest and most forbidden forms of magic in the wizarding world. In the series, Voldemort creates seven Horcruxes by splitting his soul into seven parts and hiding them in various objects, making it nearly impossible for him to die unless all the Horcruxes are destroyed.

Why did voldemort want to kill harry

It's important to remember the ongoing controversial statements by the creator of the Harry Potter franchise. CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. You can find CBR's continuing coverage on Rowling here.

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Patton: The moment Lord Voldemort decides to kill Harry Potter and his parents not only triggers Harry's heroic journey but also puts in motion a series of events that end with Harry's destiny being tied to that of the Dark Lord. What Were the Reasons. He earned that telltale scar the night he survived an assassination attempt by one of the evilest wizards who has ever lived. ISBN Retrieved 28 December Ralph Fiennes heads cast of The Choral. Nine News Australia. Article Talk. Archived from the original on 4 February In response, Voldemort, who has a rather complicated timeline , tries to put an end to the boy wizard in almost every installment. He had no problem killing people, particularly those who disagreed with him or got in his way. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Voldemort is initially only heard, possessing the scratchy, weak voice heard in the first film. With Pettigrew's help, Voldemort creates a small, rudimentary body, corporeal enough to travel and perform magic, and formulated a plan to restore his own body by capturing Harry.

It's important to remember the ongoing controversial statements by the creator of the Harry Potter franchise.

Retrieved 2 April When she was due to give birth, she stumbled into a Muggle orphanage, where she gave birth to her only son. However, Dumbledore was not the only one to hear this prophecy, although he was the only one to experience it in full. Traversing the obstacles in his path, young Harry's rise to heroics pits him against Lord Voldemort, one of the most dangerous wizards in the world and all his minions. Tom Riddle and Harry Potter were both half-bloods, which meant Harry was more like him than the pureblooded Neville. The Leaky Cauldron. However, at the climax of the book, Harry manages to prevent Voldemort from stealing the stone. He sends a group of Death Eaters to retrieve the prophecy, where the Order of the Phoenix meets them. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. In the main plot of the book, Voldemort's next step is to engineer an assault on Hogwarts, and to kill Dumbledore.

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