watto star wars

Watto star wars

Watto : How's-a you gonna pay for all this, eh?

But, even if they weren't directly involved on Coruscant, teaching Anakin how to use the Force and practicing with him the techniques of lightsaber dueling, certain characters still played a role in his eventual rise in the Republic as a Jedi General and beyond. One character who might actually wish they hadn't provided Anakin with a path to fulfilling his destiny as a Jedi was the junk dealer Toydarian, Watto. In Star Wars , Watto lived on Tatooine, and was the last owner of Anakin and his mother, Shmi, before they were both eventually freed from being slaves at his parts shop in Mos Espa. Watto had only two major appearances in the Star Wars storyline: one in The Phantom Menace , and another briefly in Attack of the Clones. Nonetheless, if it weren't for Watto's gambling problem and greed, Anakin would be stuck on Tatooine for his childhood, and who knows how his story would have gone. He was the owner of two slaves: a woman named Shmi Skywalker, and her son Anakin.

Watto star wars

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. In his youth, he served as a soldier in the Ossiki Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydaria , but later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries. Making his way to Tatooine, he fell in with the Jawa natives of the planet, and learned how to trade from them. Once he felt he had learned all he could, he abandoned the Jawas, and set up Watto's Shop in Mos Espa. He became one of Tatooine's many slave owners, and made a lucrative business for himself. Eventually, he came into possession of a young slave, Anakin Skywalker , who proved to be a gifted mechanic, and an invaluable asset to the running of the store. Soon enough, Watto discovered that the boy had an affinity for podracing. Watto would often bet on the podraces, and was an avid fan, so he had Anakin race for him in several tournaments. Although the boy never won, he was clearly gifted. During one particular race, Anakin destroyed Watto's own podracer, which incurred the Toydarian's wrath. Watto conceded to the deal, but decided to bet against Anakin, instead investing in the Dug Sebulba.

Now sure that the man before him was Anakin, Watto asked if the Jedi could help him collect debts, but Anakin shrugged him off, asking again about where his mother was, watto star wars. He also aspired to become the next Jabba.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage.

Watto star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. In his youth, he served as a soldier in the Ossiki Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydaria , but later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries. Making his way to Tatooine, he fell in with the Jawa natives of the planet, and learned how to trade from them. Once he felt he had learned all he could, he abandoned the Jawas, and set up Watto's Shop in Mos Espa. He became one of Tatooine's many slave owners, and made a lucrative business for himself. Eventually, he came into possession of a young slave, Anakin Skywalker , who proved to be a gifted mechanic, and an invaluable asset to the running of the store. Soon enough, Watto discovered that the boy had an affinity for podracing.

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Dejarik Sabacc. Ultimately, Anakin won the race, and Watto was left with very little. Watto was less than pleased with the development, but he decided not to reprimand Shmi, instead opting to have her clean the memory chips of a used navicomputer. At some stage, the Toydarian purchased a lightsaber from a peddler. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. He then realized the vision was of an earlier time in his hut, from around three years into his exile. When the drought ended, the war followed suit. One day, while enjoying a drink at a local cantina, Watto watched on as Anakin approached him, carrying a datapad he was to deliver. Archived from the original on 9 July But credits will do fine.

One of the most underrated pleasures of the "Star Wars" saga is poring over the long list of goofy names attributed to the movies' myriad characters. It doesn't matter if they're human or alien, each character is just as likely to get slapped with a bafflingly odd moniker that might make it a fan favorite despite having scant screen time. Once upon a time, people thought Han Solo or Jabba the Hutt sounded weird.

Retrieved 25 February One character who might actually wish they hadn't provided Anakin with a path to fulfilling his destiny as a Jedi was the junk dealer Toydarian, Watto. Watto, hoping to get replacement parts for his podracer, dispatched Anakin to meet with the Jawas from Mochot Steep. Jinn, however, implied that he had already dispatched Watto's hired thugs, and that he was "in no mood for games. Watto, after recognizing his former slave, asked him if he could help with some "deadbeats" who owed him a lot of money. The man picked up the broken head of a pit droid and began tinkering with it, and the Toydarian realized that the newcomer was a Jedi. Jinn insisted that his credits would be suitable, and simultaneously waved his hand in front of Watto. Watto, owner of the Wald's Parts. When they were returning to the shop with the deactivated pit droid, Watto commended Anakin on his quick-thinking. When Watto inquired as to how Jinn planned to pay for the T, the Human announced that he had 20, credits. Watto thought that the trade was insulting to Shmi, and refused.

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