Veronica correia playboy

By Alanah Khosla For Mailonline. A woman who threw her 36G bra at Drake while he was performing on stage is now officially working for Playboy. Veronica Correia, 21, veronica correia playboy, from Cumberland, Rhode Islandbecame a viral sensation after she tossed her underwear on stage during the rapper's show at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York. Upon discovering the piece of clothing, the One Dance artist picked it up, checked the tag, and veronica correia playboy 'Damn.

By Lillian Gissen For Dailymail. A woman who threw her 36G bra at Drake while he was performing on stage has revealed that she has now been contacted by Playboy. Veronica Correia, 21, from Cumberland, Rhode Island , became a viral sensation after she tossed her undergarment on stage during the rapper's show at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York, last week. Upon discovering the piece of clothing, the One Dance artist picked it up, checked the tag, and exclaimed: 'Damn. Locate this woman immediately. Now the woman who tossed her bra at the chart-topper has spoken out about what led up to the decision and what went through her mind when he grabbed it - as well as the aftermath of the now-viral incident. A woman who threw her 36G bra at Drake while he was performing on stage has revealed that she has now been offered a modeling position with Playboy.

Veronica correia playboy

Veronica Correia became an overnight, viral sensation after she launched her 36G bra at the Canadian superstar singer at a show in Brooklyn last Friday. Drake paused his gig, picked up the under-garment, and then had a quick sniff before demanding to meet its owner. It was, after all, the first time she'd seen Drake in the flesh, but she didn't care what anyone else thought. The two connected on social media afterward - and Veronica's world was quickly tuned upside down. Veronica, a former photographer who now owns coffee shop Cafe La La in Cumberland, Rhode Island with her father, invited the rapper to sample some of her best sellers next time he's in town. She had no hesitation in accepting and is ready to bare all as she joins their subscription-based digital creator platform. The company introduced her in a "New on Playboy" post on Instagram on Wednesday. Veronica cannot believe how her life has changed thanks to a combination of her only strapless bra and her favorite musician - but she couldn't be happier. The online trolls have tried to rain on her parade, yet single mom Veronica is loving every moment. Her coffee shop customers and friends simply can't believe what's happening and she's received calls from fellow Drake fans all over the United States who are blown away by her newfound friendship. I said it was awesome but then they said how they've seen all the news on Instagram and TikTok. Drake and Veronica have shared a few DMs - "he said he will drink any coffee as long as it's iced and sweet" - and he viewed a few of her posts, most notably and importantly, the one which revealed she was the concert bra thrower. Incredibly, other girls had the audacity to claim it was their bra before Veronica set the record straight. It was a very wise decision - her TikTok about the toss was viewed over six million times and she now boasts over 50, followers on Instagram. She's since posted a video about her journey to being approached by Playboy.

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Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. I recently named a coffee after him called the Drizzy Drake Cake. The singer was seen sniffing the garment after it landed on stage partway through his performance — before he asked the audience to track down the owner of the item. Correia quickly caught the attention of execs at Playboy, who contacted the buxom beauty to ask her to become a paid content creator on their new subscribers-only platform. I will be posting exclusive content for my fans and subscribers that makes me feel confident and beautiful. I want to be a good role model for all mothers and spread the message that all mothers are beautiful. Contact The Author Name required.

Veronica correia playboy

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. A busty beauty who threw her 36G bra at Drake during his New York City concert has been announced as a new Playboy content creator. I will be posting exclusive content for my fans and subscribers that makes me feel confident and beautiful. On Tuesday, Correia shared a screenshot to that social media account which showed Playboy contacting her following her bra-throwing escapade. We would love to invite you to apply. Contact The Author Name required. Email required.

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Share or comment on this article: Veronica Correia, the fan who threw 36G bra on stage at a Drake concert, reveals major Playboy update e-mail 7. Here's why UK Edition. According to Veronica, not only did she get a private message from Drake himself afterwards, but she's also been contacted by Playboy. Jessie Ware showcases her unique sense of style in a floral bat-wing cape as she hits the red carpet Meek Mill shares a photo of his wrecked Hummer EV Locate this woman immediately'. All races, all faces, all places. TUI Booking. TUI Booking. Playboy's official Instagram account shared a snap of the Veronica as a Playboy model on Instagram, announcing her arrival as a model. She said she 'lost her mind' when he 'reacted the way he did' - and that it felt like a 'full circle' moment for her after suffering from 'serious back and shoulder pain' for years.

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