unc chapel hill medical records phone number

Unc chapel hill medical records phone number

Our ACR-accredited offices offer convenient, well-lit parking and many have evening and weekend hours. Find a Location.

These records may be paper or electronic. If you have been seen at a medical facility, they will have a medical record for you. You can also create personal health records for yourself or your family. For information about your medical record , please see this Medical Records page or call If you would like to request a copy of information in a medical record, please FAX a completed authorization form to Mobile apps and tools can provide you with easy-to-use information and resources that can serve as one part of your overall strategy to become and stay healthy. Wanngi enables you to track symptoms, upload all your results from pathology, vaccines, scans, scripts, set medication reminders and more.

Unc chapel hill medical records phone number


Website Feedback We strive to provide clear, useful information on our website.


Except in life-threatening emergencies, or unless required by federal, state, or local law s , your medical information will not be released without your permission. On occasion, Campus Health receives telephone calls from parents about your medical care. If you are 18 years of age or older, Campus Health is unable to release any medical information to your parents without your explicit verbal or written permission. What you might want to release to a third party now, you might not want to release at a later date. You will need to sign a release form each time you want new information released from your records. There may be times when the transfer of medical care to another health care institution or organization is necessary. In order for medical information to be released, a written release must be signed by the requesting student. You can also view your personal health records on the Healthy Heels Portal. Medical Records. Print it Fill it out Sign it and Either mail it to the address on form, fax to

Unc chapel hill medical records phone number

These records may be paper or electronic. If you have been seen at a medical facility, they will have a medical record for you. You can also create personal health records for yourself or your family.

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You can also create personal health records for yourself or your family. Wanngi For iPhone Wanngi enables you to track symptoms, upload all your results from pathology, vaccines, scans, scripts, set medication reminders and more. Data is stored locally on your device. Make a payment Pay your bill over the phone: Capzule Data is stored locally on your device. Pin It on Pinterest. No web service required. Our ACR-accredited offices offer convenient, well-lit parking and many have evening and weekend hours. Imaging services performed at a hospital must be requested from the hospital directly. If you have any questions, please contact:. Understanding Medical Records.


We welcome your feedback. If you have been seen at a medical facility, they will have a medical record for you. And, that is why we do everything we can to be accessible to you. If you have any questions, please contact:. If you would like to request a copy of information in a medical record, please FAX a completed authorization form to Mobile apps and tools can provide you with easy-to-use information and resources that can serve as one part of your overall strategy to become and stay healthy. We strive to provide clear, useful information on our website. Please note that no imaging or clinical services are provided at this location. Quality Starts with Accessibility. Ask Us! Wanngi For iPhone Wanngi enables you to track symptoms, upload all your results from pathology, vaccines, scans, scripts, set medication reminders and more. Our ACR-accredited offices offer convenient, well-lit parking and many have evening and weekend hours. Pin It on Pinterest. Make a payment Pay your bill over the phone: Department of Health and Human Services.

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