transit mars square saturn

Transit mars square saturn

Mars - the planet of will and self-expression is currently squaring Saturn — the planet of karma and limitations. This is an incredibly challenging transit that we usually only experience briefly, once a year.

We are in the middle of Kickstarter season for Nightlight where we fundraise to keep the channel going and growing. Learn more about our rewards and become a backer today! Today, we delve into the complexities of Mars' upcoming square with Saturn, an aspect that presents notable challenges as Mars enters Sagittarius and confronts Saturn in Pisces. We build on our previous exploration of the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius and its square with Saturn, focusing on the profound impact of understanding the nature of difficult transits. Through this lens, we aim to comprehend the intricacies of Mars-Saturn aspects, particularly squares, and oppositions, discovering the liberating power of awareness in astrology and how it helps us navigate life's diverse chapters with greater consciousness and participatory engagement. Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today, we're going to take a look at Mars's upcoming square to Saturn.

Transit mars square saturn

Mars square Saturn natal creates difficulty in self-expression. The main areas affected by the limiting influence of Saturn are your passionate desires and the ability for sustained effort. You have strong desires and goals, but challenges arise in expressing and attaining these wants and needs. Criticism or strict discipline may be experienced growing up, especially by your father or another authority figure. The harder you experience this, the more difficulty you will have in overcoming inhibition, shyness, and feelings of inadequacy. Rejection or defeat would bury or repress your intense desires, leading to complications. Such a buildup of hot Mars energy inside needs to be released. If not, it would escape your body in an uncontrolled way. This may manifest in a harmful or unsafe way as fear of success, frustration, temper tantrums, envy, spite, criticism, or in extreme cases, health problems such as broken bones. The key to dealing with an energy flow or blockage is self-awareness and learning by experience. The square aspect does present tests and challenges. Through this trial and error, you master the things you are not good at. With age and experience, you will come to terms with the limitations of this aspect. This will result in greater self-confidence, wisdom through experience, and a strong work ethic. Patience, perseverance, and empathy can be your strong points, leading to healthy self-esteem, lasting relationships, significant achievements, and deserved recognition.

Anyway, before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe if you're new to the channel. You may also have to contend transit mars square saturn doubts and pessimism projected onto you from other people. Now, this square between Mars and Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces is going to come through really Saturday, the 25th, transit mars square saturn, but you'll be experiencing, and if we give it about a three-degree range, you'll be experiencing and all the way through next Wednesday, with the most intense parts probably coming the rest of this week through the weekend.

You have strong urges to pursue your passion but before you are able to succeed, you have to resolve old Karmic issues. Patterns of behavior that are deep seated resurface to challenge the path you think you are meant to be on. Situations beyond your control keep cropping up to slow you down and in the long run you will appreciate this. Challenges are taken in stride as your eye is on the long term outcomes. You may want to initiate dramatic changes but will find obstacles at every turn because the timing is not ideal. This is not the most dynamic time of your life. Instead you are diligently striving toward your goals.

A square when it comes to planets means that two planets are present at an angle of 90 degrees from each other while still being present in the same modality. Whenever this happens, it can suggest that there might be opposing parts of your personality that you need to resolve. Mars and Saturn are both seemingly opposite in terms of what they represent for you in the natal chart. While Mars is meant to represent energy, disorder, impulse and conflict, Saturn represents order and uniformity. Thus, when these two planets are in a square together, it can be quite conflicting to understand what this means for you, which can also make it difficult for you to move forward from the current conflict in your life. A Mars square Saturn position in your natal chart can suggest that you have plenty of energy and drive within you to prove yourself but that you are facing setbacks when it comes to being able to live up to this energy.

Transit mars square saturn

By Corinne Lane 18 Comments. When Saturn transits to your natal Mars, you may experience heightened competitiveness and irritability as you become aware of your limitations and restrictions. However, these moments can also be highly productive, as they require you to exert a great effort and work hard to prove your worth and assert your individuality. During this time, you may find yourself either victimized or provoking aggressive intentions from others. Threats or circumstances that feel threatening are likely to surround you, so it is important to conserve your energy and exercise patience and caution. Your vital energy may be significantly weakened, which could impact your health. If you have a chronic illness, it might worsen or enter another critical phase. Engaging in healing therapies could help you overcome any physical conflicts. Despite the challenges, you have the potential to achieve whatever you set your sights on, as these transits also test your strength and ability to perform. It is crucial to demonstrate your ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties, which will in turn establish your independence and individuality.

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Why put in a lot of time and energy and, like, woe is me. August 7, November 25, August 16, December 8, September 1, December 22, September 21, January 5, October 15, So, for example, you'll find if you scroll down a bunch of cool rewards, including the astrology of video, which is a long talk that I do on all the major Astrology of the year ahead. It's like a natural temptation that comes with the sacrificial act and the results that come from it. My baby has been teething and catnapping both night and day, and my older two have needed extra emotional support for various reasons. He always takes a father stance with me and today, was really limiting my personal ideas and talking down to me. You guys helped us build that. The number four reason is that not being attached to the results of sacrifice isn't easy, either. Thank you very much. If you previously registered through Facebook, please utilize the Forgot Password feature with the email linked to your account to gain access.

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Navigating a Mars transit demands both an embrace of its invigorating spirit and a mindful approach to its more combative inclinations. April 11, dob Reply. I think that is one of the hardest things to do because my dog is motivated by treats. Working through this polarity will help you move forward in numerous life areas. Like I'll tell you that as soon as there were. So, I can use parenting analogies; sometimes they feel right. Patience, perseverance, and empathy can be your strong points, leading to healthy self-esteem, lasting relationships, significant achievements, and deserved recognition. Connect with your spiritual center, expand your knowledge, and learn to navigate your life in harmony with a higher calling. Sometimes the expression is so stifled that we may even struggle to access the frustration, and depression can take its place. This is not a good time for fighting or conquering new ground, and this is an excellent time to sharpen your blades and strengthen your defenses. I am not seeking perfection just like to work and serve a lot in obsessional way. Patience and plodding hard work will get you there. Focus more clearly and cover the details. So, our goal today is to try to understand what makes Mars-Saturn combinations, especially squares and oppositions, so difficult. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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