tortie kitten personality

Tortie kitten personality

The post describes some of the unique traits tortie kitten personality many of these beautifully colored cats seem to share: they tend to be strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered, and they can be very possessive of their human. Other words used to describe torties are fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable.

Veterinarians from the University of California, Davis, have discovered that cats with calico and tortoiseshell coat patterns tend to challenge their human companions more often than other kinds of felines. Veterinarians from the University of California, Davis, have discovered, in recently published research, that cats with calico and tortoiseshell coat patterns tend to challenge their human companions more often than felines whose fur is less flashy. Her study, based on a survey of more than 1, cat owners, found that calicoes and torties are more likely to hiss, chase, bite, swat or scratch during interactions with humans. The UC Davis data also suggest that cats with gray and white, and black and white coats are slightly more likely to engage in those behaviors, a finding that surprised researchers. Cats sporting other colors, including solid black, gray and white, display aggressive personality characteristics significantly less frequently, according to the study, published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. Calicoes and torties have reputations for being feisty and unpredictable, characteristics that the study appears to confirm. Calicoes are mostly white with patches of orange and black.

Tortie kitten personality

Tortoiseshell cats are known for their beautiful multi-colored coats that resemble the shell of a tortoise. Stories of tortoiseshell cats date back to ancient times. Folklore from the Khmers of Southeast Asia states that tortoiseshell cats originated from the blood of a young goddess, and the ancient Celts believed that torties brought good luck. Variations of those beliefs are still with us today. In Scotland and Ireland, tortoiseshell cats are still considered to be good luck, especially if one settles in your home. In the U. As we mentioned, tortoiseshell cats are not a breed — the name is used to describe their coat color and pattern. Many people mistake tortoiseshell cats with calico cats because of their similar coat colors. Tortoiseshells come in all different colors and patterns, but they are primarily ginger and black which touches of white, orange, gold or cream. This usually manifests as a half black face and half ginger face, but it can occur all over the body in different colors.

These stylish felines have not one, but two co-dominant colour genes that work together to create the amazing patterns of colours we know and love. If I sleep in my recliner then all is well.

But their looks are only the beginning of what makes tortoiseshell cats such unique and delightful companions. Keep reading to find out more about the genetics behind their impressive shades, what trait seems to describe the tortoiseshell cat personality the best, and how torties have managed to carve themselves a special place in the culture and history of so many parts of the world. These are the most amazing facts about tortoiseshell cats! Cat owners and scientists alike have been curious to find out what exactly is behind the head-turning looks of a tortoiseshell cat. It turns out, the secret is in their genes. These stylish felines have not one, but two co-dominant colour genes that work together to create the amazing patterns of colours we know and love.

Prior to the 's, tortoiseshell was a popular material for eyeglasses, jewelry, combs and furniture inlays. The mottled black and dark reds were beautiful and it had an oddly warm texture. Then, environmentalism became a thing and it was no longer in vogue to kill animals for decorations. This came as great relief to the still critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle, where this material was coming from. Today, it is illegal to import or export tortoiseshell products or harm a hawksbill sea turtle in any way. Let's keep the shell on the tortoise turtle, whatever where it belongs. If you still want something beautiful, mottled and warm, why not get a tortoiseshell cat? A tortoiseshell cat, also known as a tortie , is a cat born with a fur pattern resembling the mottled red and black tortoiseshell material. Even the paw pads might have some spotting. The ones that are mostly white and have tortoiseshell patches are known as tricolor.

Tortie kitten personality

The tortoiseshell cat has black and orange fur, in a mottled pattern. They look very dark at first glance, despite the flecks of lighter shading to their coat. Tortoiseshell cats are almost always female, although you can find the occasional male tortie he will normally be sterile and unable to have kittens of his own. The tortoiseshell cat can be found in several purebred families, such as the large Maine Coon , long furred Persian and even the curly haired Cornish Rex. You can also get gorgeous mixed breed moggies with tortoiseshell fur, along with the odd unusual dilute version with muted tones.


She was attached at the hip to her litter mate and when he got out of the house a few times, she would tattle on him and call to him through the window until he came back. I thought she had been playing hard and feel in her water. We have a number of them, now, whose design makes this impossible, but water still gets spilled. It was in a rural area and sh used to go out beyond the plant fence and drag things back there. I had to get my mom to come take her for a day to give me a break and I immediately got her in to the vet to get fixed. I took her home and locked my other cat in the bedroom and let her have ROH and boy did she ever!! The vet said she was in remarkably good health given her circumstances. Funny about body slamming a raccoon. Mischief used to be very nervous and would cower when reaching out to stroke her. I feel so blessed to have my furbaby! There are broad strokes of personalities, but every individual will be unique. She adjusted to indoor life very quickly and seems so happy. I have 2 dogs and just got a torty about a month ago..

But tortoiseshell cats have quite a reputation on the other side of the spectrum! Cats as a whole are often considered independent, unpredictable, and less affectionate than dogs, though research disputes this theory. Tortoiseshell cats in particular often seem to display these types of personality traits.

The vast majority of tortoiseshell cats are female, because two X chromosomes are required to produce black, gold and orange coloring. God made the best when he created the Torti. The first tortie was Kasey, who we lost in made noises that seemed to come from a horror movies, or another planet, except when sh challenged another animal, then she made a wailing sound like a cougar. Has never had a big interest in cat toys apart from a mouse and a fish. More From Cat Breeds. She is smart and very quick. Sage is 2, has 7 toes on her front feet. After 2 months a rescuer took the kittens for foster. Common Questions About Cats. Intelligent and a delightful companion. Gigi was sitting in the sun room, looking like the Empress Of The House that she is. Never having had a tortie before, when I got Lola and she started to run round the house growling she sounded more like a dog than a cat. When he gets the zoomies, she sits in a vantage point and watches him as if he is prey.

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