

As Ahsoka herself put it togruta E. For those who want to know more about the Togruta as a species, those animated Star Wars episodes are a great place to start, but there is always togruta to learn. The Togruta originally hail from a planet called Shili, a grassy, togruta, wooded planet found in the Expansion Region. Ahsoka was born in a small village on the Togruta homeworld, surrounded by mountains, gorgeous flora, togruta, and plenty of wildlife, togruta.

Is it a hat? Well, this article is for you. One of the things I love about the Star Wars universe is all the characters and all of the alien races. One of my favorites is the Togruta. The Togruta have significantly affected the Star Wars universe and helped shape what it is today. The Togruta are a humanoid alien race whose skin color spans a variety of colors. At first, it may appear that the Togruta all wear head dressing, but in reality, their headpieces were a set of horns called montrals on top of their head and three tentacle-like appendages called lekku.


The Togruta are one of the most distinctive and recognizable races in the Star Wars universe, but fans still don't know a lot about them. The faces of characters like Master Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano have appeared in various shows, video games, and other media, and more representatives of the Togruta race are appearing as part of the new stories from a galaxy far, far away. So far, viewers have seen the Togruta as Jedi Masters and courtly Ambassadors, giving the impression that the Togruta culture is wise, artistic, and well-educated. All of that is true, right down to their architecture and choice of habitat. However, more details of these mysterious but compelling race are still emerging. Togruta are often able to speak two languages fluently, not only because of their focus on education, but also their diplomatic nature and appreciation for different cultural experiences. These include the universally used vernacular of Galactic Basic Standard along with their native tongue, Togruti. Togruti evolved on the planet of Shili, the Togruta homeworld, and members of the royal family would commonly greet guests in their mother tongue. Fans that have the audiobook version have the advantage of listening to the language as it's spoken. The title given to the Togrutan Queen is a word in Togruti. The "horns" and "tails" that make the Togruta distinctive have proper names: montrals and lekku. Montrals grow upward, and the lekku trail down. These can be a variety of colors, reflecting the unique and beautiful natural environment of the homeworld of Shili. Although both sexes have them, females tend to have longer ones than males. Aside from just looking cool, montrals and lekku actually have a practical function.

This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines, togruta. The region was site of many conflicts during the Clone Wars, including the infamous Togruta Campaign. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing, togruta.

Much to Learn You Still Have is a rundown of trivia and fun facts, both in-universe and behind-the-scenes, about the aliens of the Star Wars galaxy. Ahsoka Tano. Shaak Ti. Governor Roshti. Though we can easily tell a Togruta by their unmistakable facial patterns and head tails, there are only a few Star Wars characters that have been given a proper storyline in the saga. What sets Togrutas apart from other humanoid species is their interesting head cones, or montrals as they are properly called.

Much to Learn You Still Have is a rundown of trivia and fun facts, both in-universe and behind-the-scenes, about the aliens of the Star Wars galaxy. Ahsoka Tano. Shaak Ti. Governor Roshti. Though we can easily tell a Togruta by their unmistakable facial patterns and head tails, there are only a few Star Wars characters that have been given a proper storyline in the saga. What sets Togrutas apart from other humanoid species is their interesting head cones, or montrals as they are properly called. Starting as just small bumps in infancy, the horns grow as Togrutas age, soaring high above their heads and reaching to their waist.


Star Wars has many different species, from the teddy bear-like Ewoks to the infamous Hutts. Each species has a unique world, history, and culture, but only so many can be explored in depth. The fact is, most of the leading characters in Star Wars are humans, limiting species diversity. Yet that is not the case of the newest series, Ahsoka , which has two leading non-human characters, the Twi'lek rebel, Hera Syndula Mary Elizabeth Winstead and, of course, the Togruta title character Rosario Dawson. Following the former padawan of Anakin Skywalker voiced by Matt Lanter , the series focuses on Ahsoka Tano, who has been featured in several other stories over the years. But she is far from the only Togruta around. Although the most widely known Togruta are Jedi, there are many members of the species throughout the galaxy. The Togruta are humanoid, like many species, but they are easily identifiable by their unique appearance. With various settlements throughout the galaxy, there are a range of Togruta, but they are not as widespread as other species. Togruta are most commonly found on their home world of Shili or their settlement on Kiros.

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Here in the Outer Rim Tano, she found herself on Raada and eventually formed and led her cell of resistance freedom fighters. Answer : No, Ashoka states she is not a Jedi of any kind. Other Togruta padawans during the Clone Wars were Ashla, a member of the Bear Clan trained by Yoda , [18] Deran Nalual , a Padawan that survived the initiation of Order 66 , [22] and Codi Ty , a male Togruta who saved a number of younglings from General Grievous , though he was expelled for seeking vengeance. Roshti , Governor of Kiros. Who Is [Holographic] James Moriarty? Answer : The horns on top of the head are called montrals while the tentacles are called lekku. Explore Wikis Community Central. Fun fact 4: Orli Shoshan, the actress behind Shaak Ti in the prequels, is actually trained in melee weapon and hand-to-hand combat. They hailed from the planet Shili , in the Expansion Region. In Revenge of the Sith , two death scenes were filmed though both cut from the finished movie.

As Ahsoka herself put it in E. For those who want to know more about the Togruta as a species, those animated Star Wars episodes are a great place to start, but there is always more to learn.

Eventually locating the missing Togruta on the Zygerrian slave processing facility , the Republic mounted an operation that liberated a number of the colonists. Who Was Morn? On their native homeworld of Shili, they relied on each other and would band together to take a stand against the massive monsters that hunted them, such as the akul. All of this was led by their ruler. Grace Augustine? Kiros was a Togrutan colony up to and during the era of the Clone Wars. Start a Wiki. A majority of the Togruta species within the Jedi Order were females, though males were not unheard of. During the Clone Wars , the Togruta were brought at the forefront of the conflict with the conquest of Kiros , battle on Kiros [5] and subsequent Battle of Kadavo. Togruta had rusty skin tones ranging in hue from blue to red to green, with white pigmentation on their faces, [8] and greyish lips. When it comes to the world of Sc-fi, Superheroes, and fantasy, Elijah is a certified expert, and that extends to a galaxy, far, far away.

3 thoughts on “Togruta

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