the touch of satan movie

The touch of satan movie

A young man meets a farm girl who is actually a witch. Melissa : This is where the fish lives.

A murderous and decrepit old woman resides on a California walnut farm with her family. On a whim, a traveler named Jodie makes a brief side trip to the farm, where he meets and falls in love with Melissa, the proverbial farmer's daughter. Jodie and Melissa grow closer as Melissa begins to reveal the strange, dark history of her family. Fox Hal K. Dawson Frank Jansen Ellen Bailey. Ken Carlson Doug Rigney.

The touch of satan movie

The film was shot between and in the Santa Ynez, California area and featured early work by movie makeup artist Joe Blasco , cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth , and composer Robert O. The film was relatively obscure, playing only in drive-in theaters and dollar movie houses until a appearance on the series Mystery Science Theater A farmer is murdered by an elderly insane woman with a burned face. After stabbing the farmer and accidentally setting his barn on fire, the woman stumbles home to her family. The family, an older couple and a young woman, argue about the best way to handle the situation and make vague references that the elderly woman may have killed people in the past. The scene then switches to the main character, a young man named Jodie who is on an open-ended car trip across America to find himself and discover whether or not he wishes to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer. Jodie stops at a small pond to have lunch and meets Melissa, the teenage girl from the previous scene. They banter briefly and she convinces him to come visit her family on their walnut farm , despite the intense distress this offer causes her parents. The young couple grows increasingly close, despite the frightening presence of the elderly woman and various clues dropped along the way that Melissa is, in fact, a year-old witch and the birth sister of the elderly insane woman, whom she has referred to Jodie as being her great-grandmother. When the old woman murders a deputy policeman in front of Jodie, Melissa confesses that she is a cursed witch and is possessed by Satan. Jodie refuses to believe this, so Melissa reveals in a dream-sequence that her sister was burned as a witch by an angry mob of villagers in the 19th century. Melissa was so distressed by the sight of her sister being burned at the stake that she offered her soul to Satan in order to gain the power to save her.

Among the two dozen or so movies on the old Bottom list was "The Touch of Satan". How long is The Touch of Satan? However, that probably isn't going to happen.

The Touch of Satan is a horror film. It was directed by Don Henderson, and it starred Michael Berry in his only film role and Emby Mellay in one of two movie appearances. The film was shot in in the Santa Ynez, California area and featured the early work from makeup artist Joe Blasco. The film was relatively obscure until a appearance this episode on the series Mystery Science Theater , where the film was mocked for its low budget and bad acting. The movie begins with the murder of a farmer by an elderly insane woman with terribly burned facial features.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jump to Summaries 2 Synopsis 1 Edit. A young man meets a farm girl who is actually a witch. On his way to California, Jodie decides on a whim to make a brief side trip to a farm, where he meets and falls in love with Melissa, the proverbial farmer's daughter. Or so it seems. In between the overlong dramatic pauses, we learn that Melissa is in fact a year-old witch, and her remarkably spry "great-grandmother," Lucinda, is actually her sister, who has been pitchforking people to death in her spare time.

The touch of satan movie

The film was shot between and in the Santa Ynez, California area and featured early work by movie makeup artist Joe Blasco , cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth , and composer Robert O. The film was relatively obscure, playing only in drive-in theaters and dollar movie houses until a appearance on the series Mystery Science Theater A farmer is murdered by an elderly insane woman with a burned face.

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There is just a certain something that makes it enjoyable to me. Dawson Mr. This is another one of those movies where you get the feeling the filmmakers didn't have enough material to make it a feature-length, so they compensated by putting long, slow pauses. Hollywood Power Couples. A farmer inspects a noise in his barn, which we can see came from a doll. Sign In Sign In. Not to mention, considering Jodie and Melissa are supposed to be budding lovers, it seems odd that they still share so many uncomfortably long pauses. More like this. The Touch of Satan PG 1h 30m. The film was shot between and in the Santa Ynez, California area and featured early work by movie makeup artist Joe Blasco , cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth , and composer Robert O. Sure, it's slow and features some awkward dialogue and acting but the movie creates an effective, hazy atmosphere as we hang out on the woman's family farm and ramble towards the downbeat ending. So now Lucinda is posing as her Great-grandmother until the deal can be broken. Unlike good older movies, which are often happy accidents of inspiration, zeitgeist, and talent, the addition of modern 'gee-whiz' MTV jump cuts, CGI, and hot young actors would add a lot of visual interest to the proceedings, and would help frame the mildly interesting plot in a flattering way that held the viewer's attention. No, he's too much in love with Melissa, a drab farmgirl with minimal beauty whose claims of Witchy-ness cannot penetrate Jody's thick skull and sound any sort of alarm bells.

The film was shot between and in the Santa Ynez, California area and featured early work by movie makeup artist Joe Blasco , cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth , and composer Robert O.

The movie begins with the murder of a farmer by an elderly insane woman with terribly burned facial features. Even Mike and the robots struggle along in this one. Ironic Echo Cut : At the start of the movie, a farmer being killed transitions to Melissa and her family laughing pleasantly. The director of photography, Jordan Cronenweth, would eventually shoot the similarly dense and otherworldly Altered States and even lesser work like Blade Runner sorry, cinebros. The Touch of Satan is a horror film. USA PG. Alternative Title s : Touch Of Satan. Horrid looking actors, horrid directing and film editing, and let's not forget the horrid dialogue. While the film is bad, it's not horrid. How is this film stupid?

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