The bear story extra questions

Ans: The lady gave milk to the half-dead bear and brought him up.

These have been crafted by our subject-matter experts so as to give the students the most standard solution to every question. People are scared of bears. But in this story, the bear has been taken care of by a lady. He is an obedient, cheerful and vegetarian bear. He plays with dogs and obeys what his mistress says.

The bear story extra questions

During past few years, a number of surveys on students were made to better understand their problems regarding their studies and their basic requirement. Answer: The lady gave milk to the half-dead bear and brought him up. The bear was friendly towards the dogs, children and other cattle grazing in the field. Question 2: How did the bear grow up a vegetarian? Answer: The bear cub was brought up on milk bottle. He was kept on bread, vegetables and fruit. He never tasted meat. So, he grew up a vegetarian. Question 3: Why did the bear climb up a tree and ate the apples? Answer: The bear was fond of apples. He saw the apple trees in the orchard. He could not resist the temptation and climbed up the tree and ate the apples. Question 4: How was the bear punished when he attacked a beehive? Answer: i The bear was hit on the nose, which bled.

Later when the lady returned home, she get to know from the cook the bear did not move from his kennel and looking towards the gate the whole time for her to return. She feeds him on milk bottle. Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks.

Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Marks. Word — Meaning from the given chapter:. Ans: A large country house that has lands. Ans: In a friendly manner. Ans: Desire. Ans: Threatening.

These have been crafted by our subject-matter experts so as to give the students the most standard solution to every question. People are scared of bears. But in this story, the bear has been taken care of by a lady. He is an obedient, cheerful and vegetarian bear. He plays with dogs and obeys what his mistress says. He goes for walks with her. There is a twist in the climax. Excited to know? Read the story in the textbook and find the solutions here.

The bear story extra questions

Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up? Ans: The lady found the bear cub in the forest near her house. She brought it up by feeding him milk from a bottle. It was a small and helpless baby when she found him. Give three examples to prove this. He sat outside his kennel and looked with his intelligent eyes amicably at the cattle grazing in the field. The children rode his back and have been found more than once sleeping harmlessly in his kennel between his two paws. The three dogs loved to play various games with him. They used to tease him by pulling his ears.

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Answer: The small bear was half dead of hunger. Answer: The lady found him in the forest, almost half dead of bunger. Ans: The lady is very kind. Download Now. Ans: The bear was being punished by his mistress for the following reasons—. Answer: The bear was called as a most amiable bear because he could not harm anybody. Answer: The bear was fond of apples. The extra and important questions for Class 7 English Chapter 8 - The Bear Story engage in a concept-focused discussion, encompassing all chapter themes. This captivating chapter not only entertains but also imparts valuable lessons on kindness and the significance of preserving the delicate balance between humans and the animal kingdom. The bear was friendly towards the dogs, children and other cattle grazing in the field. Ans: — She was very fond of pet bear. The bear was punished by his mistress for this deed by getting tied up with the chain for two days.

Class 7 English The Bear Story extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers.

He was the favourite of both the lady and the cook. Ans: a bear as a pet. Ans: — Because she was very angry with him. This made the old cook very angry ad rushed out from the kitchen because the bear did not move from his kennel the whole day. The bear was so small and helpless and then he was brought up by the lady and her old cook to her house. Question 1. Sometimes she punishes the bear for his bad behaviour. The three dogs loved to play all sorts of games with the bear by pulling his ears and his stump of a tail and by teasing him in every way. She saved the bear from punishment. Why was the bear looking sorry for himself in the evening? He was a gentle animal. Ans: — Like other wild animals, he died not dream of harming anybody, neither man nor beast. She did not want him to come with her and suggested him to go back home, but the bear kept on sniffing at her.

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