

Fans of Stargate SG-1 will know Teal'c tealc fond of saying "Indeed," but exactly how many times did he utter this catchphrase over the course of the series? The Stargate franchise kicked off with the film, tealc, directed by blockbuster auteur Roland Emmerich Independence Day, tealc.

He did have sincere emotional moments too, particularly when his family was involved, when his team was threatened, or when his honor or freedom was impugned. His rebellion against Apophis meant he had to leave his family on Chulak, seeking to protect them from the fallout of his choice, but the result is that his wife and son are ostracized from Jaffa society. In the process, he discovers his wife has married another Jaffa, one who is able to provide for her and her son without the threat of excommunication. He resolves to help them, and to free the other Jaffa that have been enslaved there, but he struggles to return to his old physical abilities. He blames a warrior called Arkad, who is known to be especially cruel, and becomes ruthless as he hunts for him. He has had to confront his trauma from his years as a slave under Apophis, as well as learning to accept past events that can no longer be changed.


SG-1 was one of the main genre shows of the turn of the century, running from to It depicted the adventure of an elite military unit operating alien technology capable of instantly travelling to other worlds. The show has 10 seasons, 2 movies, and was a spin-off from the original, Stargate movie. This profile covers the first eight seasons of Stargate SG For more context, please refer to our Stargate Command article. Among other things, he once lied to Apophis to protect a fellow Jaffa from punishment and discovered that Apophis could not detect his falsehood. They were merely beings of great technological power. But their duties kept them from seeing one another very often. He usually has a neutral expression, though his eyes convey great depth that belies his flat affect. His strongest reaction to most things that amuse, puzzle, or annoy him is a simple raising of a single eyebrow. This is an abstract curved snake-like figure within two concentric ovals, the outer oval open on top, etched on the center of his forehead. This once marked him as the First Prime of Apophis in contrast to the normal black tattoo seal most Jaffa wear. But in the last couple of years has allowed his hair to grow out, though it remains short-cropped. The first is his independence of thought. Though he will not meekly submit to domination, he will dedicate himself to a higher cause.

I watched him tremble with fear at what lay beyond. However, tealc, Dr. After Mitchell and Lt.

As a younger man, Teal'c learned that Apophis was not a God. During his tenure as First Prime, Teal'c was forced to commit many atrocities in his so-called god's name, although he would always try to influence Apophis' decision making. In , Teal'c eventually gained the strength and courage to finally abandon his service and devotion to the Goa'uld forever which he achieved by defecting from Apophis and joining the Tau'ri , Teal'c pledging his loyalty to Stargate Command and also the cause of the Jaffa Rebellion and played a key role in establishing the Free Jaffa Nation. Teal'c is years old, having aged fifty years after being trapped on board the Odyssey during the Battle of the Asgard Legacy. Teal'c informs Bra'tac that he is now the First Prime of Apophis. Chosen because it means "strength" in the Goa'uld language , Teal'c was named by his father, Ronac. He was born on an unidentified world under the control of the System Lord Cronus circa , where his father served as Cronus' First Prime.

Teal'c has proven himself to be a warrior of outstanding integrity and conviction and an invaluable member of SG As a Jaffa, Teal'c's life has been extended by the symbiotes he has carried since childhood. He was born over years ago, his birthdate roughly corresponding to April 11, by the Earth calendar, and he was given the name Teal'c, meaning "strength," by his father, Ronac. Ronac was the First Prime of Cronus when Teal'c was a child. He was commanded to attack a more powerful Goa'uld in an impossible battle, and following his inevitable defeat, he was killed by Cronus in a slow and painful death. Teal'c and his mother were exiled and fled to Chulak, where young Teal'c, driven by vengeance, vowed to become the strongest Jaffa he could so that one day he would be named the First Prime of Apophis, sworn enemy of Cronus.


The couple has a month-old girl and Judge has three other children, ages 15, 11 and 9. He and castmate Michael Shanks Dr. Daniel Jackson are close friends and have a production company together. Well, you are the incarnation of what people wonder about. So how you behave, how you move, everything is something people have debated forever. I think there is a natural attraction to the alien character because you are the visual personification of what they are still wondering about. Judge: In all honesty, I guess it started around season six or seven, when Rick — Richard Dean Anderson — wanted to do less and take episodes off. Amanda Tapping, who plays Lt. Carter and Michael Shanks already talked a lot, so somebody had to pick up the slack.

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The only visible sign of his age is a streak of grey hair on his right head, although his skills and physique appear otherwise unaffected. Having come from a male-dominated culture, he has developed tremendous admiration for Carter, both as a scientist and a warrior. He made an impassioned speech to the Jaffa , urging them to rebel. Christopher Judge had worked with Richard Dean Anderson before. SG1 : " Bloodlines ". Many Rebel Jaffa defected back to the Goa'uld. The producers eventually allowed the actors to show how much their characters care about and respect each other, although the characters may not get on with one another. Although Nyan was then forced to return with SG-1 to Earth after such an open betrayal, he expressed hope to Teal'c that he would some day be able to return and share his discoveries with them. Stargate: Continuum. However, even with such an influential new husband, Drey'auc was unable to prevent Apophis from abducting Rya'c and brainwashing him into publicly denouncing his father. SG1 : " Avatar ". Axel Sundelin. When the Rebel Jaffa acquired a new leader in the form of K'tano , Teal'c was just as impressed by this new leader as his fellow Jaffa, even as he acknowledged to O'Neill's concerns that K'tano's tactics, such as suicide bombings, bore little real difference to the way the Goa'uld had treated the Jaffa for so long. There he learned that Drey'auc had had her marriage removed and had married his old friend Fro'tak, however Fro'tak's jealousy led to his death.

List of Appearances. Christopher Judge , Richard Dean Anderson. Teal'c was born in

Henceforth, he shall be known as Bloodkin to all Jaffa. Ishta is the leader of the female Jaffa on Hak'tyl. Unfortunately, the game quickly became too tough for Teal'c, drawing on his memories of combat to increase the danger he faced in each scenario, to the point that the game would not even let Teal'c leave via the game failsafe as it recognized that Teal'c would normally never quit. During a meditation, Daniel had a subconscious flashback, seeing Rya'c and Bra'tac as slaves on Erebus. Nyan was able to use a device to repair Teal'c's vision to a point where he was able to rescue his friends. This once marked him as the First Prime of Apophis in contrast to the normal black tattoo seal most Jaffa wear. To stop this, Teal'c proposed that they take Dakara , to shatter the Goa'uld's image as gods. Teal'c went on a quest for revenge by killing Arkad , a Jaffa that he believed to be the one responsible for the attacks Although Bra'tac noted that Arkad had also played a role in the death of Teal'c's mother. When Atlantis is discovered to be coming under attack from Queen Death , SG-1 travels to the city to aid in the battle. Sign In Register. He was born on a world under the control of Cronus circa , where his father served as Cronus' First Prime. In the beginning of SG-1 , Teal'c's forehead symbol consisted of three parts, and it took about an hour to apply the parts to Judge's forehead.

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