
To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, tattoine.

This site has limited support for your browser. We recommend switching to Edge, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Shop Neopixel Lightsabers from Tatooine Sabers and experience the finest custom lightsabers available. From durable blades and amazing sound effects to super bright LEDs and quality craftsmanship, these lightsabers are built for battle. To create a quality lightsaber that is safe and easy to use for entertainment and cosplay. He plays with this lightsaber every day and has nothing but fun with it. This saber is a fantastic piece,the lights are vibrant and the sounds are perfect


In the days of the Empire and the Republic, many settlers scratched out a living on moisture farms, while spaceport cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa served as home base for smugglers, criminals, and other rogues. Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker both once called Tatooine home, although across the stars it was more widely known as a hive of scum and villainy ruled by the crime boss Jabba the Hutt. Tatooine is a bleak planet with little to recommend it except its location at a juncture of important Outer Rim trade routes. The Hutts controlled the planet during the final years of the Republic , operating beyond the reach of galactic law. Slaves were common sights in the slums of cities such as Mos Espa , kept obedient by implanted chips planted that could be remotely detonated in case of an escape attempt. Two such slaves were Shmi Skywalker and her son Anakin , both owned by the Toydarian junk dealer Watto. He got his chance when the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn visited the shop seeking parts for a damaged hyperdrive. Qui-Gon manipulated Watto into betting on a Podrace, a dangerous spectator sport beloved by the Hutts and their vassals. Anakin won the Podrace and his freedom, leaving Tatooine with Qui-Gon. Ten years after he left Tatooine, Anakin dreamt repeatedly that Shmi was in peril. He returned to the desert planet, where he learned that a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars had bought Shmi from Watto and then married her. But Shmi had been captured by Tusken Raiders a month before. Anakin found his mother held captive in a Tusken camp, where she died in his arms.

The Imperials blockaded Tatooine to prevent the droids from escaping, and began a thorough tattoine of Mos Eisley, tattoine. Sometime after his victory over Darth KraytCade Skywalker landed on the planet as a fugitive.

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It's about as out-of-this-world as a planet can get—a harsh, desert world that orbits twin suns, home to marauding "Sand People," miniature cloaked Jawas and fiendish Hutts. With its semi-arid and desert climates, southern Tunisia was a fitting double for Tatooine. Tunisia is also home to Tatooine's namesake. While Lucas wanted the planet to be called Utapau, it came to his attention when filming Episode IV that the name resembled that of a female character in Star Trek. He proceeded to name the planet after the Tunisian city of Tataouine, which he and his crew used as a base to reach nearby sets. From ancient Berber homes to a manmade desert igloo, here are real and imagined places of planet Tatooine you can visit today:. Despite being outlawed elsewhere in the galaxy, slavery persisted in Tatooine, especially in the spaceport of Mos Espa. Here, Anakin and his mother Schmi Skywalker lived in slave quarters under the supervision of Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer.


Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Remove this notice when finished. It was part of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing [19]. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run.


Archived from the original on February 3, They couldn't pay for it in the currency that the dealer with the replacement, Watto , wanted. He and his followers were ultimately defeated by a gang of mercenaries located on-world. While Bridger sought a way to destroy the Sith, Maul wanted his final revenge, and manipulated Ezra into drawing Kenobi out. Djarin offered to help with this. Two major spaceport locations have been shown on Tatooine:. It is a harsh and unforgiving world, but it is also home to some of the most important characters in the Star Wars saga. Sizzling Secret: How Hot is a Lightsaber? Keplerb is light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus the swan. With further questioning from Latts, Ventress specified that the being she feared was a monster: Savage Opress. Weapons Blaster Lightsaber. It was part of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Sci-fi Star Wars.

In the days of the Empire and the Republic, many settlers scratched out a living on moisture farms, while spaceport cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa served as home base for smugglers, criminals, and other rogues. Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker both once called Tatooine home, although across the stars it was more widely known as a hive of scum and villainy ruled by the crime boss Jabba the Hutt.

This site has limited support for your browser. This was the case for the people who discovered Tatooine as they first thought Tatooine was in fact a star until they approached and discovered that it was a desert planet. There was a settlers' saying that one's eyes burn out faster by staring straight and hard at sun-scorched flatlands than by looking directly at the suns. Utapau, as noted above, was ultimately renamed Tatooine. The Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn meets Anakin after making an emergency landing on the planet, and helps him win his freedom. In , the US space agency NASA published an article which stated that many of the newly discovered astronomical bodies possessed scientifically confirmed properties that are similar to planets in the fictional Star Wars universe. The most significant material cut was a series of scenes set in the township of Anchorhead which served to introduce the characters of Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter. Rain was incredibly rare on Tatooine, coming once a year , decade , or century. Han accidentally sent Boba Fett into the Pit and Leia strangled Jabba to death with a chain, as Luke battled the Hutt's many guards with his new lightsaber, thereby fragmenting Jabba the Hutt's empire. While alone, Shand told him that Mando was a traitor to the guild and that the bounty on him was worth a great deal more than her bounty. Djarin left, but Vanth said he'd think about it.

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