synonyme de mentionner

Synonyme de mentionner

Jan Huitema, rapporteur. Voor mij was het een enorme eer om deze onderhandelingen namens het Europees Parlement te mogen leiden. Voor het Europees Parlement waren de volgende zaken van enorm belang en die zijn volgens mij ook duidelijk opgenomen in de uitkomst van de trialoog, synonyme de mentionner.

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Synonyme de mentionner


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Translation of mentionner — French-English dictionary. Add to word list Add to word list. Veuillez mentionner vos hobbies sur la fiche ci-jointe. Examples of mentionner. The resolution neglects to mention this.

Synonyme de mentionner

Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as National Aboriginal Day-a day to honour the First Peoples of this land. It is very strange that the government would mention the unique character of Quebec society and the diversity inherent in the federation and yet not mention equality. I regret the fact that time does not allow me to comment on all aspects of what I truly believe is an enlightened framework, but there are a few more points I would like to mention. They do not want to talk about the fact that in unemployment rates were I would like to mention some examples of this commitment, for instance a balanced budget no later than Unfortunately I will not have time to go through the whole folder today but I can promise members they will hear about it all over the coming weeks. The hon. I would like to congratulate all of last night's winners and nominees and make particular mention of two of my constituents. In the Speech from the Throne we talked about the surplus which now exists in the treasury but we did not hear about how it was brought about. Although I realize that so many numbers are difficult to follow they must be in the parliamentary record in fairness to future generations.

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Look what's happening in the United States is to electrification. Tworzy parasol ochronny. Our original plan was the Common Regional Market, and this is what we have proposed together with the Economic and Investment Plan. So if industry thinks they can build cars with combustion engines, that can lead to zero emission, they're free to do that. And how will you prevent further hurdles and requirements that are not part of the accession process? It is necessary in order not to undermine the standard of international law that has been achieved since the Second World War, and to make it absolutely clear that waging a war of aggression is a crime and those responsible will be brought to justice. Online harassment, hate speech, trolling, disinformation, image—based sexual abuse is a daily reality for women and girls, and it prevents them from fully participating in politics and civic action. Mick Wallace The Left. Now we see that amendments are put forward in the Parliament, which are going against the Venice Commission recommendations, and it seems that we are not getting any closer to delivering on the key priorities. But when we ask ourselves how to empower women in the digital world, we first need to make sure that the internet is a safe place and accessible for us. Dat is waarom we ervoor moeten zorgen dat de Europese Unie zich aansluit bij dit verdrag en het zo snel mogelijk ratificeert.


And I want to thank both the Commissioner and the Minister for your ambition in relation to this at the UN. We have witnessed almost two years of political instability and we still do not have a new government in place. Auch in London. We must follow up with massive investment in public transport, in accessible public services, in affordable electricity and rural infrastructure. Non chiamatele "auto pulite", "a zero emissioni", altrimenti vi chiederemo di chiamare anche le centrali nucleari "centrali pulite", "centrali a zero emissioni". Alessandra Basso, a nome del gruppo ID. Sono passati sei anni, lo ricordava la Commissaria, dalla firma dell'Unione europea alla Convenzione di Istanbul. So I want you to support the new government. Lassen Sie mich noch etwas zum Thema E-Fuels sagen. Es freut mich, dass Innovation und digitale Bildung heute auch im Mittelpunkt unserer Debatte stehen. They need the young people to use this money and to get the country away from the interference of third countries and into the European Union. Johan Nissinen ECR. By the way, I think the European car industry has made that choice very clearly already, and they went they went a long way in the last three or four years in understanding where the global car industry is heading. Seit Jahren werden die Emissionen im Verkehrssektor nicht weniger — zum Teil steigen sie sogar. But can you please confirm that this is not only the change of the constitution but also the respect of the treaty from , which — it is very important to mention and to emphasise the treaty — which, with the two protocols, are also something which the Commission is monitoring for the starting of the negotiations?

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