south indian rape

South indian rape

I contend that recent filmmakers have begun to arguably reframe the narratives of rape victim-survivors and disrupting the cultural of silence described above. They offer progressive and multi-faceted representations of these experiences, such that there is an opportunity for a dialogue within both private and public spheres. Instead, south indian rape, their characterisation shows that they have agency and autonomy, but south indian rape the same time struggle with the repercussions of speaking out against their perpetrators in a society that does not support them wholly. Shrivastava, N.

Actor and producer Dileep, 55, is accused of arranging the abduction and sexual assault of an actress in , while Franco Mulakkal, 57, the former bishop of the Jalandhar diocese in the northern state of Punjab, is at the centre of allegations that he raped a nun 13 times. The alleged victim in the first case is an actress who worked in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films. She was abducted in Kochi and assaulted in her car for two hours on Feb 17, Some of the 10 people subsequently accused of being connected with the case recorded the assault on video. A few months later, Mr Dileep was arrested for allegedly paying off those involved in the assault and for the video recording. He was detained for three months in July and is now out on bail. In the other case, the nun, aged around 45, filed a police complaint in June that the former bishop raped her repeatedly between to when he visited her Missionaries of Jesus congregation in Kottayam city in Kerala, which is part of his diocese.

South indian rape

Representational image. In February the actress was sexually abused in a moving car in Ernakulam district by a gang allegedly hired by Dileep, one of the top actors of the Malayalam film industry. Dileep, who has denied all charges, is out on bail after having spent more than 80 days in judicial custody. The other accused persons are in prison pending trial. The actress, who has since limited herself to Kannada and Telugu films although she has now started reading some Malayalam scripts after being encouraged by top filmmakers and actors such as Prithviraj and Jayasurya, recounted during the interview her trauma and the moments she felt she would give up. But having come across instances of abuse endured by several women who have since been in touch with her, she came around to the view that, come what may, the fight for justice would continue till the end. They have kept this trauma within themselves because they are scared to open up. They are scared this might affect their life, happiness, career, profession and mental peace…. What would have happened to my life? Although she had the complete support of her husband, family, friends and the larger public, she did feel lonely while facing the trial. I almost felt like it was me versus the world. Those 15 days in court also helped her realise that she was a survivor and not the victim anymore.

He said that unlike many other sexual harassment cases, all witnesses had turned up, and insisted that there was ample medical and corroborative evidence.

Any true-blue Punekar loves to have an endless conversation about their love for the city at the drop of a hat. Jhund actress Sayli Patil is no different. Television sensation Shwetha Khelge celebrated her 28th birthday with an exuberant celebration, giving fans a glimpse into the festivities on her Instagram handle. The celebration resonated deeply with admirers and industry peers, offering a visual feast and a genuine portrayal of warmth and camaraderie. Renowned South Indian actress Rambha continues to captivate fans not only with her iconic roles but also by sharing glimpses of her family life on Instagram.

For the first time since her abduction and assault in , South Indian actress Bhavana Menon took to her social media to open up about her trauma. The journey from being a victim to becoming a survivor. In , the actress was allegedly assaulted in a moving vehicle by a gang of men. Actor Dileep is one of the accused in the case and has been named as the alleged mastermind behind the attack, which was orchestrated to settle personal scores. The incident played a catalyst in the formation of the Women In Cinema Collective, an organisation to protect female actors in the Malayalam film industry, through which Menon had issued statements in the past.

South indian rape

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New York: W. Except in certain aggravated situations, the punishment will be imprisonment for not less than 7 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. At this time, for the audience, the extent of sexual violence that has occurred between them is unclear. The story of marital rape. On Saturday, the husband and wife posted a video detailing their account of the assault at knifepoint. Barton JL. On the same reasoning, Section A was to be deleted. The director called the police who arrived at the house and recorded the actor's statements. Although the television series deals with relevant issues such as bisexuality, stigma of menstruation and realisation of womanhood, it is an incident of workplace sexual violence and harassment between Ayesha and her boss, Deepak Sanghvi Manish Choudhary , that brings these women together. This is an important decision made by both filmmakers to go against the traditional representations of rapists as men who belong to the lower class. In this article, rape is discussed from legal and mental health perspective. In the two media texts that I examine in this chapter, we see that the filmmakers focus on the figure of the urban rapist and perpetrator and shifts away from the common representation of gender-based violence as an issue that is faced by people who exist on society's margins. As their relationship develops, he reminds her that he is a man with a criminal past who has committed three murders and is on the run.

Her face was swollen and bruised.

Childhood sex abuse increases risk for drug dependence in adult women. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3. Rape in India is one of the most common crimes against women[ 3 ] and a serious national problem. After she is fired, she smokes and drinks to grieve and make sense of her job loss. Faller KC. Meanwhile, the trial involving the nun, which began in Nov , came to what many in Kerala described as a "shocking" end last week. According to national crime statistics between and , Kerala recorded the second-highest number of rape cases in India, after Rajasthan, and that in 98 per cent of the cases, the victims knew their assailants. My husband thought I was having an affair with him. Gardner JF. Certain changes have been introduced in the CrPC, and IEA, like the recording of statement of the victim has been made more friendly and easy, character of the victim is irrelevant for consideration, presumption of no consent where sexual intercourse is proved and the victim states in the court that there has been no consent, etc. Often, family members persuade and coax them to remain quiet, and, if they choose to speak up, they blame them for bringing dishonour and shame to the family. However, it offers only a civil remedy for the offence. Two rape trials stir controversy in south Indian state of Kerala.

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